St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

September 20, 2024
by Mrs Russell

P1 Weekly Learning Highlights 20th September 2024

It was lovely having everyone back together after our long September holiday weekend.  We hope you all had a lovely time.

In Literacy we looked at the sound ‘s’ we worked on formation and distinguishing the m, c and s sound by sorting. We developed our talking and listening skills by sharing our news with the class.  We introduced the common word ‘see’, we will use this next week in our talking sentences and writing.

In maths we looked at the number 8 working on forming it correctly.  We also worked on 10 frames – making amounts and adding one more. We continued to work on our mental maths and counting.

For our Senses topic this week we focused on the sense of taste and linked it to Fairtrade as it was Fairtrade Fortnight.  We tasted different types of Fairtrade chocolate then voted in class for our favourite.  We then added our class results to an area wall display. We looked at the story of chocolate and then completed a shopping basket activity.  The children had to choose 5 Fairtrade products to put in their basket. 

Weekly Highlights:

Tiara ‘I liked learning about Fairtrade’

Alfie ‘I liked gym’

Emma ‘I liked helping to tidy’

Daniel ‘I liked cutting out the snake’

Myra ‘ I liked writing’

Well done to Guhan Kumar our Hot Chocolate winner this week.

September 20, 2024
by Miss Smith

P5a Week Beginning 16/9/24

Pupil Highlights:

Ruari – I enjoyed going to play football for our choose time because it was fun playing with my pals.

Joe – My highlight which was last week was being able to have a shot on Miss Smith’s scooter because it was particularly fast. The skill I had to use was balance confidence.

Julia: I enjoyed creating angles by drawing straight lines within circles to then use different colours to show which angles were obtuse, straight or acute.

Zosia: I enjoyed making Alexander III fact files and learning about John Balliol.

Lucas O : I enjoyed Miss Smith’s scooter because I was first scared but once I tried it I enjoyed it.

Ella: I enjoyed doing the word boost acting with my friends because it was exciting and I felt nervous at the time but I still performed it.

Paige: I really liked doing the fitness routine with Miss Smith outside in the sun. I did squat jumps and balanced on the wheel.

Congratulations to previous Hot Chocolate Winners: Julia , for her consistent, outstanding attitude and work in class, Kyle for his tremendously hard work ethic and fantastic respect to his peers, and David S who can work effortlessly well with anyone in the class, and his commitment to working hard for every piece of work.

This week’s hot chocolate winner:  Rebekah. Congratulations to Rebekah who is always a thoughtful, gentle and respectful pupil.  Her excellent independent work this week includes self assessing her writing and helping Miss Smith out with the dinner tickets in the hall. You saved the day Rebekah!


September 20, 2024
by Miss Duddy

Primary 3 Learning Highlights 20/9/24

Good afternoon all Primary 3 families, it has been a short (but sweet) week in Primary 3.

This weeks numeracy and maths has been great fun, from exploring skip counting in 4s (and some even taking on the challenge of doing it in 8s!), to creating our own tiling pattern out of 2D shapes, there have been lots of opportunities for thinking, problem solving and challenges.

In our literacy this week, we revisited our ‘a’ sound spelling pattern, using a-e, ai and ay. The children used active strategies to consolidate their learning. We also re visited the story of ‘The Obvious Elephant’ and played a fun word boost game, where the teacher gave a clue to someone about a word, and they had to figure out what word it was related to. We also played a game where we threw a beanbag back and forth – this one was a hit!

In other areas of the curriculum, we celebrated Fairtrade fortnight by creating some beautiful artwork. We drew chalk drawings of Fairtrade symbols and Fairtrade products, and painted lovely pictures of the symbol.

For our RE this week, we learned about God creating us in his image and what this means. We also learned about the three things that make us up as people, our mind, body and soul. We now know that our soul is what makes us who we are, and this is what connects with God, and goes to be with him in heaven.

AbdulHameed’s highlight of the week this week has been painting the Fairtrade logo! He enjoyed using the paints and also loved the chalk drawings.

Victoria enjoyed doing Word boost this week, she loved the beanbag game we played to revise all of our words.

Rose and Aaron loved creating their 2D tiling and they both thought it was so fun!

Faye enjoyed painting and enjoyed getting creative when making Fairtrade symbols.

