St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

October 11, 2024
by Miss Maxwell

Week ending 11/10/2024


Hello families of P4A.

This week has been super busy with our parents night and all of our hard work that we have been doing.

This week primary 4A have been learning some sign language in class. We have learned some of the daily greetings such as hello, good morning, how are you etc. Pupils also have learned how to sign some of the colours which has been very fun.

Pupils also have worked very hard throughout their reading this week. We have read our new books and are aiming to improve our fluency and confidence by reading in a group.


Pupils enjoyed football again this week with the WLFA. They have shown great listening and communication within their groups and also have improved their ball skills.


P4A have researched a lot about mental health as it was world mental health day this week. We created posters about ways to practice self care and how to keep our minds healthy.


Some comments from the pupils this week:

Ethan: “ I enjoy free writing Friday because it allows me to write about things I like and whatever I want”

Tiwa “I really liked the smartboard and ipad games that we play for maths”

Grace “I like doing sign language and enjoyed Miss Maxwell showing us how she can sign a Christmas song”.

Deveena “ I enjoyed making a display for our reading wall. It was very fun”


The P4A hot chocolate winner this week goes to Tvisha. She continues to be very kind and work hard in all of her tasks. Well done Tvisha! Keep up the great work.


I hope that you all enjoy your October break and I will see you for term 2!! (can you believe how fast time is flying by).

Miss Maxwell : )

October 11, 2024
by Mrs Lea

Primary 6 A Learning Highlights 11/10/24

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 6 have had another busy week.

In literacy we have been continuing our class novel and have had great fun predicting what will happen next and discussing the author’s use of language. We have continued to discuss our word boost words and find their meaning in the dictionary. Our class has also been learning about how to use speech marks appropriately in our writing.

During numeracy, we have been learning to add five and six digit numbers using the written method with exchange. We have been doing lots of practical examples using the whiteboards. We have also been exploring 3D shapes and their properties as well as investigating their nets.

As part of our topic lessons, we have been learning about the Ancient Greeks and how many of their ideas and philosophers have impacted us today. We practised taking notes and using our information to create our own mind maps. We have completed our Greek God posters , where we worked with a partner to find interesting facts and illustrate our work.

In art we studied the architecture and patterns of Greek temples and had great fun creating and designing our own, using black pen and colour. We have displayed them in the area and are very proud of our work!

As part of mental health week, Primary 6 created our kindness house. We will record peoples names and kind actions which will form the bricks of the house! We also designed “Power of Yet” posters which encourage us to have a positive mindset in school when completing our work.


Congratulations to Logan on being our hot chocolate winner this week.

Congratulations Ishaan who is our reading champion for the next couple of weeks.

Have a lovely weekend !

Mrs Lea and Primary 6A




October 11, 2024
by Mrs Meikle

This week in P1

What a great final week of term we have had!

We started the week learning a new sound ‘t’. We had lots of fun doing activities based on The Tiger that came to Tea. We also enjoyed playing the sound splat game, where we had to find the correct sounds to build a CVC word.

Alfie – We traced a tree and a teapot.

Tiara – We made a tiger mask.

In math we have continued looking at numbers beyond 10, ensuring we are writing tens numbers the correct way round.

We had the best trip on Wednesday to the Lyceum to watch ‘The Baddies’. We were all very excited on the bus into Edinburgh, spotting diggers and trams. Then we all sat beautifully and watched the show. At the end some of us were up dancing and waving our arms in the air.

Myra – I liked the witch.

Abdul Bari – I liked the cat.

Lena – It was a good show.

After the theatre we jumped back on the bus up to the National Museum of Scotland. We had our lunch before heading into the museum where we spotted a big Chinese dragon, a massive elephant and the bones of a t-rex dinosaur. By the end of the trip we were all exhausted but we had a great time.

Felix – We saw a t-rex.

Tiara – I saw an elephant and a tiger.

Myra – I saw a shark

We finished the week with football for p.e. It was lots of fun.

