St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

September 22, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 22nd September 2023

This week we have been learning the sound ‘c’. We played a game where we had to feed the cat words that began with ‘c’ and we had great fun!

In maths, we have been learning to write the numbers 8 and 9. We have also been making the numbers in the ten frames and using our finger patterns. We enjoyed playing a game on the smartboard to help us with our finger patterns.

This week Ogilvie Bear was visiting France. We made flags and learned about the Tour De France. We also decorated cycling jerseys. We enjoyed learning about the Eiffel Tower and we completed a dot to dot worksheet with a picture of it.

On Friday, we went to assembly and learned about being a superhero. Then we spent some time outside with our buddies.

Here are some of our personal highlights this week:

Bella – I liked playing with the buddies.

Matteo – I liked playing with my buddy.

Tyler T – I liked playing with the cars.

Lewis – I liked playing with Ollie.

Joseph – I liked choosing our own learning.

Leah – I liked playing the cat game.

Miss Stebbing – I was very proud of how well everyone sat in assembly and had fantastic manners by waiting their turn to answer questions.

Well done to Matteo who is our Hot Chocolate at Home winner this week.


September 22, 2023
by Miss MacGregor

Primary 6A 22.9.23

Hello, this is Aarya and Francesca doing this weeks blog.

Topic – P6A have been busy making posters and presentations.Our topic is ancient civilisations.   There are seven groups 

Ancient China (Francesca) Group 1 – this was one of the most interesting civilisations in history.

Ancient Greece (Lili) Group 2 – They made a living with bakers.

Stone Age (Eilidh) Group 3 –  The Stone Age started in 30,000 BC.

Ancient Rome (Aarya) Group 4 – Ancient Rome has 7 nicknames.

Vikings (Farrah) Group 5 – The popular words that we use now are the words vikings made.

Ancient Greece (Emily) Group 6 – They wore robes.

Ancient Japan (Nikola) Group 7 – Samuri only wore there katana on the left side

 Class Highlights-

Aksaj – I enjoyed doing dodgeball in PE last week.

Emily – I enjoyed playing with the p3b’s, it was really fun! We helped them as well with maths and research.

Eilidh – I loved taking part in the drama act where we get a certain line or speech to say.

Max – I enjoyed dancing and teaching the p3bs.

Inaayah – I loved doing place value for maths.

Well done to Emili for winning hot chocolate this week. She was very ready and respectful.


Have a good weekend,


September 22, 2023
by Miss Duddy

P4b learning highlights 22nd September 2023

On Wednesday primary 4 were looking at time again with Mrs Ross. They also had fun doing some well-being on Wednesday afternoon and had Music. Yesterday we consolidated what we had learned doing rounding and some of us had another go at it, we had a fun times table competition where we timed each other saying the 2 times table. Mrs Broadley was also in doing some Spanish and we have been focussing on our jotter presentation, particularly in our lined jotters. Today NYCOS came in to work with the children which most of them enjoyed and we had fun. A massive well done to the pupils in our class who were the best class in the lunch hall this week and last week and won an extra long playtime today.

Michaels highlight of the week this week was music with Mrs Morrison, he enjoyed watching the video Mrs Morrison played for the class.

Georgia enjoyed maths this week and in particular doing the Topmarks daily 10 on her whiteboard. Although it was tricky she had fun doing it.

David’s highlight of the week was saying the two times table and being timed. He enjoyed the competition and thought it was fun to compete with his friends.


Congratulations to this weeks hot chocolate winner Moeez!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Duddy

September 22, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P5B Weekly Blog 22nd September 2023

It has been a very short week. On Wednesday we wrote ‘This is Me’ poems to describe ourselves. We displayed them on our Literacy Wall because we are very proud of them.

On Thursday we completed our William Wallace portraits. Each one of them is unique to the artist who drew and painted them.

Today one of our pupils shared her achievement of being player of the year.

We are looking forward to a busy week full of learning next week.

Links below to days 20 and 21 of our Consecration Journey.
Have a great weekend everyone.

September 16, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 11th September 2023

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Blue table:

Rory has enjoyed the preparation for our upcoming assembly on the 29th   (date shared in newsletter).  It is all about friendship.  The children have been working hard to write the script themselves, produce the artwork and create dance moves to our songs.  Rory met the challenge of writing 8 sentences about what friendship looks like.  These ideas will feed into our script.

Caleb liked writing ‘oa’ words in oatmeal.  This week we have been learning about spelling patterns that make the long vowel o sound.  These are: oa, ow and o_e.

Alicja said she loved playing ‘Shape Corners’ as part of our learning about 3D shapes.  Congratulations to our 2 winners who managed to stay in the game until the very end!

Ollie has been enjoying our learning about the Ten Commandments.  He is part of the group who will make them on stone for our assembly.

My highlight was the discussion we had following a story about a little boy who was worried.  The children shared some of their worries and myself and the class gave the children some advice.

We welcome our new pupil, Ethan and hope he feels very welcome.



Mrs Brown


September 15, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 14th September 2023

This week we learned all about the letter ‘m’. We listened for words with the ‘m’ sound and we practised writing the letter correctly. Some people decided to make ‘m’ using the blocks. We also learned the common word ‘I’.

In maths, we have been learning to write the numbers 6 and 7. We used the ten frames and the Rekenreks to show the number in different ways. We also learned about 2D shapes and discussed how many sides and corners each had. We then coloured in a shape pizza.

