St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

November 15, 2024
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P6B WB 04.11.24 and 11.11.24

Dear Readers,

We hope you are all well.

These weeks have not been easy for many of us because of the huge amount of different germs and viruses wandering around and attacking, not only our children but also most of our staff. Because of that, we have decided to post now the highlights from both weeks, so that you don’t miss out on some of the greatest things we have done in class!

Here are some of the highlights from both weeks:

  • We have continued our Spelling, Reading and Reading Comprehension work on the Nowhere Emporium, which the whole class are crazy about and, due to many requests, have finished the book on Friday last week!✨🎉It was absolutely brilliant and we could not have been more excited about it! But, of course, as soon as Mrs Valente came back this Thursday, one of the first things she was asked about was: ‘ Are we going to read the next book, The Elsewhere Emporium’??? When??😂😂 So… We started reading it yesterday and it’s already getting super interesting!
  • In Maths and Numeracy, we have been focussed on 2 and 3d shapes, their properties and nets and also to subtraction work. We have revised all our subtraction facts, discussed our best subtraction strategies and brainstormed all the words connected to subtraction that will give us clues of what to do when we see them in instructions or word problems. Of course we have also solved lots of up to 5 digits subtraction sums!
  • The two listening comprehension tasks about our super interesting topic, one about Everyday life in Ancient Greece and the City states and the other one about The Legacy of Ancient Greece. By learning about these, we have understood even better how important the Ancient Greek civilisation was. Not everything was good, of course, but they did have lots of good ideas which are still being used by all of us today. Science, Mathematics and Architecture are examples of areas where they were pioneers and which still use their findings until today. We were all very sorry to finish our topic on The Ancient Greek civilisation but we are also happy that we have learned many important and interesting things about it and will be sure to continue wanting to learn more in the future!😊
  • Our new Topic is Extreme Earth and we are also very excited about it! We have named all the things that we would like to learn about and have started by studying Volcanoes, something that seems to interest everyone! We have done our research in pairs and had to report back what we had found to answer to the questions Mrs. Valente had asked. It was super! This week, we have focussed on the artistic side of the volcanoes and, within groups, have made our own models with card and paper.
  • We ended up this week with Free Writing Friday and a special focus on Anti Bullying Week 24, having discussed the definition of bullying, as well as what we can do in practical terms to prevent it from happening around us: in our school, groups and community. We know that people who are left out are more vulnerable to bullies so we thought that making sure nobody is being left out around us will be a good starting point. Making good choices regarding our own behaviour is also something very much needed. Finally, we spoke about the main types of bullying : verbal, physical and cyber and discussed how much cyber bullying has been affecting so many people’s Mental Health and how dangerous it is because it is hidden and most of the times people are ashamed to talk about it.
  • It’s now time to congratulate our Hot Chocolates of the two weeks, Miss Mariam and Miss Ishani S for their kindness, respect and for always helping anyone who needs! Well done Mariam 🎉🥇👏😘and Well done Ishani S👏🎉🥇✨! We are all very proud of you!

That’s all for today, we say goodbye for now wishing you a wonderful weekend!♥♥♥♥

P6B and Mrs Valente😘😘

November 15, 2024
by Mrs Brand

P2 Weekly Highlights – WB 11/11/24

We have had a great week in primary 2, with lots of learning and lots of fun!

In literacy we learned the ‘ea’ sound and worked super hard reading and writing our common words. We continued our Dinosaur topic and enjoyed writing descriptive stories about the Diplodocus.

On Wednesday we went to Mass at St Peter’s Church. All of the children showed excellent behaviour throughout.

We created beautiful poppies in art, for remembrance day. The children were all very respectful during our 2 minute silence.


Weekly Highlights

Alfie and Ellie – We liked writing about Dinosaurs.

Daniel – I liked learning about money.

Alex – I really enjoy choosing my own learning. I love building!

Leighton -I liked having a partner for the scavenger hunt in the woodlands.

Huge Congratulations to Garvit, our hot chocolate winner and Ollie, our Reading Champion. Well done boys!


Have a lovely weekend!


November 15, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 15th November 2024

This week we have been continuing our work on money. We have been making different amounts to 10p using different coins. We are becoming more confident in identifying each of the coins. We also worked with a partner to write all the bonds for number 9.

We have been learning the sound ‘o’ this week and we have been practising reading and writing words with all the sounds we know. We wrote a super sentence and we remembered all our writing targets. For Wordboost we read the book How to Grow a Dinosaur and we were very confident in recalling the boost words and definitions.

In topic, we have been palaeontologists for the day. We used brushes to carefully move the sand to show the fossils. It was great fun!