We hope everyone has a fantastic holiday week and we will see you all again soon.

October 5, 2024
by Mrs Ross

P4b 4.10.24

In numeracy we were counting forwards and backwards. ID We also were sequencing numbers and comparing them.

Today we learnt about St Francis and where he lived/born and what he did for the world. BC/OK/MD

We were learning about the Wright Brothers and that they invented the first plane with an engine and I found it interesting. AD We also talked about useful household inventions. EAB

In literacy we looked at prepositions. (OK) We went outside to play football during PE this week and tried to do our homework on TEAMS.

Each reading group had some work to do about their book. ID

Sofia was our Hot CHoc at home winner and Reesa agreed to be our P4 Reader Leader. Lots of people have been practising crochet and some people have made little things. We have been remembering about the importnace of being Kind and always telling the truth.





October 5, 2024
by Maria Brown

P5B Week Beginning 30th September 2024

Hello families of P5B!

Here are our highlights this week as recorded by the Yellow table:

Michael and Daniel both report that the football session on Friday with Lothian Football Academy was the highlight of their week.

Moeez and Ksawery have continued to enjoy designing their shields and justifying their choice of colours and symbols used.  Both boys have incorporated symbols from the country where they or their family were born.  Fantastic, well thought out work boys!

Kacper and Aayush have then enjoyed making their 3D shields now that their designs are finished.  The children can use paint or a medium of their choice to transfer their design across.

Ellie-May and Vinayakarthik have been excited to continue our learning about what happened next in history for The Scottish Wars of Independence.  They learned that now John Balliol has been stripped of his title, a man called William Wallace has now risen up, gathered supporters and continued the fight for independence.  Two main battles took place, The Battle of Stirling Bridge (England defeated) and The Battle of Falkirk (Scotland defeated).  Next week we will learn about the tactics employed by both sides that lead to their victory.

Ella has absolutely loved the escape rooms tasks this week as part of the celebration of Maths Week Scotland.  Each day the children got in to their groups and had to work together to solve clues that helped them escape from rooms in Lochdonia Manor!  It was a race against time!  Once a group won, the rooms where locked and the competition could not progress.  A big well done to the daily winners.  The teams that won were the ones who were focused, helped one another out and concentrated well.  It was so much fun!  Thank you to Mr Pentland and the Numeracy team at SJO who helped create and source such engaging tasks for the pupils!

My highlight was the escape rooms.  The children persevered and creatively worked through the challenges.  Their enthusiasm was infectious!

Congratulations to Ksawery who was our hot chocolate award winner.

I am looking forward to the opportunity to meet you next week at Parents Evening and discuss your special children.  I hope to see you then.  Have a great weekend!

Mrs Brown

October 4, 2024
by Mrs Russell

P1 Weekly Learning Highlights 4th October 2024

This week we have been learning the ‘a’ sound we made alligators and practised writing and saying the sound.  We sorted apples from biggest to smallest.

To prepare for going on our trip next week we read the story ‘The Baddies’ we wrote which character we like best and drew a picture of it.  We also made our own story maps.

In maths we continued our mental counting and we did some subitising.  We looked at the numbers 11, 12, 13 and 14 how they are formed and the quantity of each.

In Spanish we played a number game spin the wheel and say the number in Spanish.

We learned about our sense of smell and used smelly pens to decide if we liked or disliked the smell of them.  We discussed things that smell nice and not nice.

As part of World of Work we learned about the job of a dentist.  We had to show how to brush our teeth using an interactive games and we got our own brand new toothbrush and toothpaste.

We learned about the job of a careers advisor and also a nurse.  We got to play with some equipment and look at PPE. Today we learned about the Tesco distribution centre in Livingston and how it supplies all the Tesco shops in Scotland.  We all got a free Tesco pen.

Lothian Football Academy were in school this week and we were very lucky to have football today for Gym we got to play football with a coach and learn some football skills.  We also had the opportunity to read outside as part of our Outdoor learning.  We had lots of fun and found the sounds and common words we are working on in the books.