In Health and Wellbeing, we discussed why it is important to wash our hands. We sequenced the pictures in the right order to show how to wash your hands correctly.

Ogilvie Bear has been visiting Greenland this week and we have learned some facts about the country. We wrote a sentence about the animals that Ogilvie Bear could see. We followed instructions to draw a polar bear and learned about the Northern Lights. Everyone was very impressed with our art work.



September 14, 2023
by Mrs Meikle

P2/1 Learning Highlights

This week in P2/1 we have been following Ogilvie Bears Adventures in the Arctic. We have learned about Greenland, the Northern Lights and all about Polar Bears.

We have continued our learning of numbers counting and sequencing numbers. P1 continued practising number formation and P2 work on place value.

 P1 started learning their first sound ‘M’ and enjoyed making their own monsters. They practised formation of M and helped the monster to eat M sound foods.

P2 revised the ‘ch’ spelling pattern and learned when to use ‘tch’. They wrote super sentences describing a Polar Bear. Well done to this weeks Star ⭐️ Writers – Rhain, Martyna, JJ, Ahmed and Victoria.

We hope everyone has a lovely long weekend and we will see you again on Wednesday.




September 14, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P5B Weekly Blog 14th September 2023

On Monday and Thursday, we were practising dribbling, blocking and passing which helps us to develop good basketball team skills. On Monday afternoon we discussed  This year’s International Day of Peace will focus on “Actions for Peace” and how the Sustainable Development Goals are essential to preventing conflict and maintaining peace. We will be continuing to research our Rights through Article 38 (war and armed conflicts) Governments  must do everything they can to protect and care for children affected by war and armed conflict) and Article 39 (recovery from trauma and reintegration) Children who have experienced neglect, abuse, exploitation, torture or who are victims of war must receive special support to help them recover their health, dignity, self-respect and social life.

We sketched Peace Posters in our Jotters which show there should be peace around the world not war.






As part of our Consecration Journey we are learning more about the prayers of the Rosary.

We also drew pictures of Our Lady and displayed them around our Altar area.






The daily link to our Consecration Journey for each day over the holiday weekend.

Consecration Journey Day 12             Consecration Journey Day 13          Consecration Journey Day 14    Consecration Journey Day 15             Consecration Journey Day 16

On Wednesday we wrote instructions for corner bookmarks. We made our lovely bookmarks first so we could remember the steps.






We also completed our 2D shape Information Posters. We put a few of them on our Math Working Wall to remind us of our learning.

As it was Thursday today we were outside for Outdoor Learning. We had wonderful volunteers working to clear up different areas of our school grounds so we went to admire the Vegetable and Fruit growing area at the back of the school and had a quick chat about fruit and veg we would like to plant there soon.




Then we planted the last of our flower bulbs along the fence and trees around the front of the school grounds. Look out next year for snowdrops, crocus, bluebells and tulips amonst other types of flowers we planted in the garden areas outside the classrooms. We hope everyone has a happy, healthy weekend break and we will see everyone on Wednesday 20th September.

September 14, 2023
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – 14.09.23

Dear Readers,

We hope you are all doing very well and also that you are looking forward for the Holiday weekend to enjoy some quality family time!

This week the highlights were:

  • Our ‘creepy’ tale of the Warlock’s Hairy Heart.
  • The learning in Maths about 3d shapes and place value.
  • Our origami bookmark.
  • Our Instructional Writing about how to make an origami bookmark.
  • Planting the rest of our bulbs around the school grounds.
  • We have continued our Consecration Journey and have started to Pray the Whole Rosary for the first time. So that you can continue your Consecration Journey, here are the links to the next days, Friday- day 12 , Saturday- day 13, Sunday- day 14, Monday – day 15, Tuesday – day 16.


Many congratulations to our Hot Chocolate winner! 👏🌻🏆🥇🥰Things like super kindness, readiness, respect, being and keeping others safe and being caring always get rewarded! You are an absolute ✨😊!


That’s all for this week!

We say goodbye wishing all an amazing weekend!

Mrs Valente and P5A🥰❤

September 9, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 4th September 2023


Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Yellow table:

Riley said he enjoyed learning our long i vowel sound.  We know this can be made up of the spelling patterns: ‘igh’, i_e (magic e), ie and _y.  Look out for this sound in next week’s Literacy homework.

Hasika recounts how the best part of her week was learning about the ‘Ten Commandments’.  The children know that all the Commandments can be divided into loving God and loving our neighbour.

Aadya liked learning about hieroglyphics, the ancient Egyptian way of recording numbers and letters.  The children made their own papyrus looking paper by tea staining paper and when it dried they chose their own number and wrote it using this ancient way of recording.  They also wrote their name using their symbols.

Zion liked learning about the Great Pyramids.  The children made their own pyramid using a square based net.  Some P6s were on hand to help.

Alicjia loved our lessons about tiling 2D shape.  After an unsuccessful attempt at tiling random sized shapes, the children came to the realisation that tiling can only be done if the shapes are the same size.  We demonstrated this using shapes printed on paper and also through duplicating shapes on Seesaw.

Diana loved a PE co-operative game called ‘Crossing the River’.  Ask your child to explain to you how to play it.  Why not try it as a family and see if you can cross the river!  If possible, it was be great to see a photo or video on Seesaw for the class to enjoy!

My highlight was seeing the enthusiasm of two pupils who were very focused on mixing paints together to find out what other colours could be made.  They have started a discovery book and hope to share their findings with the class!

Congratulations to Jack, our Hot Chocolate award winner this week!


Mrs Brown

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