St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

August 24, 2024
by Maria Brown

P5B Week Beginning 19th August 2024

Hello families of P5B!

The children have had a super 2nd week back at school.  I cannot believe 2 weeks have passed already!  Here are our highlights this week as recorded by the Red table:

Cohen has enjoying building pathways using the marble run and playing chess.

Kacper said the best part of his week has been dancing to Go Noodle.  The Line Leader each week gets to choose the daily GoNoodle dance.  This serves as a short brain break for the children as well as improving their fitness levels.

Matthias loved dodgeball at PE this week.

Rowan’s highlight has been playing checkers.  P5 have some strategic thinkers in the class!

Aaeryn-Leigh, along with the whole class, have been enjoying a chapter a day of our class novel ‘The Midnight Gang.’  This week it was our author, David Walliams’ birthday, so we learned about his life and answered some questions afterwards.  An interesting piece of information was that he was born David Williams but changed his surname as there was already a famous actor with his name.  He has also raised 3 million pounds for Sports Relief through swimming The Thames and The English Channel.  The children like Mrs Brown doing all the different voices!

Jayden has being enjoying our Daily Wake Up activities.  These activities have a mixture of Literacy and Numeracy tasks to get the children’s brains warmed up after the summer holidays.  Jayden has been particularly enjoying the ‘Number Corner’.  After going through the various calculations, we discuss the most effective strategies for finding the answer.

My highlight has been making a classroom charter with the children.  We had a revision session on their Rights and our school values of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  Collaboratively, we wrote a classroom statement and bullet pointed what actions we as a class were going to take to action this agreement, then everyone signed the contract.  If you were at the Meet the Teacher event, you may have noticed it on our window.

Meet the Teacher

At this event, I gave out a print out of the slides and a ‘Tell me about your child’ page for you to return filled in.  If you did not receive these, then please remind your child to take them home or phone to office to request them.  I look forward to reading what you have written about your child to get to know them a bit better.


Homework will begin week beginning 2nd September.  Your child will bring login details home and a reminder guide about how to access Teams from different devices.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

August 23, 2024
by Mrs Lea

Primary 6A Learning Highlights 19/8/24

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 6 have had a busy week and settled in well to the new routines in their  classroom in the upper area.

Here are some of our learning highlights:

Literacy-  Damian-  “I really enjoyed the visualisation drawing task based on our class novel.”

Topic-  Ishaan and Sam -” It was great fun making our Fairtrade posters for the 30th Anniversary competition.”

Art- Alfred and Hannah ” We created all about me portraits showing everything that is important to us!”

Class Novel- Ameya and Ignacy -” We are reading The Nowhere Emorium by Ross MacKenzie and it is really interesting.

Numeracy- Lily and Ailsa- ” We enjoyed our assessment to highlight what we could remember from last year and set our targets for this term!”

Congratulations to Damian on being  nominated for our hot chocolate award this week!

Have a super weekend !

Mrs Lea and Primary 6A



August 23, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 23rd August 2024

This week we have been learning how to write zero and one correctly. We learned a little rhyme to help us remember the correct formation. We have also been ordering numbers and finding the missing numbers.

In Literacy, we have been identifying sounds that are the same and not the same. We also had to circle pictures to show which one was the same and then which one was the odd one out. In writing, we did our first piece of writing in our jotters and we wrote a sentence about what made us feel happy. We also drew a picture and the staff were very impressed with the detail in our drawings.

In RE, we are continuing to learn our daily prayers and we set up our classroom altar.

We enjoyed playing different games in PE with Mrs Lafferty and practising listening carefully to the instructions.

On Wednesday, we had our first House Group meeting and we got to go to different classrooms. We had to vote on which name we wanted our House to be called.

On Friday, we had some time with our buddies and we did some reading with them.

Here are some of our personal highlights this week:

Miles – I enjoyed playing with the penguins.

Dhawan – I enjoyed playing with the blocks.

Zenith – I enjoyed doing writing.

Amariah – I enjoyed cutting out.

Danvith – I enjoyed playing with the blocks.

Muhammad – I enjoyed playing with my friends.

Miss Stebbing – I was so proud of seeing everyone trying so hard to write their sentences.


Congratulations to Vivaan who is our Hot Chocolate Winner this week.

August 23, 2024
by Miss MacGregor

P7B – 23rd August

Hello P7B families,

What another quick and fantastic week we’ve had. Everyone is now fully settled in and getting busy with all the fun activities.

Photo highlights:

1. Our reflections from the week.
2. Optical illusion art

3. Class Charter


Pupil highlights:

– “I enjoyed recapping our learning in numeracy and looking at place value and number sequences” – Halli

– “I enjoyed writing summer recounts” – Lisitha and Eoghan

– “I liked doing the optical illusion art” – Niylah

– “We loved meeting our buddies again and reading to them” – Veerica.

