St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

October 4, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 4th October 2024

This week has been a very busy week in P2/1.

We have been learning all about the sound ‘a’. We have been reading and writing words using the sounds we have learned so far. It was great fun to use the mini telephones to hear our words clearly. We have been reading ‘The Baddies’ by Julia Donaldson and we wrote a sentence about who our favourite character is.  We are looking forward to going to see the stage show next week.

In science, we investigated our sense of smell using the silly scent pens. Some of them were very nice but some of them were not!

In RE, we have been learning about Mary and the Rosary. We looked at the Rosary Beads Miss Stebbing has and we put them on our altar. We worked together to colour in a stained glass window for our RE wall.

In maths, we used apples to count and then order from the smallest to the biggest. We then used a stick puppet of the ghost from The Baddies book to look at different prepositions.

On Thursday for PE we took part in a football session and we were all very tired but we had great fun.

We have had three visitors to finish our World of Work fortnight. We loved learning about being a nurse, a careers advisor and about working in the Tesco distribution centre.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Hallie – I enjoyed learning about being a nurse.

Martha – I enjoyed doing the silly scent pens.

Vihaan – I enjoyed writing about The Baddies.

Zenith – I enjoyed learning about football.

Amariah – I enjoyed learning about letters.

Vivaan – I enjoyed writing the letter a.


Congratulations to Joseph who is our Hot Chocolate winner this week. He always tries hard in all his learning activities and is a good friend to others.

October 4, 2024
by Mrs McLaughlin

St Francis Assembly

Some of our school family joined together this morning to learn all about St Francis of Assisi on his Feast Day. We learned all about how he spread the word of God across many faiths. This quote from a Primary 2 sums up how we are like St Francis.

‘Our school is like a puzzle; we are all different pieces but when we fit together it is perfect’


October 4, 2024
by Mr McGurn

P7A Weekly Update by Lead Learners Francesca and Aarya

Dear Parents,

Here’s what we were learning this week in Primary 7A:

On Monday for science we made salt crystals just by using salt and hot water, it was really fun!

On Tuesday we done mime for drama, the hard part was that we couldn’t speak so we had to make our meaning clear through actions. And after school there was the first St. Margaret’s transitions.

On Wednesday, we had a maths teacher from St Margaret’s teach us some maths and show us what to expect in High School.

We also did Mock court which is our topic. We had to do posters about our roles and what we do.

On Thursday we had outdoor learning, we played conkers and ate brambles and apples from the school woodlands.

On Friday we had a French online lesson from St. Margaret’s all about Halloween and we worked on data handling in maths.

Have a great weekend from

Francesca, Aarya, P7A and Mr McGurn


PS Ashlyn won the over and above hot chocolate this week so she’ll be Lead Learner next week.

October 4, 2024
by Miss MacGregor

P7B 4th October

Hello P7B families, it’s Fatima M and Veerica,  your weekly bloggers! 


 Our class has had a wonderful week as it was Mathematics Week Scotland, aka Maths Week Scotland. We have done loads of fun and engaging activities related to this. Here is a brief review of our week as a class: 


  • We were looking at maths in nature and we did some animal symmetry! 
  • As an activity for Maths Week Scotland, we made our own math tales about a shape, a number and this year’s mascot Finn Finity. 
  • Another thing that we did as part of Maths Week Scotland, we did some fun math activities with P5A outside in the playground. 
  • We dug deeper into the “why?” of shapes and had a look at “why?” the shapes that we see in everyday life are used in ways that make them incredibly convenient and strong. 
  • As a stem activity that related to the “why?” of shapes, we created structures out of cocktail stick and little gems sweets that would withstand Miss MacGregor’s incredible anger toward our structures which meant she would hurl them toward the whiteboard and the tables to make sure they were strong enough. Veerica also ended up eating the rest of the sweets that were left and trust me when I say there were a lot of sweets… 
  • We also had one of our weekly lessons from St. Margarets Academy and this time it was Halloween French Vocabulary. 
  • In Spanish this week, we drew around the body of a human from our class and labeled the body parts in Spanish. 
  • On Thursday, we as a class decided to take a breather and sit and read quietly for half an hour. We enjoyed the reading and felt ready to take on the rest of the day. 
  • The last important thing we did this week was take part in the school football team tryouts, we will get informed who has made the team and who has not after the October break! Good luck everyone! 


