St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

September 1, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 1st September 2023

This week we have been learning how to write the numbers 2 and 3. We even made the numbers with play dough which was great fun. We have been doing lots of counting and we have been taking turns with Miss Stebbing to say the number sequences. We like it when we get to zero first!

In writing, we wrote about what we can do if someone is sad and we had lots of great ideas. We have continued our work on same and not the same by listening to sounds.

In topic, Ogilvie Bear has been visiting travel agents in Livingston Centre to plan his adventures around the world. We made him a special passport so he can go to visit different countries.  We also did our first Seesaw task to help him pack his suitcase for hot and cold weather. We even saw photos of Ogilvie Bear at the Airport and we had a great discussion about where he could go and what he had to do to keep himself safe at the airport. We are very excited to see which country he visits first!

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Joseph – I liked playing with the blocks.

Alfie – I liked making the fire engine.

Dawid – I liked playing with the trains.

Sophia – I liked making a wand.

Leah – I liked playing with Sadness Spot and Happy Spot.

Miss Stebbing – I was very impressed when some of the children made their own fire engine and hoses. They put out lots of fires in our classroom!

Well done to Alfie who is our hot chocolate winner this week!


September 1, 2023
by Mr McGurn

P7A Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

P7A had an excellent day with Mrs Ross on Monday and she reported how confidently they worked together and how capable they were.

This week we have been taking some Maths and English assessments and these will help identify targets to work on as next steps in our learning journey.

On Tuesday and Thursday we have been working on researching decades, looking at many aspects of the past from a Scottish perspective and we look forward to showcasing our work with you at an assembly at the end of October.

Wednesday we used apples donated from Mrs Meikle’s apple tree, to make apple crumbles. David and Cordelia were the biggest fans!

We also completed a practical science lesson, dissolving salt, in order to then grow salt crystals.

Mr McGurn wishes he had remembered to get the iPad out to take pictures!

On Friday we took part in house group activities and enjoyed working with pupils from P1-P7.

We also continued our ‘Frank Miller’ drama, where this week Frank was ‘…back in town!’


Well done to Josh on winning Hot Chocolate at home this week, he went Over and Above in his approach to his learning and Mrs Brown commented on how helpful he was during the House Group activities.

Great Job Josh!


Amelia says, “I was a successful learner while cooking.”

Emily says, “When we were in our house groups I helped the P1s and 2s. By doing this I was a responsible citizen.”

Elizabete says, “I liked cooking apple crumble.”


Have a great weekend and we’ll hopefully have some pictures next week.

P7A and Mr McGurn



September 1, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P5B Blog 1st September 2023

Our highlights this week we were developing our Basketball skills in PE. We learned more about our emotions through Zones of Regulation and SHANARRI activities. This week we looked at how we can use our super powers to help others achieve/learn about their rights in the first House Group Meeting of this year.

Primary 5 A & B made apple crumble and we are writing the procedure of how to make a delicious apple crumble. In P5B some of us ate our apple crumble in class with ice cream but some of us decided to take it home. Hopefully they will enjoy it

Next week we are really looking forward to Monday when we will get our homework and earn points by completing it by Friday. We are also looking forward to our Outdoor Learning when we will be planting bulbs around the school grounds to increase biodiversity.


September 1, 2023
by Miss MacGregor

P6A WB 28th Aug

Hello P6A families,

It is this weeks lead learners, Inaayah and Akshaj with our class highlights of the week.

For Literacy, we created a describing bubble after exploring different ways to add description into our writing and up level our work. We will be using this for our Narrative writing going forward. For Numeracy, we have been looking at place value and working with numbers up to a million. We looked at different ways to represent numbers through the bar model, part-whole model, counters and the number line.

This week, we started our research for our topic, Ancient Civilisations. We are in groups and creating information posters from our own research on different civilisations.

In PE, we have been training for the cross country but we also got the opportunity to work on our teamwork skills by building castles out of hula-hoops. Lots of resilience and communication needed! It was a lot of fun.

The hot chocolate winner for this week was Nikola, who has always been showing our class rules.

Have a lovely weekend,

P6A 🙂


September 1, 2023
by Mrs McLaughlin

Primary 5a Week Beginning 28th of August

This week in Primary 5a we have been learning our new Word Boost words, writing what they mean and if they were a verb, adverb or adjective. We have also been making apple crumble, we learned how to peel and cut an apple using a knife. In PE we have been learning some basketball passes.


Ishaan – My favourite part of the week is doing Sumdog.

Pixie – My favourite part has been break and playing with my friends.

