St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

October 21, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 16th October 2023

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Blue table:

Alicja loved receiving a Halloween ring as a big ‘well done everyone’ for their efforts in maths.  This week the children have been recording their written work in their squared maths jotters.  The children focused very hard on the correct layout.

Rory liked when we searched for the words “100% cotton” on the tags of our jumpers and cardigans after listening to our new Word Boost story, ‘The Obvious Elephant’.

Chahiti said the learning highlight of her week was Health with Mrs Broadley.  The children were thinking about things that bring happiness into their lives and the different spaces they take up in their brain.  Chahiti recorded how ‘slime’ brings her happiness as well as some things such as her family and her friends.

Ethan enjoyed it when we used the balloons again for PE as part of learning to work together.  This coming term we will be learning how to play benchball, which will indeed involve working together to win the game, as well as social dancing.

My highlight was of course seeing the children again after the holiday.  I swear they have grown an inch!

Congratulations to Hafsah, our hot chocolate award winner this week!

Another post will follow this one that will show some of the learning highlights your child will experience this term.



Mrs Brown

October 20, 2023
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 16.10.23

Dear Readers,

We hope you are all well and are keeping safe from this storm.🌧

In P5A we have been so busy that we didn’t even have time to think about the weather!

These were the many highlights of our week:

  • The introduction to our amazing new Science Project Climate Smart and all the learning about the different kinds of energy, how to generate electricity and how electrical circuits are made. This was only our first approach to this project that will hopefully cover terms 2, 3 and probably even a part of term 4.
  • Going to Mass and praying the Rosary with the people of the Parish who very kindly welcomed us in the Church on Wednesday. It was a lovely experience and the whole children seem to have enjoyed it very much.
  • Revisiting how to tell the time, which is still very challenging for many but really enjoyable for others. We will continue our learning about this during term 2.
  • Finishing off our Shields from our previous topic of The Scottish Wars of Independence. They’re almost all finished and ready to be displayed in our class! Exciting!
  • Our cards with Poems for the person of our choice – we have been trying our best to write poems by using words to describe our emotions regarding a special person. We hope you will enjoy these when they are ready.
  • Our learning about the Glorious Mysteries and where to find them in the Bible – the whole class found it very interesting.

We congratulate our Hot Chocolate of the Week, Mr John😀, who has consistently been setting an amazing example of kindness, friendship and Respect for the School Rules!🏆🥇🎉✨Well done, dear John!

In the coming week, on Friday, the 27th, both P5 classes will have the opportunity to take part in the Hockey Tournament taking place in Deans High School and they are very excited about this!😀

That is all for this week, we say goodbye for now hoping that you have enjoyed reading our post and wishing you all a happy weekend!

Mrs Valente and P5A😘

October 20, 2023
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 19/11/23

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 4 have had another busy and interesting week.  In Literacy, we have been learning about performing poetry and had great fun performing ” The Fight Of The Year.”  Our class have been learning more about the properties of 3D shapes and we made our own models using cocktail sticks and jelly beans!  We have also been learning about racism and how this relates to our rights as individuals. Primary 4 designed posters which are going to be used in our RRSA display.Here are some of our learning highlights.

David S- ” I enjoyed making the 3D shapes.”

Joe- ” Performing the poetry was good fun!.”

Ben-  ” I enjoyed collecting things for our scavenger hunt in the woodlands.”

Rebekah- ” Designing our racism poster was interesting.”

Nathan- ” I enjoyed our basketball lesson this week.”


Congratulations to Yousaf, who was our hot chocolate winner this week.

Have a lovely weekend!

From Mrs Lea and Primary 4 A




October 20, 2023
by Mrs Craig

Primary 2 Update – 20.10.23

It’s been a short but busy week in Primary 2!

Ogilvie Bear travelled all the way to Australia and we have been learning some facts about life ‘down under’.  The children particularly enjoyed learning about Australian animals and made excellent factfiles about Koala’s.

In literacy, we were learning that if something is happening now, the action often ends with ‘ing’.  We then practised spelling words ending with ‘ing’.

In Maths we were rounding to the nearest 10.  We learned that numbers that end 1,2,3 0r 4, round down to the previous ten and that numbers that end in 5,,6,7,8 or 9, round up to the next ten.

We have moved onto a new block of ball skills in PE and this week we focused on throwing and catching.  The children worked with a partner to see how well they could pass the ball to each other.  They all did very well!

Here are a few learning hightlights from the children:

Enso – I loved throwing and catching in PE.

Lillian – I enjoyed drawing Koala’s in Art.

Luca – It was fun learning to count in 2’s.

Aarav – I enjoyed playing the rounding to the nearest ten game on the ipads.

Summer – I liked learning about Australia. 

Vasilisa –I loved everything!

Huge congratulations to our Hot Chocolate winner Summer! Summer is always a super star but this week she has been working extra hard and being extra kind.  Well done Summer, we are very proud of you!

Please find below our learning overview for the term:

Forward Plan overview – Term 2

We hope you all have a lovely weekend!



