St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

September 9, 2023
by Mrs Meikle

P2/1 Highlights

Another great week of learning in P2/1. We have been working on trying to keep the classroom tidier during play and on using our indoor voices.

in Math this week we have continued our learning of shape, finding 2D shapes in 3D shapes. We have also worked on formation of numbers and P2 have continued looking at place value.

In Literacy, P1 drew fantastic black line drawings of where Ogilvie Bear is on his travels and P2 wrote fantastic facts about America. P2 have been learning new sounds ck and nk, while P1 have been working on distinguishing a beginning, middle and end sound using instruments.

Ogilvie Bear this week is in America. We have been looking at pictures of places he has visited, such as the Empire Stare Building, the Grand Canyon, Golden Gate Bridge and the White House. We particularly loved seeing his holiday pictures from Walt Disney World. We decided to make our own Mickey Ears and took a virtual ride on some of the rides before watching the evening fireworks.

Well done to Rhain for receiving this weeks Hot Chocolate Award. He has worked hard this week using his learned sounds to complete a variety of tasks.

We hope all the children have a lovely weekend.

September 8, 2023
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Highlights

Good Afternoon Families,

Primary 4 has had another busy week!

In Literacy, we have been learning how to write instructions and we followed a recipe to make delicious Malteser tray bake which we all enjoyed tasting!

In Maths, we continued to learn about time using five minute intervals. This will ensure that we never miss our break!

During Topic we have been researching Alexander Graham Bell and his amazing inventions.  Our class created their own mind- maps to remember all the facts. Here are a few of our learning highlights.

Rebekah- ” I enjoyed learning about instructions and making the tray bake.”

Ollie- ” Learning about time was fun!”

Ella-” Playing hockey outside was enjoyable.”

John-” It was interesting to learn about Alexander Graham bell and his inventions.”

Babafola- ” I enjoyed  watching and discussing the bible story about the paralysed man.”

Chiji- ” Our class novel is really funny and interesting!”

Congratulations to Julia who was our hot chocolate winner this week!


Have a super weekend

Mrs Lea and Primary 4A


September 8, 2023
by Mrs Craig

Primary 2 – 8.9.23

Good Afternoon Families,

We are not sure if the children have told you, but our very own Ogilvie Bear is travelling around the world.  He arrived in America this week and has been sending us messages about where he is and what he has been doing.  The children coloured American flags, took a virtual trip to Disney and decorated their own Mickey Mouse ears.

In Literacy, we focused on the ‘sh’ and ‘th’ sounds.  We also did a piece of writing about our favourite place.  We continued to work on trying to remember to use full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.  We also asked the children to use a joining word to connect their ideas.  We were very impressed with the writing produced!

In Maths and Numeracy, we continued to investigate 3D shapes.  The children were naming and sorting different 3D shapes, and we went on a 3D shape hunt around the school grounds.

Highlights of the Week:

Vedansh:  I liked trying to join my letters together in handwriting.

Lillian:  I loved decorating my Mickey Mouse ears.

Luca:  I enjoyed free writing Friday, I wrote about monsters!

Enso:  I liked learning new words in Word Boost.

Filip:  I liked working with Miss Smith on my literacy.

Connor:  I liked searching for 3D shapes outside.

Summer: I liked getting letters from Ogilvie Bear.

Huge congratulation to our hot chocolate Friday winner this week, Vasilisa!  She is always hard working and extremely helpful!  We are very proud of you Vasilisa!

Have a great weekend everyone!

September 8, 2023
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – 08.09.23

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our P5A Blog!

We hope you are all well and very much used to the idea that our ‘babies’ are already big Primary 5s!😄

This week has been a bit different because Mrs Valente has been ill and had to be off Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday but we are still going to try and tell you about the things P5a have loved the most about the week, the highlights:

  • Many people said they absolutely loved planting bulbs with their P5B friends in the school grounds and they were so good at it that they came today in the morning and were able to write instructional texts about ‘How to plant bulbs’, so that anyone who doesn’t know can follow their texts to learn and actually do it!🌹🌻🌺
  • Most pupils have enjoyed our Consecration Journey where we start by praying the ‘Come, Holy Spirit’ prayer, followed by the daily reading, its discussion and then, the Rosary. We are becoming very good at praying the Rosary and have been enjoying it a lot.
  • Playing basketball was also one of the week’s favourite activities and we will hopefully continue next week.
  • Learning about really advanced 2d shapes, their names and properties was very interesting and the children were very good at them.
  • The Tale of the Fountain of Fair Fortune was very much enjoyed and our Word Boost words from the week have been chosen by us from this interesting tale which has lots of tricky but wow vocabulary!