Well done to our hot chocolate winner today Aaron!

Well done to this weeks secret student Katie!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Duddy

September 20, 2024
by Mr McGurn

P7A Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Here is Julia, Lead Learner for next week, to tell you about this week in P7A…

On Wednesday we were doing grammar about venomous snakes and we had to highlight nouns, adjectives and Present tense verbs.

On Thursday we had outdoor learning and we were building bird houses out of sticks, leaves and stuff we found around.


On Friday we went to mass and after mass we went back to school and we started the Sumdog Competition on the laptops. After that we had fun Friday.


Have a great Weekend from Julia , P7A and Mr McGurn


PS – St. Margaret’s Academy have asked us to share their open Evening information with you

September 20, 2024
by Mrs Ross

P4B 20.09.24

A short week but we’ve done lots in P4B.

We have been practising for our assembly this week and its been fun. (MG) We have also practised our assembly song – ‘Scottish Inventors’. (AGF)

We went on the netbooks to go on TEAMS, I thought the games on it were fun, (EA) We were learning how to work the netbooks and get on TEAMS. (BC)

We have been learning about history, Scottish Inventors. I found it fun and interesting. (AD)

We made Buddy Bots and chose their name. We looked at the things that make a good friend. (DL)

We have created our homework folder and put our diary and logins inside. (MD) We put the things we are doing on different days in the diary. (CF)

In literacy we looked at what a ‘bossy verb’ is and when we would use them.


September 12, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 12th September 2024

This week we have been learning about our sense of hearing. We watched a video to find out how our ears work and then completed an activity where we had to shake the cups and match them to a picture of what we thought was inside. Some of them were quite tricky to work out.

In Maths, we have been learning to write the numbers 7,8 and 9 correctly. We investigated the properties of 3D shapes and sorted the shapes into ones that rolled and ones that stacked. To help us remember the names of the shapes we played a game where we had to guess which shape was missing. For the last turn all the shapes were taken away and we had to name them all.

In Literacy, we have been learning all about the letter c. We learned where in our mouth we make this sound and how to say it correctly. We then wrote the letter using crayons. In writing, we wrote sentences beginning with I can. Everyone is becoming confident in using the common words and sounds we have learned.

In RE, we listened to the story of The Call of David and coloured in a picture from the story.

As it is Fairtrade fortnight we watched a video about the Fairtrade logo. We then used paint to create the logo with our fingerprints. We are going to look out for the logo on items when we are at the shops.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Vivaan – I enjoyed writing the letter c.

Hallie – I am proud of how hard I tried to be nice to people.

Martha – I enjoyed painting the Fairtrade logo.

Dhawan – I enjoyed drawing pictures.

Miles – I enjoyed playing with the 3D shapes.

Zenith – I enjoyed writing in the jotters.

Miss Stebbing – I was very impressed with everyone trying hard to remember the names of the 3D shapes.

September 12, 2024
by Maria Brown

P5B Week Beginning 9th September 2024

Hello families of P5B!

Here are our highlights this week as recorded by the Red table:

Jayden enjoyed playing our weekly Word Boost Corners game.  The children either hear one of the words or meaning of the words and if they are standing next to that vocabulary then they are out.  This is a class favourite and a good way of revising the words.  Jayden reported that ‘raging’ was his favourite Word Boost word this week.  The Line Leader gets to choose the music. 🎶

Rowan liked music with Mr Pentland as it involved the ipads.

Matthias said the best part of his week were the Child Consecration sessions.  P5 are on a prayerful journey for 33 days.  🙏 Please see the posts on Teams for the days the children are not in school (holidays and weekends).  This starts tomorrow.

Kacper has LOVED our lessons on the Scottish Wars of Independence 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿.  Today the class wrote the first draft of a newspaper article were they had to choose to recount either the death of King Alexander III or the death of Margaret, the Maid of Norway.  We learned all about the features of a newspaper article and are so excited to be reporters! 📰

Cohen liked the warm-up for PE when  Anthony was chosen to call out instructions while I set up.  Thank you Anthony.

My highlight has to have been the lessons on the Scottish Wars of Independence.  The children have been engrossed in the lessons so far and have used their note taking skills as a basis for their newspaper article content.  I can’t wait to see the finished pieces!  Good work P5B!