That’s all for this week. Tune in next Friday for more highlights and enjoy your weekend everybody! 

September 29, 2024
by wlclare.broadley@glow

Primary 3/2 Week Beginning 24.09.24

Dear Parents and Carers,

It’s been a very busy week in Primary 3/2 and we want to share some of our learning news with all of you.

This week we have been learning about The Ancient Egyptians as part of our topic. We located the position of Egypt and discussed the pharaohs.

During health, we continue to learn about The Zones of Regulation to support our emotional health. We focused on strategies to help us return to the green zone, when we are in the red, blue and yellow zones. In P.E we have been working on ball skills, focusing on passing and receiving accurately.

In Maths, we continue to study 3D shapes and this week concentrated on the properties; faces, vertices and edges.

Furthermore, in Literacy we have completed The Friendly Vampire comprehension task and we also made our own rap songs as part of spelling practice.

As part of R.E the children enjoyed making doves to represent the Holy Spirit.

In Spanish, we began learning to say our age.  We completed an activity using the Spanish numbers, where children had to count the candles on the birthday cake and say/write the correct age.

This week the Hot Chocolate Award goes to Maks for excellent effort and contributions in class! Congratulations Maks!

See you next week!
From Mrs Broadley & Miss Mushet x

September 29, 2024
by Mrs Lea
1 Comment

Primary 6A Learning Highlights 27/9/24

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 6A have had an exciting week taking part in the Sumdog competition. There were over 4000 schools competing and we manged to secure 23rd place on the leader board! We are all very proud of ourselves working together as a team and the final result! Here are some of our learning highlights:

Ishaan, Leanna and Damian- ” Making our Greek God posters was interesting as we were using lots of skills and working with a partner.”

Sophia and Zofia-  ” It was fun going to mass and listening to what Father Clement was teaching us.”

Logan and Bailey- ” Entering the Sumdog competition was good fun! ”

Aaron and Sophia- ” We enjoyed learning more about our consecration journey.”

Nell and Mia- ” Chapter sixteen of our class novel was exciting and it was good fun predicting what would happen next.”

Pixie, Sam and Hamnah- ” We enjoyed writing our own rescue stories.”

Congratulations to Hamnah who is our reading champion for the next couple of weeks.

Congratulations to Sophia who was nominated as our hot chocolate winner for excellent behaviour and hard work throughout the week!


Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Lea and P6A


September 28, 2024
by Maria Brown

P5B Week Beginning 23rd September 2024


Hello families of P5B!

Here are our highlights this week as recorded by the Blue table:

Nicolas and Scot both enjoyed the lesson when they designed shields.  This was a follow up to learning about shields and armour used in historical wars.  The children applied their learning of what different symbols and colours meant in their shields.

Georgia and Flynn both loved our lessons as part of our Climate Smart award.  We learned that it is predicted, that oil will run out in 2050, gas in 2070 and coal by 2090!  At the moment, only ¼ of the energy that is created around the world is from renewable resources.  We need this figure to change to 100%!  Throughout P5, the children will be exploring this subject in great detail.  If your child wants to rewatch one of the learning videos from this week, they can find it here:  Next week we will be learning about the harmful effects burning fossil fuels does to our world.

Anthony said the highlight of his week was completing his final draft of the newspaper article we have been planning, drafting and publishing over the last couple of weeks reporting on either The Maid of Norway’s death or King Alexander III’s death.  We are hoping to proudly show off these newspaper articles on Parent’s Evening so look out for these!

Olek has continued to love learning about the Stone of Destiny.

Amelia liked the lesson with Miss Smith about Zones of Regulation.

David enjoyed this week’s phonics lesson about double consonants and discovering the rule for when to use them in spelling.

