Well, what a busy week we’ve all had and it has been fantastic! A Big thank you to all the organisations that have participated and our Health & Wellbeing team for organising such a great, fun filled week
Our week started with Handball, Judo and a visit to Polbeth Bowling Club. The sunshine was lovely and the walk from school to the bowling club was a lovely rest in between activities.
We then started our afternoon on the Smoothie Bike; we worked in groups, prepped our fruit and had to cycle to blend all the ingredients together. It was then time to watch the P6/P7’s vs The Teachers at Netball.
Wednesday morning started with PE with Mrs McMaster before going out to the back playground to plant trees. The team work P5 showed when completing this activity was amazing! Then we had sports with Mr Boles and he introduced us to two new games that we’re going to keep playing – Jedi Dodgeball and Pirate Ships!
Since Sports Day has been postponed due to the weather we spent out rainy Wednesday afternoon designing and creating Shrek props for the summer show.
Thursday was another very busy day with a Vital team workout, Martial Arts and SMK Dance. It was a very tiring morning!
And our Thursday finished with a lovely class talk with Nicole Lind, who plays football for Linlithgow Rose. The children were very respectful, asked great questions and showed so much interest in what she was telling everyone. Some children even got to try on her kits and play with her ‘red and yellow’ cards.
Today was our last day of Health Week so we started it off with healthy fruit kebabs for our breakfast! We had mango, pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, melon, watermelon, plums and kiwis. Everyone was challenged to try a new fruit they hadn’t had before and so many of the children tried – big well done!
We then finished off our morning with some First Aid training.
What a great week and massive well done to all of the children trying new activities!! You have all done so well and deserve a lovely, chilled weekend!
See you all on Monday!