Hi everyone!!!
What a busy, busy time we have had in Primary 5 since returning after our summer holidays
We’ve been settling into our new routine and all the new work that we will be completing! We’ve moved up from working at ‘First Level’ and are now working at ‘Second Level.’ Everyone should be so proud of themselves for all the hard work and effort they have been putting into all our activities!
Miss Fox was back in our class for a couple of weeks whilst Mrs Wotherspoon was off and it was lovely to have her back! She’s now off on maternity leave and hopefully, we’ll get a visit from her and the twins once they’ve arrived.
In class we have been working on lots of different literacy activities including writing, spelling and grammar. In numeracy we have been focussing on place value. We played some outdoor games in the sunshine practising rounding numbers. Soon we will be moving on to addition and subtraction.
Our class topic is ‘Mary, Queen of Scots’ and we have all really enjoyed this so far! We have been up to the woods with Mrs Hudson-Price, Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Watson for outdoor learning and, on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons we have been enjoying spending time in the outdoor classroom exploring the mud kitchen and playing foos-ball.
We have also started two new languages in class, Spanish which we are going to be focussing on until the October holidays and on Thursday, we started sign-language. We are learning the alphabet first then we’ll be moving onto greetings.
Homework will start Monday 25th of September after the September weekend and short 3 day week back. We all have new Teams log-in details and have access to this too!
Massive well done to everyone for all their hard work and enthusiasm so far, you are all doing fantastic and are such superstars!! Big well done P5!! Enjoy your September weekend, can’t wait to hear all about it next week!