In Health and Wellbeing, we have been learning about how to be a good friend. Some of us wore odd socks on Tuesday as part of Anti Bullying Week.

On Friday, we went to Mass at St Peter’s. We had lots of compliments on how respectful we had been.

Here are some of our personal highlights this week:

Dhawan – I enjoyed playing with the blocks.

Dawid – I enjoyed playing with the games.

Harrison – I enjoyed playing in the water tray.

Niamh – I enjoyed drawing.

Vihaan – I enjoyed going to PE.

Freddie – I enjoyed playing on the IPad.

Congratulations to Dhawan who is our hot chocolate winner this week. Dhawan always tries hard in his tasks and is helpful. Congratulations to Danvith who is our Reading Champion this week. He has been trying hard to read all the common words and has been finding them in books during ERIC time.


November 15, 2024
by Mr McGurn

P7 Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Here’s an update of what we did this week in P7A by Lead Learners Vijval and Ayden…

Monday we learned about Rube Goldberg Machines, we used materials such as dominos, marble runs and string to make machines with more than one step.

On Tuesday we did drama in drama we did alibis where you had make a story up and people ask questions and the vote if you think they were innocent or guilty.

Wednesday we did mock court were people had to make an adjustments to initial writs and make some evidence.

Thursday we learned from  Mr McGurn how to use flint and steel and the fire triangle which consists of fuel, air and heat.

On Friday a visitor, Mr Murphy, from Mock Court came and told us more about mock court and some evidence we could use.


Have a great weekend,

Vijval, Ayden, P7 and Mr McGurn


PS Our hot chocolate at home winner this week was Xylie.

November 15, 2024
by Miss Maxwell

W/E 15/11/2024

Welcome Families of P4A

P4A have been learning about lots of new things this week… We have been super busy!

This week we started off our new writing genre which is descriptive writing. Primary 4A have been learning the best ways to describe what we see, feel, smell,touch and hear whilst working a lot outdoors this week. We have been using our senses to help guide our writing and are very excited to continue this writing topic.

Tiwa- “I liked describing my friends and family when we did our starter task”

P4A have also created some beautiful art work related to our visit to the Riverside Museum last week. They are a very creative and talented class!

In Maths, P4A have continued to develop their money skills and addition and subtraction. P4A are showing a great understanding of the money that we have in our society. I hope that P4A can help their families if they are in the shops with their evolving skills.

This week is anti-bullying week and on Thursday pupils created some imovies, presentations and stop motion videos to showcase their learning. Everyone in our class shared some ways in which we can be good friends and always ensure that everyone in our class is included.

Alicja-“ I love working on the ipads and making fun things”

P4A have been looking at lots of countries across the world and have also completed some research tasks based on a country of their choice. Some pupils chose countries that they have relatives from/ they are from and therefore really enjoyed learning about the heritage.

Linda- “I really loved learning about Slovakia and creating a poster with lots of facts”

We have also began looking at Magical Castle and pupils have researched lots of castles across the world and the history behind them.

Next week is book week for the whole school, P4A have begun reading the Lorax in preparation for upcoming tasks.

I would just like to say a huge thank you to all of the wonderful families of P4A for their kindness and generosity. I had such a lovely birthday being in class on Thursday and had a very special day with the children. Thank you all for all of the lovely gifts, they are so special to me.

Our hot chocolate winner this week is Tiwa. Keep up the hard work!

Have a great weekend everyone! 🙂

Miss Maxwell

November 15, 2024
by Miss Smith

Learning Highlights Week Beginning 11.11.24

Pupil Highlights:

Julia: I enjoyed doing my self portrait for the new display in our classroom.

Kayla: I really liked enterprise preparation and enjoyed doing my HW.

Suhanth:  I liked summarising the passage on the Mysterious Forest.

Ruari: I enjoyed ERIC in class.

Ben: I enjoyed doing the summarising task with Miss Smith.

Rebekah:  I enjoyed doing the self portraits.

Babafola: I liked creating the powerpoints for the enterprise.

Paige: I enjoyed doing the self portrait and the powerpoint.

Ella: I enjoyed multiplying and dividing a decimal number by 10, 100, 1000.

Hot Chocolate Winner this week: Congratulations to Lucas Smith who has made his teacher so proud this week. He is being consistently trying his hardest to listen and complete difficulty numeracy work. It is lovely to see him take pride in his work and keep his desk so organised and tidy.

November 9, 2024
by Maria Brown

P5 Week Beginning 4th November 2024

Apologies but it appears that I did not press ‘save’ after recording the children’s learning highlights of the week.  I will ask them again on Monday and update this post.  Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the photos below which capture some of the learning experiences P5B had this week.