Regarding the 2 previous weeks, we would like to congratulate Miss Julia for having been the first Hot Chocolate of Primary 5 on the 25th of August!!!!!!👏👏👏👏👏👏🏆🥇

We would also like to send Miss Marie, who sadly had to say goodbye to us to move to another school in Edinburgh, all our love and all the luck for her new adventure! We know how lovely you are and are sure you will be much loved in your new school! 🥰Also, congratulations to Miss Marie for having been the 2nd Hot Chocolate of Primary 5, on the 1st of September! Well done!!!!!🥇🏆👏

We will let everyone know about our 3rd Hot Chocolate next week, since Mrs Valente will need to ask for some advice on that…😊

Here you can find the link to the Consecration Journey clips for days 6, Saturday, and 7, Sunday. It would be very good if you could help your child with the days they are not in school, including weekends and holidays, if possible.


That’s all for this week, we wish you all an amazing and sunny weekend filled with happiness!😍🌞🌄

P5A and Mrs Valente😘

September 8, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 8th September 2023

This week we have been learning all about the numbers 4 and 5. We have used ten frames to make the numbers in different ways and we are getting really good at showing the correct finger patterns. We have enjoyed playing the games on the smartboard to help us with our counting.


In Literacy, we have been listening for animal sounds at the beginning, the middle and the end. We know we have to start from the left hand side. We pretended to line up for the bus and talked about who was at the beginning, middle and end of the line.


Ogilvie Bear visited the USA this week. We made our own flags and we learned about some landmarks. We really liked watching the Go Jetters episode where they visit the Golden Gate Bridge. We wrote about where Ogilvie Bear was and Miss Stebbing was very proud of all our drawings. On Thursday, we had a Disney Day. We visited Walt Disney World and got to watch some videos of the rides. We loved pretending to be on the roller coaster! We made our own Mickey Ears and voted for the snack that we would like to try. Then we watched the parade and the fireworks.


On Friday, we met up with our P7 Buddies and we did a Disney character hunt. There were posters all around the playground and we had to write the number on our clipboard when we found them.


Here are some of our personal highlights:

Peyton – I liked the roller coaster.

Dawid – I liked playing with the toys.

Eliza – I liked being with the buddies.

Sophia – I liked making the ears. I was Minnie Mouse.

Miss Stebbing – I was so proud of everyone for designing their own Mickey Ears. They were very creative.


Well done to Leah who is our Hot Chocolate Winner this week.

September 8, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P5B Weekly Blog 8th September 2023

Our highlights In P5B  this week have been developing our shooting and dribbling skills in PE. We continued to learn more about our emotions to build our resilience and confidence. Mrs Broadley has been teaching us more about Talking and Listening in Spanish. In Science we are researching information to create a powerpoint about the solar system, famous astronauts and technology in space. It’s fun but tricky as well.

We discussed Children’s Rights which exist to protect all children up to 18 years old. We discussed how two rights may sometimes conflict with one another eg article 12 having the right to ideas and opinions but having to follow rules they might not agree with (the right to be safe) eg not being on phones or devices except for specific tasks.

This week we have begun our Consecration Journey with daily prayers sessions. The Consecration journey will consist of 33 consecutive days of readings and prayers followed on the 34th day with a Mass of celebration in church. The links for Saturday and Sunday readings will be posted on Teams as well as this blog to enable access for families who wish to participate at home. 

Consecration to Jesus through Mary: Day 6, Bishop Keenan

Consecration to Jesus through Mary: Day 7, Bishop Keenan

Primary 5 A & B were very busy during our Outdoor Learning by planting bulbs around the school grounds which (fingers crossed) will be seen by everyone next Spring.

September 2, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 28th August 2023

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Red table:

Linda said that the best part of her week was the letter we wrote to the SSPCA.  In our class novel, The Twits, Mr and Mrs Twit treat animals cruelly!  We decided something had to be done about this!  So we wrote to the SSPCA in the hope that they would get arrested.  The children know that this is a fiction book and the letters are not actually being posted.  Examining letter writing is something we have looked at since we stared P3.

Grace loved looking up Egyptian keywords on the ipads.  This term, we are going to be studying The Ancient Egyptians, The Vikings and The Romans for 2 weeks each.  We started off by looking up The River Nile, the pyramids, hieroglyphics and desert on the ipads.  Grace enjoyed viewing the pyramids the best.

Tvisha enjoyed her music lesson with Mrs Morrison where the children sung a song about a treasure island.

Hafsah loved handwriting.  We joined i and g this week.

