St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

October 6, 2023
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Learning Highlights 6th October 2023

This week P1 have been learning the sound ‘p’. We have enjoyed colouring penguins, cutting out and sorting P and p letters and practising how to write p.   We worked hard on learning our word of the week ‘the’ and tried to use it in a talking sentence.  In writing we  wrote I can see the pink pig and we made some pppp popcorn it tasted delicious.

P2 have been learning about er and est and what happens when we add these endings to the word.  In writing we wrote about friendship and what a friend is.  We also worked on rhyming words.

In Maths and Numeracy we looked at tens and ones to 100 and numbers within 10.  We are  checking we have formed our numbers correctly.  We continued working on symmetry and are able to identify objects that are symmetrical and those that are not.

In Religion we have been learning about Mary and we are recalling the prayer Hail Mary.  We drew and coloured pictures of Mary.

This week Ogilvie Bear was in Japan.  We made our own Japanese Flag and found where Japan is on the world map.  We looked at traditional clothing and designed a kimono.  We looked at the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama who makes art work using polka dots.  One of her famous pieces is pumpkins using polka dots.  We tried to create our own pumpkin art work using polka dots. They turned out very well.  We also learned how to count to ten in Japanese and we looked at the Japanese Cherry Tree and drew our own.

Congratulations to Daniel our Hot Chocolate at home winner this week.

We hope you have a wonder mid-term break and well deserved rest after working so hard your first term in P2/1.  We look forward to seeing you all again on Tuesday 17th October.

October 6, 2023
by Mrs Miller

Primary 5B Weekly Blog 6th October 2023

We spent this week reflecting on the different childrens rights we have and how we know that we are getting them. e.g. in class we drink water and we can fill up our water bottles (article 24 a right to clean water) We also created posters to show the key things having rights gives us – LIFE, PROTECTION from harm,  PARTICIPATION (to join groups and share our opinions) and DEVELOPMENT (help to build our talents & skills as we grow up)





On Friday we had a fabulous collection across all classes for the local foodbank.








Layla also donated her preloved Halloween costumes. 

This week we have been practising our hockey skills, dribbling and passing. After the October break we will be building game skills before we take part in a hockey competition at the end of October.





Tomorrow is the final day for our Consecration to Jesus through Mary. Day 34with Bishop Keenan.

Thank you to everyone who has participated at home as well as in class. We will arrange a class mass when we come back from our holidays.

Have a great Holiday everyone. We will see you all on Tuesday, 17th of October.

October 6, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 6th October 2023

This week we have been practising ordering numbers up to 10 and also up to 20. We used number cards to help us and completed a task on Seesaw. We played a game on the board where we had to put the caterpillar’s body back together by ordering the numbers.

Our new sound this week was ‘p’. We had to feed the panda with the pictures that started with ‘p’ and learned to write the letter correctly. We set up a pizza shop and we have been writing the orders and making pizzas for each other.

To finish our work on the 5 senses we made popcorn. We tasted 3 different types of popcorn to see which one we liked the best and then made a graph to display the results.  We also had a turn of the feely box and we were very good at guessing what was inside.

This week Ogilvie Bear visited Japan. We learned all about Bullet Trains and we were very impressed with how fast they went. We also designed a Kimono and Miss Stebbing was very impressed that we put lots of flowers on them just like the ones we saw in the pictures.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Peyton – I enjoyed playing with marble run.

Leah – I enjoyed drawing.

Alfie – I enjoyed playing in the pizza shop.

Lewis – I enjoyed playing with the blocks.

Bella – I enjoyed playing with my buddy.

Maksymilian – I enjoyed tasting the popcorn.

Well done to Vikashini who is our Hot Chocolate Winner this week.

October 6, 2023
by Mrs Brand

P2 Weekly Highlights – WB 2/10/23

Hi Families of Primary 2

Ogilvie Bear was in Japan this week, exploring lots of wonderful sights. We learned all about life in Japan and made some beautiful blossom trees and Kimono’s.

In Literacy we learned all about singular and plural nouns and practised our common words. We continued to work on place value in numeracy and did some great counting on and back in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.