Our Weekly Highlights:

Ava ‘I liked playing football’

Felix  ‘liked playing with the toys’

Tiara ‘I liked playing football’

Daniel ‘I liked learning about Tesco and the jobs they do there’.

Lena ‘ I liked making the alligator’

Arush ‘I liked sorting the apples’


Well done to our Hot Chocolate winner this week Antosh.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

October 4, 2024
by Miss Mushet

P3/2 Highlights 04.10.24

Hello our P3/2 family!

We have had a busy learning week with exciting new experiences!

Pupil Highlights:

“I enjoyed P.E. playing toilet tag.”

“I liked playing Minecraft education on the iPad.”

“Learning our four times table was fun.”

“I love doing IDL because we listen to our Amazing Egyptians song.”

“I liked the problem-solving in maths because we were writing on the walls.”

Miss Mushet’s Highlights:

“The pupils made songs for their new spelling words and they all did an amazing job! A lot of the pupils have built up the confidence to perform them in front of the class which is phenomenal.”

“We went to the school library on Tuesday to choose books and the pupils were very respectful of the area and the resources. The P7 helpers even came to thank us and say well done. Keep it up P3/2!”

For writing, we had a focus on maths week and created a story including the mascot ‘Finn Finity’, a shape and a number. These will be entered into a contest… Good luck everyone.

In maths, P2s were consolidating their knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables whilst p3s also learned counting by 4s. We linked maths to our topic and looked at ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, what the numbers look like and how to create bigger numbers. We answered sums with our knowledge and also practiced writing in hieroglyphics.

In topic, we looked at the importance of the River Nile for the ancient civilisations. We also looked at the map of egypt and created our own, mapping out the grassland, deserts and water.

For health and wellbeing, we worked on how to be a good friend and the importance of always being kind to everyone. We also had football with coaches for P.E. and LOVED it


Have a lovely weekend everyone 🙂

Miss Mushet and Mrs Broadley


October 4, 2024
by Mrs Brand

P2 Weekly Highlights – WB 30/9/24

Hi Families of P2

We have had a super week in P2. We have been very luck this week to have visitors into our classroom to talk about their jobs. We are learning about the world of work and it was wonderful to hear about real jobs.

The children wrote some excellent stories about what job they want to do when they are older. We had Astronauts, Vets, Footballers and Zookeepers, to name a few.

In Maths we continued to work on numbers to 100 and learned to count on and back in 10’s.

West Lothian Football academy were in school this week and we were very lucky to have football on Tuesday and Thursday, The children had a great time participating and showed excellent manners and teamwork throughout.

Weekly Highlights

Ellie – I liked silent reading time. My favourite book is called Scruff Sheep.

Rose – I liked doing all of my work.

Daniel, Willow, Lewis, Ollie, Edward and Matteo – I loved football with Stephen.

Laaibah – I liked making patterns with natural materials in the woodlands.

Oscar – I liked when the visitors came to talk to us.

Huge Congratulations to Daniel, our hot chocolate winner and Edward, our Reading Champion! Well done boys!


Have a lovely weekend!


October 4, 2024
by Miss Maxwell

W/E 4th October 2024

Hello to all of our P4A families!

This week P4a have explored lots of maths as our school celebrates Scottish Maths week. We have taken maths into many different curricular areas such as literacy, music and art. We have created beautiful art pieces which you can see at the bottom of our blog post

With Mr Pentland on Thursday we created our name in art through coding which was super cool!

We created in groups some maths stories after watching them on the board. They showed us how we can add numbers,shape and math problems into our literacy.

P4a have enjoyed being outside and active this week for football during PE. This was a hit for all of our class and we all loved improving our dribbling, shooting and passing skills.

On Friday we finished up our week by creating some autumnal art work to display in our classroom.

Our hot chocolate winner of the week is Chahiti. Well done Chahiti you have worked so hard this week!

I hope you all enjoy your weekend.

Miss Maxwell 🙂

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