I hope you enjoy the September holiday and I will see you all on Wednesday.  There will be no homework issued next week due to it being a short week.

Mrs Brown

September 12, 2024
by Miss Duddy

Primary 3 Learning Highlights 12/9/24

We have had a great week in Primary 3 this week doing some fun learning activities.

Our literacy this week has been very active, we learned how to do pyramid spelling and have been practicing our words using pyramid and rainbow spelling, as well as practicing using playdoh and spelling hangman. We have been reading our word boost book ‘The Obvious Elephant’ and learning all about words like ‘bewildered’ and ‘curious’.

In our numeracy and maths, we continued to practice our skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, and had active opportunities to explore and think about skip counting in different numbers and try to work these out for ourselves, using our knowledge we already have. We also played a fun game out in the playground with Mrs Garvin.

As it is Fairtrade fortnight, we revisited what we already know about Fairtrade and shared what we already know about it. We will continue to explore this next week.

Our RE this week has been talking about Gods creations and we got the chance to go outside and explore, noting down everything we could see that was created by God.

We revisited out class charter and our school rules and values as the last session of our topic this week, and next week we will be beginning our new topic!

On Thursday, we had a reward afternoon as a thank you for being so awesome so far this year, the children got the chance to choose which activity they wanted to do from a wide selection, including painting, playdoh, games, games on the board, colouring and drawing and playing with the toys.


Rhains highlight if the week this week has been everything! He has had so much fun at school this week.

Aarons highlight of the week has been playing the skip counting game on the smartboard during our active numeracy session. He had lots of fun skip counting in 5s with his friends.

Olgas highlight of the week this week was during our reward afternoon on Thursday, she loved drawing with the oil pastels and lucky for me she made me 2 pictures!

Olivers highlight of the week this week was using the playdoh for spelling and during reward time today.

JJ enjoyed doing maths this week and in particular the maths game we played outside.

Khaleesi and Hameedah both agreed their favourite part of the week this week was learning how to do pyramid spelling.

Well done to our prize winners this week, Connor, Owen and AbdulHameed.

Thank you all for the lovely pictures and drawings I got today and throughout the week, I am a really lucky teacher!

I hope you all have a lovely long weekend!

Miss Duddy

September 12, 2024
by Mr McGurn

P7A Update to September

Dear Parents,

P7A have settled in really well to life in Primary 7, working hard and meeting high expectations whilst enjoying the learning experience.

So far this year there’s been a lot going on…

In maths there’s been a focus on revision of maths topics in preparation for the upcoming NSA assessments to give children more confidence and opportunity to achieve their best.

Mental maths has been using New Wave resource but we will switch things up to Big Maths after the September break.

We’ve also had our first transition event with teachers from Maths teachers from St. Margaret’s visiting to teach a maths lesson with this to continue throughout the year as we prepare for high school.

In Literacy we have been writing Recounts and have now just started work on Information Reports, this has been in preparation for our upcoming topic as Non-fiction writing will be the most useful preparation for this.

We are reading the excellent Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo, using this for comprehension tasks and looking forward to watching the newly released animated movie when we finish the book.

In HWB we have established our Class Charter identifying how we will be Ready, Respectful and Safe in class and throughout the school. We’ve revisited Zones of Regulation and done some work on Fairtrade Fortnight. Fingers crossed for our competition entries.

In PE we aced the delayed P6 Deans Cluster Cross-country event, winning 1st place school for both boys and girls with so many top 10 places, but everyone gave it their all and represented the school with distinction. We now get to send children to the P7 event though that will be tougher with longer distance and hillier course! Best get in training now.

We have also had taster Judo sessions and they proved a big hot and lot of fun …

P7A have also been outside quite a bit, clearing up our own woodlands and trips to Deans Woods for conkers. We will be playing a game of conkers at some point soon though Mr McGurn hasn’t explained yet how the game is played… pictures for that to follow.


Here is the Forward Plan Overview for P7 in Term 1…

Lots of exciting learning opportunities lie ahead for P7A in the coming weeks and months, and we will share them here with our Lead Learners taking on the responsibility of blogging our learning journey.

Have a lovely September Weekend,

Mr McGurn and P7A


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