Weekly Highlights

Faye, Lillian and Aarav – We loved making the blossom trees.

Rose and Connor – We liked making Kimono’s.

Enso – I loved learning about Japan. My favourite part was learning about bullet trains.

Huge congratulations to Connor our hot chocolate winner.

Have a lovely holiday!

October 6, 2023
by Mr McGurn

P7A Weekly Post

Dear Parents,

Here’s an update on what we’ve been doing this week in P7A:

On Monday we started Handball in P.E and we had a prayer service to St. Vincent de Paul.

Tuesday we wrote an animal poem, and had a scavenger hunt maths edition.

On Wednesday we played real life problem solving (RLPS), handling data to seat people on a plane.

Thursday we watched ‘Skellig’ the movie because we finished reading the book.

Friday we enjoyed our drama on Frank Miller .


Here’s what some pupils thought on this week:

Aoife – I liked doing our new decade

David – I enjoyed doing math time problems

Filip – I liked health and well being

Nehal – I enjoyed doing drama

Joshua – I enjoyed playing cluedo

Inaya – I liked watching the movie Skellig and eating popcorn

Elizabete – I liked writing the poem about animals



Sylvia – I liked writing my story on Monday


Nilaya was this week’s Over and Above winner.

By Lead Learners Aoife and Adam.




Have a great holiday,

Mr McGurn and P7A.

October 6, 2023
by Miss Duddy

p4b learning highlights 6th October 2023

This week, primary 4 have had a very busy week. In numeracy we have been learning how to estimate using interactive games on the smart board and using the whiteboard. We also started to have a look at adding 9 using the trick add 10 takeaway 1. Some of the the boys sat in the area doing their maths work on Thursday and had so much fun they stayed out there working whilst eating their snack, they said it was one of their top 10 days of primary school!

In literacy, the children have been writing the instructions for the Malteser traybake they made last week, we focussed on the ‘ea’ sound this week in our spelling, and have been reading our books some more. The children have been working really hard on using verbs and time conjunctions to enhance their instructional writing, some of the children even asked for their work to be photocopied so they can make it over the holidays!

For primary 4’s Scottish inventors topic, we have been learning how to research John Logie Baird and Alexander Fleming. We started to look at Steven Browns art, we coloured in our own McCoos, using line and colour to do this. The children even named them and came up with some very unique names!

Nicolas’ highlight of the week this week was making the McCoos, he enjoys art and liked using all of the different colours to create the shaggy hair.

Olek’s highlight of the week this week was everything! He had a great week at school this week.

Ksawery’s highlight of the week was sitting outside playing Sumdog during technology with our s4 helpers on work experience.

Scott’s highlight of the week was everything just the same as Olek! He thought the week was fab.

Ava’s highlight of the week this week was maths when we did our times tables, she loved watching everyone compete with each other to get the fastest time.

Our hot chocolate winner this week is Scott.

Our secret student winner this week is Jayden. Well done boys.

I hope you all have a fun and restful October week !

October 6, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 2nd October

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Yellow table:

Hasika has enjoyed learning about the Ancient Romans’ toilets and baths.  We learned that poor people who lived in the city would go to the toilet in a bucket that was then emptied from the windows to the ground below.  Anyone who was walking under the window at that time got a nasty surprise!  It then became the law that it could only happen at night.  The children were shocked to hear that this very thing happened in Edinburgh in the past!  We also looked at pictures of a bench with holes that was built over a stream.  The water washed the waste away.

Angel also liked learning about the Ancient Romans.  His favourite learning was about under floor heating in villas that belonged to the rich.  Hot air from a fire was pumped through tunnels under the villas.  We can thank the Ancient Romans for their contributions to early plumbing.

Aadya liked revising the ‘ar’ sound and opted to complete a follow up worksheet of matching sentences to pictures.

Olivia said she enjoyed handwriting.

Diana and Laura joined the other St Ninan House winners today to celebrate them earning the most house points.  They enjoyed a movie and snacks in the PE hall.