Jack, who eats and breaths football, has chosen playing a football game, similar to Subbuteo, as the best part of his week.  The children love this game so much, that we have had to introduce a timetable of when they can play it, to give those who want to, a turn.

Tadiwa absolutely loves being challenged in maths.  We have started a ‘Challenge of the Day’ maths sum.  He enjoys trying this.

Deveena loves our crafts table and this week made a dolls house.  She said this was the highlight of her week.

Jiade liked PE with me this week.  For out warm up, 4 children wore a coloured vest and had to catch the other children and put them in their corner which was marked with the same coloured cone.  The team with the most children won.  Jiade really enjoyed this game.

My highlight was our House Group activity on Friday.  The children went to different classes around the school where their House was.  Each House completed an activity of designing a super hero and giving it a super power that would help them to receive their rights.

Congratulations to Grace, our Hot Chocolate award winner this week!

Thank you to all parents who returned the reading book on Friday.  If you ever need more time with it, please let me know.  Just a reminder that new books will be issued on a Monday, to be returned on the Friday.   Keeping them in the homework pack provided, will keep them protected against spilled water bottles.  Literacy and Maths homework, issued through Seesaw, will go out on a Monday and due in for the following Monday (but can be submitted any time before then).


Mrs Brown

September 1, 2023
by Mr Pentland

P3B Update

Hello P3B families!

We have had a Fantastic first few weeks of P3! We are all getting on so well and are loving getting to know one another!

We have done so much in the short time of working with one another!

During our reflections, the children have said:

“I loved making structures and working as a team in PE” – this was so much fun!

“I liked doing number lines!” – we are all doing so well!

“I liked writing about why people should come to SJO” – these are so good! The children have made some lovely points! Can’t wait to continue with this next week!

“I love our classroom!” “I loved meeting Mr Pentland” – how sweet! I have loved getting to know you all and I am so excited to continue to work together this year!

Our Hot Chocolate at Home has gone to Lilly and Ciara! You have both demonstrated exemplary behaviour; always ready, respectful and safe!


every Monday: literacy and number – including a reading book.

Note: next week’s book will be the same as last due to ongoing assessments. Thank you for your understanding.

If you have any questions or queries, please just get in contact with me via the school office or seesaw.

some photo highlights:


September 1, 2023
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 28/8/23

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 4 has had a busy week with lots of fun activities. We have been continuing to develop our knowledge of place value in Numeracy. We have also been learning  how to tell the time using five minute intervals. Our class novel has reached an exciting part where the dragons have escaped!  Our class produced fantastic art this week, creating dragon eyes for our classroom display.  In our topic lesson, we enjoyed learning about children’s rights.  On Wednesday afternoon we ventured up to the woodlands and completed various tasks using challenge cards.

Our highlights :

John- “I really enjoyed the house group activities where we designed our own Superhero!”

David and Rebekah- “We liked learning how to draw a dragon eye in art.”

Ben – “I enjoyed going up to the woodlands.”

Kyle-“I liked reading our class novel called ” The Boy Who Grew Dragons.”

Ollie and Joe- “We enjoyed maths and learning how to read five minute intervals.”

Aiden G- “Doing our daily mile during P.E. was fun.”

Congratulations to Ollie on being awarded our hot chocolate winner this week.

Have a super weekend Mrs Lea and Primary 4



September 1, 2023
by Mrs Brand

Primary 2 Weekly Highlights – WB 28.8.23

Good Afternoon Families,

We have had a very busy week in Primary 2!

In Literacy, we focused on the ‘i’, ‘0’ and ‘u’ vowel sound in the middle of the word.  We also learned the ‘ig’ join in our joined up handwriting!

In Maths and Numeracy, we continued to work on 2D shape.  The children really enjoyed going on a shape hunt and were excellent at identifying shapes throughout the school. We learned to sequence numbers to 30 and worked on recognising numbers before, after and in-between.

We had our first House Group session on Friday. In these sessions the children learned all about their Rights and created their own ‘Rights’ Super Heroes.

We started our new topic this week. It’s called ‘Where in the World is Ogilvie Bear’. The children were very excited when Ogilvie Bear flew off on his first adventure to the USA.


Highlights of the Week:

Vedansh – I liked learning about 2D shapes.

Faye and Lillian – We liked it when Ogilvie Bear sent us messages and pictures of him at the airport and on the plane.

Connor – I liked free writing. I wrote about my Kuk Sool.

Vasilisa – I loved drawing.

Summer – Rose – I loved finding out that we have a prize box for the table with the most jewels.

Huge Congratulation to Rose, our hot chocolate winner!

Have a lovely weekend!

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