Well done to Saujas this week for winning the hot chocolate over and above. Saujas has been fantastic with his listening skills and being ready and respectful at all times.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss MacGregor


August 23, 2024
by Miss Duddy

Primary 3 Highlights 23rd August

Hello all Primary 3 families! I hope everyone has enjoyed their first two weeks back at school – I know I have!


This week, we have lots of learning highlights from our primary 3 pupils!

Cameron’s highlight of the week this week has been maths! He loved our recap of shape and enjoyed going hunting for different shapes all over the classroom and area!

Victoria has loved maths as well this week! She enjoyed using the whiteboards to show her answers to tricky questions!

Lillian’s highlight of the week this week has been having time to play in class, she really loves the LOLs!

Kacper loved doing free writing Friday today – he enjoys writing and being creative!

Vedansh has enjoyed doing number talks this week, we learned about doubles and near doubles!

Srikari’s highlight this week was reading Baby Brains! She loved hearing the story and thought it was really funny!

Layla really enjoyed PE – it was her favourite part of the week!

Well done to our hot chocolate winner this week for being an Awesome Ogilvie – Khaleesi!

Thank you all for the great first two weeks of being your teacher, I hope you all have a lovely and restful weekend,

Miss Duddy.

August 23, 2024
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P6B – W.B 19.08.21

A very big welcome to our first P6B blog!

We’re happy that all children have settled very well, including the new pupils who have recently arrived. The class have been very welcoming and it feels like they have already been part of the class for a long time!😀

As usual during the first couple of weeks of a new academic year, the children are getting used to being in school again after the holidays, having a new routine, new break and lunchtime hours and, of course, a new teacher.😉

According to the class, the Highlights of these weeks were the following:

  • Working on their picture of what and who they like, which gave Mrs Valente, and whoever looks at them, a clear idea of their favourite people and things.🖼
  • Designing their Fairtrade ‘Be the Change’ posters for the West Lothian Fairtrade Competition.
  • Our Maths assessments.
  • Our Literacy work on spotting and correcting the spelling, punctuation and grammar of sentences.
  • Free writing Friday.
  • The work on our SHANARRI Wellbeing indicators, during which we have discussed what it looks like to be Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included in the classroom and in school.
  • Getting back to PE lessons with Mrs Lafferty!😍

That’s all for this week, we hope you are having an amazing weekend and wish you a lovely week ahead!

P6B and Mrs Valente 😘😘

August 17, 2024
by Maria Brown

P5B Week Beginning 12th August 2024

Hello families of P5B!

We have had a great first week back after the holidays.  It has been so lovely getting to know your wonderful children and I hope they have enjoyed their first week back to school as much as I have!  Each week one of the tables (there are 3) will share their highlights of the week.  Here are our highlights this week as recorded by the Yellow table:

Daniel said the best part of his week was playing ‘Clap, Snap’.  The children followed the instructions: ‘clap, snap, head, shoulders’ etc and then when the teacher said “cone”, they had to try and grab the cone that was in between them and their partner.  Whoever grabbed it first, won!

Alex  enjoyed ‘Choosing our own Learning Time’ and made an impressive 3D construct with construction straws.  Super teamwork guys!

Nathan’s highlight was playing Dodgeball with Mrs Lafferty.  Mrs Lafferty will have the children for PE on Fridays and I will have them on Wednesdays.

Ellie-May enjoyed the game were the children went into pairs and one person drew on their partner’s back, while the other person drew what they felt.  The pictures were then compared.   Afterwards, they moved on to writing words in the same way.  It was definitely a class favourite.

Vinayakarthik liked a game were the children had to give one another clues of a zoo animal they were thinking of and the class had to guess.  There were some very cryptic clues in this game!

Aayush loved playing with the marble run.  He and his friend made some complex runs!  Impressive guys!

Michael’s favourite activity was a game involving skittles.  Each child chose a skittle and then had to stand up when their colour was called and answer a question.  Michael’s colour was asked, “Would you rather be a tiny horse or an enormous chicken?”

Moeez  enjoyed a maths lesson this week were the children had to make as many number combinations as they could, first from 3 digit numbers and then 4 digit numbers.  They discovered that 6 combinations could be made each time using each digit at the start.  They also learned from Ksawery, the most effective strategy for recording these combinations.  Thank you Ksawery!

Ksawery loved music with Mrs Morrison, were the children were learning about bagpipes and found out that the world championship for bagpipes happens each year in Glasgow and some of SJO’s own past pupils are world champions!!!