October 20, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P5B Weekly Blog 20th October 2023

Welcome back everyone, this week I have attached a copy of our Learning Overview for this term.

2324P5-learning overview term 2

This week we are  exploring the lives of different people throughout Black History Month –

Article 2 (non-discrimination)

The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background.

Article 30 (children from minority or indigenous groups)

Every child has the right to learn and use the language, customs and religion of their family, whether or not these are shared by the majority of the people in the country where they live.

We have also started our Climate Smarter – Young Scientist & Engineering Project. We carried out an energy audit of some of the electrical equipment we use daily in class. On Friday we created circuits lighting up bulbs, noisy buzzers and motors using clips, batteries and switches. They are all keen scientists investigating how things worked.

As part of our Christmas Enterprise Topic we have formed groups and have been working on the different responsibilities group members must have. Each Group has agreed their Business Titles and will be working on their logo’s and product selection next week.

To support our learning through Enterprise we began our practical knowledge of maths concepts of  Money and Time. This will help us create budgets and plan activities. Also in Math we are learning to measure angles using protractors. We hope to become more accurate with more practise but most people thought it was fun.

Today our whole class was able to attend 9.30 Mass at our Church. The Parish Priest presented the children with their beautiful certificates and encouraged them to follow their parents and God’s wishes. We then joined the parish for the Glorious Mysteries,

Homework begins again from Monday the 23rd of October and can be accessed through Teams but a copy of this Term’s Homework Grid and spelling words has been stuck inside Homework Jotters.




October 20, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 20th October 2023

This week Ogilvie Bear visited Australia. We were very interested in the different seasons and that at Christmas time it is very hot. We did a google search and liked seeing the photos of Santa surfing. We also learned about different animals that are found in Australia, did you know that Koalas sleep for 18 hours a day? We did a seesaw task to label the parts of a Koala and made the flag of Australia.

In maths, we have been using the Numicon to show the numbers before and after. We also made teen numbers and we knew that each time we needed the ten piece. As part of our work on subitising we watched a video where the finger patterns and dot patterns appeared and we had to shout out the number. We were very quick!

This week we have been learning all about the letter ‘a’. We know how to write it correctly and we were able to use ‘a’ to make some words using the magnetic boards. We learned all about the Vowel House and we were very good at remembering what sound each character made.

We had an assembly on Friday where we learned about Mary.

Well done to Maja who is our Hot Chocolate winner this week.

October 20, 2023
by Mr McGurn

Primary 7A Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Here’s an update of what we’ve been learning this week by Grant, this week’s Lead Learner and Myles, Grant’s helper.

Tuesday- the class was learning all about Ted Hughes poems and having a math scavenger hunt and finally we finished the day by doing a bit of French.

Wednesday- First the class were writing poems in the morning. Then we were on the RLPS Second Level Learning. After we did programming using the Pro Bots and finally for PE we were doing handball practice.

Thursday- Today we got our new Reading book, ‘Millions’ by Frank Cottrell Boyce. Afterwards, we did Real Life Time Problems reading timetables. Then we had Mrs Broadly For Spanish. After that we Practiced our Assembly songs.

Friday- The class had an assembly in the hall then we did our Frank Miller drama then we did our Scotland through the Decades topic and finally we had Fun Friday,

Here are some thoughts from some of our P7s:

Aoife- I was a confident individual when I spoke in the assembly.

Caleb- I was a responsible citizen because I volunteered to help the P1s at break times.

Emily- I was an effective contributor because I answered a lot of questions in maths when we were learning about percentages.

Joshua- I was a successful learner when I made lots of slides of information for the group PowerPoint.

This week’s Over  and Above winner who takes the hot chocolate home was…

Lily who had a great approach and attitude to her learning all week.

Have a great Weekend!



Here is the P7 Overview for Term 2:

P7 Forward Plan Overview Term 2



October 6, 2023
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – 06.10.23

Dear Readers,

Another great week of learning and kindness for P5A!

The highlights of the week were the following:

  • Our super interesting spelling words and their practice.
  • Continuing our Scottish Wars of Independence work and the learning about all the Battles, where they took place and who won.
  • Our shields which are already looking absolutely amazing!👏
  • The Maths work on place value to 10000 and 3d shapes.
  • Learning again about the watercolour technique to paint with vibrant colours.
  • Our introduction to poetry when we have learned about how many different kinds of poems we can have and what poems are.
  • Highlighting verbs and nouns in a big text.
  • Our learning about similes.
  • The Consecration Journey which has ended today and how independent we have become when Praying the Rosary after our reflection on the daily Readings.
  • Our daily Prayers for the end of the war in Ukraine so that every child in the world can experience their right to live in peace and to be happy.🥰

Many congratulations to our 1st Kindness Champion of Primary 5, Miss Ailsa! Well done for following on Jesus’ footsteps of kindness and love for our neighbours! So proud!❤

That’s all for now! We say goodbye wishing all a very good October holiday filled with all kinds of good things!

P5A and Mrs Valente ❤


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