St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

August 25, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P5B Weekly Blog 25th August 2023

Hi everyone,

We have had a very busy week. We continued to create our own Children’s Rights Display and have begun to talk more about our emotions through Zones of Regulation. We are beginning to find out what SHANARRI means (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included) and how that impacts us at school and at home.  In Science we invested a Lunar eclipse and created some solar system artwork. Our big highlight was the visit from M & M Productions and we enjoyed their performance of the Jungle Book. Our other big highlight this week was being out in the school gardens beginning our journey of caring for the environment by weeding some of the overgrown gardens in preparaton for planting bulbs in a few weeks. We have selected two fantastic Lead Learners who have demonstrated how to be an effective contributor and responsible citizen in our class learning environment. The first Hot Chocolate Winner in P5B was Alexa.




We look forward to more exciting activities next week.

August 25, 2023
by Mrs Craig

Primary 2 – 25.8.23

Good Afternoon Families,

We have had a very busy week in Primary 2!

In Literacy, we focused on the ‘a’ and ‘e’ vowel sound in the middle of the word.  We also did a piece of writing all about ourselves, trying to remember to use full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.  The children produced some fantastic work!

In Maths and Numeracy, we continued to work on 2D shape.  The children were naming and sorting different 2D shapes, including Pentagons, Hexagons and Octagons.  We also continued working with numbers up to 100.

In Health and Wellbeing, we looked at how we can be ready, respectful and safe when we are at school and are in the process of making a display for our classroom.  We can’t wait to show you all!

Highlights of the Week:

Lillian:  I liked free writing Friday because I liked using my imagination to write a story.

Cameron:  I liked playing operation.  It was hard to try and get the pieces out without setting of the buzzer!

Aarav:  I liked making electrical circuits and trying to light up the bulb.

Summer:  I loved the Jungle Show in the hall.  It was fun!

Faye and Azmeer: We liked learning the sounds a and e.  They are both vowel sounds.

Last week we welcomed a new pupil into our class. His name is Zaroon and the children have made him feel very welcome!

Our hot chocolate Friday winner was Aarav! Huge congratulations to him! He has been working very hard and is always kind and helpful to the other children in the class! We are very proud of you Aarav!

We are very sorry that we have no photographs this week.  We have had some technical problems with our class I-pad.  We hope to have this fixed for next week.

Have a great weekend!

August 25, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 25th August 2023

This week we have been learning about ‘same’ and ‘not the same’. We had to look at lots of different pictures and say if they were the same or not.  We also did some writing about what makes us happy after reading all about The Little Spot of Happiness.

In maths, we have been singing songs to help us count all the way to 20 correctly. We also learned how to write the numbers 0 and 1. We have learned rhymes to help us remember how to write the number correctly.

We have been learning all about the people in school who help us and we went on a tour of the school to see all the different areas. We even got to sit on the chairs in the staffroom! We had a visit to the classroom our buddies are in and we got stickers from Mrs McKissack and Mrs McLaughlin when we visited them. Everyone said that we did wonderful walking all through the school.

On Friday, we met up again with our buddies to do some reading and get our photographs taken with them. We then went to assembly to say goodbye to Fr Simon.


Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Tyler T – I enjoyed playing with the cars and the trains.

Sophia – I enjoyed playing with the ice cream.

Joseph – I enjoyed playing with the mini blocks.

Maja – I enjoyed playing with the ice cream.

Alfie – I enjoyed playing with the ice cream.

Leah – I enjoyed playing with Ogilvie Bear.

Miss Stebbing – I was very proud of everyone during writing when they tried their best.

Congratulations to Joseph who is our Hot Chocolate winner this week.

August 21, 2023
by Mr McGurn

P7A Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

We’ve had a busy week in P7A after the return from the summer holidays.

We’ve had PE and Music, Literacy and Mathematics, and met our buddies in P1.

P7A have been learning Spanish and French, HWB and RME, and started a fun Drama lesson.