I hope you have a great weekend!


Hello families of P5B!

Here are our highlights this week as recorded by the Yellow table:

Ella and Michael both enjoyed the handball festival.  I feel our school really stood out among the other schools as being strong players with super teamwork!

Aayush and Moeez  loved when we lit light bulbs using electricity created by mini handheld solar panels.  First we lit them indoors using artificial light (torches and lamps) and then we went outside and used the sunlight.  We noticed that the bulbs were much brighter with the sunlight.

Daniel has been enjoying working with this team to continue to plan and design products for our Enterprise Showcase.

Ksawery liked using a QR code to access learning about saints.  He chose St Mark and St Kinga of Poland.  He researched their feast days and read up a bit about their lives.

Ellie-May said that the highlight of her week was our lessons on Money Week.  P5B completed a Reciprocal Reading activity on this topic.  Ellie-May found it interesting to learn about the history of money.

Alex loved measuring out and drawing longbows with chalk in the playground.  Longbows, over 6ft, were used by the English in the Battle of Falkirk.  Unfortunately, Scotland were defeated.

Nathan also loved learning about money.  He predicts that everyone will have access to more money in the future and there will be no more poverty in the world.  What a lovely idea!  I hope it is true Nathan.

Aeryn-Leigh’s learning highlight was when the class worked in groups to measure the amount of electricity produced in relation to cloud coverage.  We physically saw the results by using a multi-meter voltage measuring instrument.  The more clouds there were, the less electricity was produced by the mini solar panels.

My highlight were the Money Week lessons.  We had such interesting discussions about bartering.  I told the children a true story about when my father was a boy and how his family traded eggs for fish with neighbours up in the hills.  Towards the end of the week, we talked about what we think the future of money will look like.  The most creative idea came from Daniel who thinks money will be delivered to us using drones (if we cannot get to a cash point).  Only time will tell!

Congratulations to our hot chocolate award winner, Ellie-May!

Mrs Brown


November 8, 2024
by Mrs Lea

Primary6A Learning Highlights 8/11/24

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a busy week in Primary 6!  We started our new topic and we are all very excited to learn more information about extreme earth and real life tornadoes, hurricanes and volcanoes around the world. Throughout the week, we continued to enjoy our class novel and predict what was going to happen next.

In literacy we had fun identifying metaphors and similes and creating our own examples. We have also been learning to peer assess our work which was fun !

For reading comprehension, we read a passage based on the Nowhere Emporium and answered a range of questions.

During our topic lesson we learnt more cool facts about volcanoes and used the i pads to research interesting facts.

In numeracy, we had fun working out the missing angles in isosceles and scalene triangles, while in maths we investigated the parts of a circle.

During our health and well being lesson we discussed and explored strategies that we could use when we were in a particular zone.

Congratulations to Hannah who was nominated our hot chocolate winner this week!

Have a super weekend!

Mrs Lea and Primary 6A


November 8, 2024
by Miss Duddy

Primary 3 Learning Highlights 8th November

This week in Primary 3 has been full of great fun and lots of learning. Our trip on Wednesday was a huge success, with the children all having a great day. During our workshop we went to an Egyptian market, and got to have a look at all the things we would see, find and smell there. Then we rowed our boats down the river Nile and even got to give our favourite gifts to our excellent Pharaohs during a gift-giving ceremony. We got to explore the Egyptian exhibition in the museum and even had some time to take a walk through the animals and have some play time.

Throughout our other days in school, we have been reading a new book ‘How to be a Viking’ all about Hiccup the Viking. We read through a poem and highlighted all of our rhyming words, the poem was ‘One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish’ by Dr. Seuss, which was a big hit.

Numeracy and maths learning this week was all about estimating, we drew big number lines from 0-100 and we estimated in our pairs where a group of numbers would be on the number line. We also had a look at our NESW compass points and played an active game guessing where each one would be, as well as using a World map to point out countries in different areas.

We created lovely bonfire artwork using the leaves we collected from the playground, we made sure to only pick up leaves which were already on the ground, and ones with autumn colours. We have also been practicing super hard for our assembly and we are excited to keep working on it on the run up to the assembly.

Well done to our Hot Chocolate winner this week Luca!

Well Done to our Secret Student winner this week Cameron!

Well done to everyone in Primary 3 and 3/2 for being Awesome Ogilvie’s and representing our school so well during our trip. We are very proud of all of you.

Can I please remind everyone to bring their reading books with them on Fridays, if you didn’t bring it today please bring it in on Monday.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Miss Duddy.

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