My highlight has been hard to pick this week.  I think it has to be the RE lesson when we recapped on the Bible stories the children could recall from previous learning.  We talked about the importance of thinking of the meaning of the words of prayers we say.  The children examined the words of the Hail Mary prayer.  We had some interesting discussion about the meaning of, “…and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.”

Meet the Teacher

On Wednesday, it is Meet the Teacher day!  I look forward to welcoming you in to our classroom if you are free to attend.  Any information given out that afternoon will be sent home for those unable to attend.


It would be super if the children could bring in recyclable materials from home now and again to keep our recyclables box topped up, as the children have enjoyed making things from these during ‘Choosing our own Learning Time’.  Also, we have a craft table that has bits and bobs on in for imaginative art creations.  Any donations throughout the year to keep this topped up would also be appreciated.  Some examples could be: feathers, pipe cleaners, sparkles, bubble wrap, ribbon etc.


Homework will not be given out for the first couple of weeks and will then be issued via Teams.  If you are having any difficulty logging on to Teams or accessing Teams, please let our office staff know.

Our blog will be updated over the weekend, so please keep an eye out for it and I hope you enjoy reading about some of the learning experiences your child had that week and enjoy looking at and discussing some of the photos!  Remember that a quick way to find P5B, is to use the filter on the right hand side of the screen.

I hope you have a great weekend!
Mrs Brown

August 16, 2024
by Mrs Russell

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 16th August 2024

A very warm welcome to all your families reading our school blog.

We had an amazing first week of school.  It was so lovely to welcome all our new P1s to our St John Ogilvie school family.  The children have been fantastic this week and everyone is settling in well and learning the routines of the class and getting to know each other.

This week we discussed what good listening is and we were able to show all the adults how well we can listen.  We made our Class Charter and spoke about how we can be Ready, Respectful and Safe.  We were introduced to Ready Rose, Respectful Raheem and Safe Sam.  We are going to work hard to follow their example.

We were very excited to have gym on Friday and meet Mrs Lafferty are gym teacher.  We also enjoyed listening to Mrs Broadley read us a story in Spanish and we learned some new words.

We loved choosing our own learning and our teachers were very impressed with how well we can tidy up when we hear the tidy song.

In RE we have been learning how to bless ourselves and listening to the daily prayers.  We are trying very hard to join in.

Today (Friday) we got to meet our P7 buddies we were very excited to met them and they were all very nice, we look forward to working with them throughout the year.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone and a well deserved rest.

We look forward to seeing you all again on Monday for lots of fun and learning.




August 16, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 16th August 2024

What a fantastic first week of school we have had! It was lovely to welcome back our Primary 2s and to welcome Primary 1s for their first day of school. Everyone has settled in very well and have been learning all our new routines.

We have made up our Class Charter and spoke about how we can be Ready, Respectful and Safe. We have shown a lot of respectful behaviour this week and have made new friends.

We have spoken about what we will do if we hear the fire alarm and know how to walk safely outside. P1 had a lovely tour of the school and particularly enjoyed visiting the office to see Mrs Hislop and Mrs Begley.

We enjoyed having PE with Mrs Lafferty and Music with Mrs Morrison. Mrs Broadley read us a story in Spanish and we learned some new words. P2 did very well remembering some words they had learned last year.

In RE, we spoke about making the sign of the cross correctly and we began to learn the different prayers we say throughout the day.

Some of our personal highlights are:

Joseph – I enjoyed colouring in.

Harrison – I enjoyed playing with the pom poms.

Freddie – I enjoyed making new friends.

Niamh – I enjoyed drawing.

Harmony – I enjoyed playing in the sand.

Vihaan – I enjoyed playing with the blocks.

Miss Stebbing – I was so impressed with how everyone tried their best in all our activities this week. It was so lovely to see everyone making new friends.


June 28, 2024
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 24.06.28 – Last week in Primary 5!😥

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our very last post in P5A.

Next time you read our blog, we will be posting as the very new Primary 6A from the Upper Area of the school!


This has been another very busy week in Primary 5 and its highlights were the following:


  • Designing our amazing folder to put in the pieces of super work which didn’t go in the jotters.
  • Learning more about the Olympics and their History, including facts about ancient Greece.
  • Reading comprehension about the Ancient and Modern Olympics.
  • Learning about Chance and Probability, which the whole class have thoroughly enjoyed and found easy.
  • Learning about the Solemnity of St. John the Baptist and understanding who he was and what he had done and ordering all the facts in the life of St. John the Baptist according to what had been learned.
  • The Disco Dome which was a treat to all the children of the school and that all have enjoyed.
  • Finally, learning about ancient Greece, its way of life and gods by watching Hercules, from Disney.

We say goodbye wishing everyone wonderful, safe and happy Summer Holidays filled with all the things you wish the most.

P5A and Mrs Valente 😘😘

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