Sean loved PE with Mr Pentland where the children played Dodgeball and Benchball.

My highlight was our Climate Smart lessons.  The children are enthusiastic learners. They engaged in some P6 maths (with the help of calculators) to work out the cost of various electrical items in the school.  Next week’s maths homework will link to this learning.  Please log in to Teams to access homework each week.  Thank you.

Congratulations to Jayden who was both this week’s hot chocolate award winner and Reading Champion!

The pictures below are some learning experiences from the last 2 weeks.  I did not create a blog post for last week given it was a short week.  I hope you enjoy them!

I hope you have a great weekend!

Mrs Brown

September 27, 2024
by Mrs Craig

Primary 2 – Weekly Update 27.9.24

We have had a fantastic week in Primary 2, with lots of excellent learning taking place!

We continued to learn about our senses and the children wrote fantastic senses poems about their favourite things.

Our new sounds this week were ‘ch’ and ‘tch’.  We also looked at plurals and learned when we should add ‘s’ to a word and when we should add ‘es’.  Ask your child and see if they can remember!

In Maths, we continued to work on the numbers from 0 to 100.  We did some skip counting in 2’s and looked at the number before and after.  We also carried out some problem solving work in small groups.

We were scheduled for outdoor learning on Thursday, unfortunately due to the terrrible torrential rain we didn’t manage to get out.  It did clear up in the afternoon but many of the children did not have suitable outdoor shoes, therefore we decided to wait until next week.  It would be amazing if the children could try to bring waterproof shoes and jackets for then.  Here are a few pictures of us enjoying the outdoors over the past few weeks:

We made self portraits using materials we found in the woodlands:


Big congratulations to our hot chocolate winner this week, Posy!  Posy is always very well behaved, helps around the classroom and works very hard.

Our new reading champion is Maja!  Maja is a fantastic example to other children, reading quietly and sensibly during ERIC time and showing great enthusiasm for reading.

We hope you all have a great weekend!






September 27, 2024
by Mr McGurn

P7A Weekly Update by Lead Learners Julia & Emili

Dear Parents,

Here’s what we got up to in P7A this week:

On Monday we were doing art in the style of Mondrian.

On Tuesday we did mime in drama in groups of three or four.

On Wednesday we split up into defenders and pursuers and we were getting ready for Mock Court. We also made delicious apple crumble.

On Thursday we went up to Dechmont Law to look for conkers.   

On Friday we were writing a plan for instructions on how to make an apple crumble.

Francesca was this week’s Over and Above winner and will be Lead Learner with Aarya next week.

Have a great weekend,

Julia and Emili and Primary 7A.


September 27, 2024
by Miss Duddy

Primary 3 Learning Highlights 27th September

This week has been very busy for our Primary 3s.

We began the week having fun with Mr Pentland exploring Minecraft Education and introducing our new spelling pattern of the week which was long ‘I’ sound using the patterns i-e, igh and y.

We have developed our knowledge of skip counting in 4s and did some challenging activities around this. We also explored different shapes and using 2D and 3D shapes, cubes and chalk, we built and designed lots of different structures and pictures using our shapes.

We had fun doing active spelling activities solidifying our knowledge of our spelling pattern.

We introduced our new Ancient Egypt topic and had time to think about what we would like to learn about Ancient Egypt.

We revisited friendship and discussed why it is important to be kind and loving towards our friends.

Katies highlight of the week this week has been getting her extra choosing time for her secret student reward!

Owen and Luca have loved playing connect 4 with Vedansh during choosing time this week, and Vedansh also said playing connect 4 was his highlight!

Bradley loved handwriting this week, he tried super hard and had beautiful joins in his work.

AbdulHameeds highlight of the week has been beginning our new topic and he is excited to learn more about Ancient Egypt.

Martyna said her highlight of the week has been learning about Egypt as well.

Ruth loved doing crafts during reward time today and she made a glittery monster!!!!!!!

Well done to our prize winners this week! They were all very well deserved!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Duddy


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