Fantastic start to Primary 1S

What a fantastic start we have had in Primary 1S!

Every one has settled into St Mary’s well and we have all been enjoying learning and playing together. We are all doing very, showing the school values, and are super proud of how we have settled in. I am sure you will agree we all look very smart in our school uniforms.


We have enjoyed learning numbers, especially writing numbers 1 to 4, concentrating on our pencil grip. We have also done super work in learning our first four phonics sounds using Read Write Inc. The sounds we have learned are  m a s d.


Our P7 Buddies have helped us during break and lunch time as well as spend time with us in class, this week we read stories together.

We have had time to explore the our door classroom and use the school “Trim Trail” as well as having a go of the school bikes and scooters. During the first two weeks we have also enjoyed PE, Music and French as well as lots of time to play together. It has been such a busy time for us all.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!




2 thoughts on “Fantastic start to Primary 1S”

  1. Looks like the children are settling in well and having lots of fun 😊 thank you for the wonderful update

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