John – My highlight has been making apple crumble.

Ailsa – My favourite part of the week was doing partitioning in maths.

Hamnah – My favourite part of the week was doing Spanish.


The Hot Chocolate winner of the week was Marie! Well done!

September 1, 2023
by Mrs Meikle

P2/1 w/b 28th August

This week we have all been working hard on our tasks. Our teachers have been very proud of us.

In math, we have been looking at numbers. We have really enjoyed counting songs and have worked hard to sequence numbers. P2 have been looking at how numbers are made up using tens and ones.

In literacy, P1 have been listening to see if sounds are the same or different and have been working hard practising writing their names.

P2 have continued revising their learned sounds and focused this week on sh and th. They also completed a listening exercise and worked on writing good sentences using a capital letter and full stop.

This week we continued to look at the Zones of Regulation. We discussed the yellow and red zones. We also began our new topic ‘Ogilvie Bear Around the World’. We have been helping Ogilvie bear get ready for his trip by making him a passport and helping him to pack a bag for a hot and cold country.

August 26, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 21st August 2023

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Blue table:

Angel has enjoyed our learning about 2D shapes.  His favourite was a circle.  The children learned a little trick to help them remember the name of a ‘pentagon’.  They now visualise it as a hotel and see the penthouse suite at the top!  We will continue to learn about shape next week.

Ollie said the best part of his week was adding within 100.  The children have been using Dienes maths resources to support them with addition.  We will be doing much addition and subtraction within 100 throughout the year.  The children made a good start on their understanding of it this week.

Caleb also loved maths this week.  The class has a counting teddy, which they named ‘Lila’.  Lila helps us count to warm up our brains before our maths lesson.  This week we have revised counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards (revision from P2).

Laura loved the production of ‘The Jungle Book’.  A big thank you to the PFA for this annual treat!

Vivien liked PE with Mr Pentland this week.  They played some getting to know you activities.  Vivien shared her love of gymnastics.  Mr Pentland takes the class on a Monday for PE and I take the class on a Tuesday for PE.

My highlight was an activity we did as a follow up to our class novel, The Twits.  The children had to work in pairs (one being Mr Twit and the other, Mrs Twit) and using a stimulus, had to play a trick on the other person (The Twits are always playing tricks on one another).  We had some creative ideas from P3A!  Ask your child what trick they played!

Congratulations to our Hot Chocolate award winner this week, Deveena!

Homework will begin next week and will be found on your child’s Seesaw account.  I ask that homework packs remain in the school bags to protect the reading books and are brought to school everyday.  Thank you.  Can your child also take a water bottle and snack with them to school each day to help keep them hydrated and provide energy between meal times.  Thank you.


Mrs Brown

August 26, 2023
by Mrs Meikle

P2/1 w/b 21st August

Week 2 in P2/1 and our teachers are very impressed with how well we have settled into routines after the summer holiday. We are all working hard to show we are Ready, Respectful and Safe.

This week we have been doing lots of number work, recognising numbers and putting them into order. We have enjoyed counting songs and games.

P2 have been revising their initial sounds and have focused on middle vowel sounds to build cvc words. P1 have been working on recognising quiet and loud sounds and the vocabulary same and not the same/different.

We are focusing on emotions/feelings and this week have looked at the green and blue Zones of Regulation in preparation to begin our daily check ins.

There has been lots of play throughout the days and it has been lovely observing all the children interacting with their peers and showing off their knowledge.



August 25, 2023
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 25/8/23

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 4 has had a busy week settling into new routines and working hard to add to our classroom displays. We are very proud of our ” Zones of Regulation” display which enables us to monitor how we are feeling every morning. Everyone is contributing to building our class charter display. There was also a big surprise on Monday afternoon when we were told that a company was coming to our school to perform Jungle Book. It was very exciting and enjoyable.

Literacy: We have been concentrating on improving our sentences and punctuating them correctly. We used a variety of pictures as a stimulus for our writing. We are reading  ” The Boy Who Grew Dragons”. So far we have predicted what will happen in the book, and illustrated our work with dragon pictures!

Health and Wellbeing: We have been learning about the ” Zones of Regulation” and the different emotions we can experience when we are in a particular zone.

Maths: We have been developing our knowledge of time.

Physical Education: We went outside for hockey and devloped our ability to dribble the ball without losing control!

Art: We created some bright pictures by drawing round our hands and creating a stained glass window effect.

Congratulations to Pola on being awarded our Hot Chocolate award this week.

We hope you have a super weekend.

Mrs Lea and Primary 4A



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