We’ve settled in very well to the routines of the class and the school and created our own Class Charter.

We’re looking forward to school trips, the P7 show and school camp.


Here are a few comments from the pupils about this week:

“I liked playing/doing mental maths because it makes me feel active.” Adam

Aoife “I liked drama because it was interesting.”

“I Liked meeting my buddy. And drama because everyone got confused.” Joshua

Anastasia “I liked meeting my new buddy.”

“Meeting our buddies was fun! And getting to know everyone.” Cordelia

Amelia “I really enjoyed meeting my buddy because we got to learn different things.”

“The best things about the week were meeting our buddies and getting our new reading book Skellig.” Sam

Sylvia “I really enjoyed meeting my buddy because we played together and chatted a lot.”

“Meeting my buddy because it is their first year in school and we get to show them around and help them.”

August 19, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 14th August 2023

Hello P3A families,

The children have settled back in to school well and have enjoyed their learning experiences so far and getting reacquainted again.  Here are their highlights according to the Yellow table:

Tadiwa enjoyed playing ‘Chaos Tig’ as part of our warm-up during PE.  PE for P3A will be on a Monday and Tuesday.

Olivia liked designing what our new classroom charter will look like.  The class had some lovely ideas that involved a rainbow, raindrops and clouds that would display the important messages of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  We will work on creating this next week.

Zion has loved our class novel ‘The Twits’.  He has read it before at home.  His favourite part was when Mrs Twit played a trick on Mr Twit by putting worms in his spaghetti!  The children had a sensory experience of feeling cooked spaghetti if they wanted.

Jaide said the best part of his week was ‘Boogie break-time’ when the whole school had music to enjoy at break-time.

Riley liked drawing what he thought Mr and Mrs Twit looked like after hearing their description read out.  The children then compared them with what they actually looked like afterwards.  Super listening Riley! Your drawings were similar.

Aadya liked learning about different parts of the eye.  This was a follow up to hearing the chapter about Mrs Twit playing a trick on her husband with her glass eye!  We discovered that the majority of the class have brown eyes!

Allah said she loved playing with the barbies during ‘Choosing Your own Learning’ time.

My highlight was meeting everyone on Monday morning and seeing how the children had grown!  I had some lovely hugs that morning and big smiles.

We welcome our new pupil, Tvisha to our St John Ogilvie family and hope she feels welcome.

I look forward to seeing those families who can attend our ‘Meet the Teacher’ session on Tuesday at 3.30pm.  Slides will be sent home to everyone the following day to remind you of what information was presented or to inform those unable to attend.


Mrs Brown

August 18, 2023
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Learning Highlights 18th August 2023

It has been wonderful being back at school this week.   Everyone has settled really well in to our class and we are all getting to know each other and the routines of school life.  A big thank you to the Primary Two children who are setting a wonderful example and helping our Primary Ones.

We have have enjoyed exploring all areas of the classroom and choosing our own learning.  We read books about school and drew our portraits, they all look amazing and are displayed in the Area.   We had our first assembly of the year today and Mrs McKissack spoke about our school rules and our school mascots.

Primary One were very excited to meet their P7 Buddies.  They spent time playing and chatting with them.  We will have many fun times with them throughout the year.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you all again next week.



August 18, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P5B Weekly Blog 18th August 2023

It has been lovely to meet all the pupils in P5B this week. We even had a new pupil come join us and add to the fun and excitement of our first week. We discussed Article 42 which reminds us that all Children have Rights which we should use so we spent a lot of time planning our learning timetable and creating our Class Charter. We had our first Outdoor Learning session which most of us thought was a lot of fun. In todays assembly Mrs McKissack reminded us about our school rules to be READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE. Meet The Teacher is on Tuesday the 22nd of August.