Vivien also enjoyed learning about the ‘ar’ sound and made some stars with playdoh.

My favourite part of the week was our discussion on what to turn our role-play area into.  The majority voted for a cinema.  Those that were involved researched the price online and decided to reduce it to attract people to their cinema.  They got busy making tickets and popcorn and laying out the chairs.  They were very creative with their ideas and did super teamwork.

Congratulations to Jiade, our hot chocolate award winner this week!

I hope you all enjoy the October break and will see you back on Tuesday 17th October.



Mrs Brown

September 29, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 25th September

Hello P3A families,

First of all I would like to say how proud I am of your wonderful children for their fantastic assembly today!  Every one of them have worked hard throughout all the stages of the process; planning right through to performing.  Thank you for coming along to support your child.  For those who were not able to join us, your child had a P6 friend to join them for the activities afterwards.

Here are this week’s highlights from the Red table:

Tvisha loved displaying the fantastic pyramid she made for her Egyptians mini topic.  She confidently spoke of how she made it and answered any questions the children had afterwards.  Well done Tvisha!

Jack, like myself, said that the assembly was the best part of his week.  Jack had the final reading to do, which was the longest of all the readings.  He did himself proud.  Super job Jack!

Tadwia  liked our maths lesson on the importance of zero.  We have been exploring the value of larger numbers and what each digit represents.  The children have been reading and writing 3 digit numbers.  If we do not have zero in the correct place, it will be a different number!

Jiade enjoyed making Pharaoh death masks.  The children had to paint their mask in a pattern of blue and gold and glue a picture of their face on top.  We had some giggles as we took the pictures as the children tried not to smile.  This was a follow up of learning about Howard Carter’s discovery of King Tutankhamun’s tomb.

Zion said he liked the 3D shape hunt around the school and school grounds.  The children had to work in pairs to find objects of given 3D shapes and record them in a chart.

Grace liked our handwriting lesson where we grouped the formation of letters that began the same way.  This week we looked at letters that began with a curly c.  We discovered that a, o, d, g, and q all start this way so it is important we know how to form curly c correctly with the correct starting point and orientation.

I hope you all enjoyed the Sharing the Learning event this week.  It will be held again later in the year and of course you will get a chance to look at the jotters during Parent Consultations too.  After the October holiday, your child’s P2 jotters will be sent home.

Congratulations to Caleb, our hot chocolate award winner this week!



Mrs Brown





September 29, 2023
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Highlights 29/9/23

Dear Parents  and Carers,

It has been another busy week for Primary 4!

In Literacy, we have been learning how to write instructions and this week we baked chocolate brownies! We discussed the ingredients used in the recipe and completed our plan. Next week we will write our own instructions.

During Numeracy lessons,we have been learning how to estimate the position of numbers on a number line. It was quite tricky!

In Technology, we have continued to learn about teams in preparation for doing our homework after the October break!

We enjoyed another NYCOS session, where we learned about different beats in music.

In Art, we created and designed our own baby dragons. They look amazing and they will go on our class novel wall display.

Our class started basketball this week and we have been learning about the different passes and how to dribble the ball. We all enjoyed this!

Congratulations to David on being our hot chocolate winner this week.








Have a super weekend.

Mrs Lea and Primary 4A

September 29, 2023
by Mrs Meikle

This week in P2/1

This week P1 have been learning the sound ‘s’. We have enjoyed playing in sand, cutting out a snake and looking for s objects around the classroom. We worked hard on learning our word of the week ‘see’ and using it in a sentence to say what we could see.

P2 have been working on turning a word into past and present by adding -ed and -ing. We also started to learn about poems and tried to write our own senses poem about Italy.

In maths this week both stages have continued their learning on numbers and looked at symmetry. We enjoyed using paint to make our own symmetrical pictures.

This week Ogilvie Bear started in Spain and then headed to Italy. We used our senses when learning about these countries by thinking about things we might see, taste, smell, hear and touch. We particularly enjoyed tasting gelato from Italy.

P2 worked hard in pairs to build their own Leaning Tower of Pisa.

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