August 18, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 18th August 2023

All the children have settled in so well this week and have been exploring all the different activities in the classroom. We have read lots of stories about starting school and made self portraits to display in the area. We have learned all about our school rules and mascots and we were very excited to take part in our first assembly. It was lovely to spend time with our P7 Buddies on Friday and we can’t wait to see them again!

Miss Stebbing


June 16, 2023
by Miss Ventisei

P5A weekly update: 16th June 2023

Hello everyone!

We hope you have had a lovely week with the beautiful sunshine- P5A definitely have!

Here is a run-down of our busy week!

Literacy: We have continued to work hard on our reciprocal reading podcasts this week and Miss Ventisei is so pleased with our growth and development over the past few months! She is particularly impressed with our independence and cooperation that we display every time we meet together in our groups! We have also been working hard to complete our class newsletter SWAYs and we are excited to share our unique QR codes with our parents over the next few weeks!

Maths: On Monday we used the iPads to solve some tricky real-life 12 and 24hr time challenges. We are getting much more confident with using 24hr time and applying our learning to different contexts, well done! We have also continued to work on algebra this week. We had an ‘equation celebration’ where we all made paper chains (decorated with algebraic equations and resolutions) and covered our classroom with our hard work! We also used our measuring skills to work out who had the longest chain and the difference between the longest and shortest! On Thursday we continued our learning within information handling by creating some line graphs. We explored some data detailing the average temperatures for each month in Livingston in 2022 and created a line graph to visualise this! It was really interesting learning about how to calculate averages and attempting our first line graph- we did a fab job!

Spanish: This week we were learning about different foods in Spanish! We are currently working on creating some menus for a Spanish restaurant which we are really enjoying!

Outdoor learning: Our favourite part of the week was definitely going to the firepit on Thursday! We roasted marshmallows, drank hot chocolate and even cooked some of the vegetables we harvested ourselves! Everyone was so safe and had a fantastic time- Miss Ventisei was unbelievably proud! We also completed our final planting of the year and of course, made lots of effort to water all of our plants every single day in this hot weather! We have had so many compliments from around the school community about how beautiful our school grounds now look and we are really, really proud of our achievements!

Science: This week we have been learning about the circulatory system! After listening and feeling very carefully for our pulse and heartbeat, we watched a few clips to visualise our own circulatory system. We know that the circulatory system is made up of 3 components- the heart, blood vessels and blood. We consolidated our learning with our favourite type of recall activity- a competitive class Kahoot quiz!

R.E.: We have been learning about Prophets during R.E. this month. We furthered our understanding of what a prophet is and the types of personal qualities a Prophet might have.

Our Hot Chocolate winner this week was Emily. She has been spotted being a fantastic friend and being incredibly helpful around the classroom! Congratulations Emily!

Thank you for another excellent week P5A, I am so proud of you.

Enjoy another weekend in the sunshine and see you all ready for another fun week on Monday!




June 16, 2023
by Mrs Craig

P2A – Weekly Update 16.6.23

What a beautiful week it has been!  As a result, we have managed to complete lots of our learning, outside in the fresh air.

At the beginning of the week the children learned about the first moon landing, they then went on to write fantastic newspaper reports about it and created brilliant pieces of art!

On Thursday, we were learning about ordinal numbers.  The children made their own paper aeroplanes and then we went outside to see how far they would fly.  We used ordinal numbers to place them from 1st to 23rd.  Riley’s aeroplane came in first place, with Laura’s a close second!

Our pupil of the week was Jack who has been exceptionally kind this week and has been trying hard with his work.

Here are a few of the children’s learning highlights:

Jack – I loved learning about the first moon landing.

Rory – I enjoyed learning about the artist Van Gogh and making a sunflower picture.

Aadya – I like making the paper aeroplanes and flying them outside.

Vivien – I enjoyed making medals for Sports Day next week.

Grace – I liked colouring the ice cream cones for maths.


We have an exciting week lined up next week with both Sports Day and Fun Day happening in the same week!  Hopefully the weather will continue to be kind to us.

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