St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

November 17, 2023
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Learning Highlights 17th November 2023

We have had another very busy week in Primary 2/1

This week was anti Bullying Week and also Book Week.  The children will all bring home a book bag today for them to read and enjoy at home with the family.

We read some of the books in class and also completed activities related to them.  We read a story about a girl who lost her sock puppet so she turned detective to find it.  We made our own sock puppets and gave them names.  We decorated them using fabric pens and markers.  We went on a word hunt in the Infant Area to find clues.  We also read a story about a dragon who turned out not to be a dragon at all.  We then made paper aeroplanes and decorated them to make them look like a dragon and we tested how far they could fly.  We read the story Donut and for writing we designed our own cake and wrote about what it looked like.   Primary One have been working hard on their letter formation.

This week in maths and numeracy we have continued with addition within 10 and compensation.  We have also explored time o’clock and half past.  We played matching games and used the toy clocks to tell the time.  P2 made their own digital clocks.

P2 have been working very hard in preparation for their assembly next week and P1 are continuing to learn the songs for the Nativity.

This week we have discussed what does Bullying mean to us.  We had lots of discussions and made anti bullying posters.  We also spoke about the importance of being kind and how we can show kindness to everyone in school and also at home.  P2 made Kindness posters drawing and writing words to describe kindness linking to the Rights of the Child  Articles 2, 12, 13 and 19

Today we had an assembly and the winners of the anti litter posters were chosen.  Well done to AbdulHameed the winner from P2/1.

Congratulations go to Victoria the winner of our Hot Chocolate award.  Well done to the Purple table the winners this week.  Congratulations to Katie who was our Reading Champion this week.

Have a great weekend everyone.

November 17, 2023
by Mrs Miller

P5B Weekly Blog 17th November 2023

This week has been Anti-Bullying Week. There are three articles that provide a particularly strong link this week:

Article 2 – Non-discrimination: The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or any other status, whatever they think or say, whatever their family background.

Article 12Respect for the views of the child: Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously. This right applies at all times, for example during immigration proceedings, housing decisions or the child’s day-to-day home life.

Article 13 (freedom of expression) – Every child must be free to express their thoughts and opinions and to access all kinds of information, as long as it is within the law.

Article 19  Protection from violence, abuse and neglect: Governments must do all they can to ensure that children are protected from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect and bad treatment by their parents or anyone else who looks after them.

We used the petals of our kindness flower to write rhyming poems to tell people to be respectful and kind. Next week we are going to film them and put them into our rights conversation padlet. Hopefully we can then share them with you.

As it was also Book Week we created a mini library from the books we are currently reading. We also had a trip to the local library to hand in St. John Ogilvie PS, Anti-Litter Poster Area winners which they are going to display for the local community to see. Our winners were announced for classes and area winners in Assembly this morning. Our School Campaign to improve our local environment and raise awareness of Climate Change continues.





We are working hard on creating wonderful Christmas gifts and learning our Christmas songs to entertain everyone at our Christmas Enterprise Show.  In science we have started the challenge to build the most effective wind turbines with boxes, straws, paper clips, string and tubes. Hopefully we can film working models next week to share with you.

Have a great weekend everyone.

November 17, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 17th November 2023

This week we have been celebrating Book Week Scotland with lots of different activities linked to our Bookbug Bags. We were very excited to get our bags and to see what was inside. We read our books in lots of different places in the school. We went to the staffroom, the school library and even in Mrs McKissack and Mrs McLaughlin’s office. On Thursday, we watched a special reading of The Bongles and the Crafty Crows and we joined in the chat to answer the questions. We were very excited when the presenters at Education Scotland said our names. We made special magnifying glasses just like Penelope Snoop and made sock snake puppets. On Friday, we met up with our Buddies to complete some activities with them.

We have been learning the number bonds for 6 and 7 in maths this week. We were very confident in recalling the facts and trying to use the ten frames to show the different addition sums.

In RE, we have been discussing the Christian value of friendship and linked this with one of the books in our Bookbug Bags called Five Bears. We have also discussed what bullying us and made posters to remind people to be kind to each other.

Some of our personal highlights this week are

Peyton – I liked working with the buddies.

Sophia – I liked getting the books.

Ollie – I liked playing with the blocks.

Bella – I liked being with the buddies.

Miss Stebbing – I loved seeing everyone enjoying playing in the space station role play area and wearing the astronaut costumes.

Well done to Bella who is our Hot Chocolate winner this week and to Maksymilian who is our Reading Champion.

November 11, 2023
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 06.11.23

Dear Readers,

We hope you are all doing very well and the cold hasn’t been preventing you from enjoying walks in the sun.🌞

This week’s highlights were:

  • Our work on writing –  we continue to develop our knowledge on how to structure and write a balanced argument.
  • Our work with conjunctions and other words that we can use to vary our writing.
  • The work with money and giving change up to £2. We are really enjoying this and have made it a priority to be good at giving change so that we can all do it in the Enterprise!

It is very interesting to see the different ways different children organise their ‘fake’ money.😄

  • We have dedicated a good amount of time to our Climate Smarter Science lessons and this week we have learnt about the renewable wind energy and how it turns into electricity. We have also learnt that it has been used for thousands of years to help sailors navigate, which show that people have started understanding wind energy’s potential for many years. After learning about the maximum efficiency of wind turbines and how there are so many off-shore wind turbine’s projects in Scotland, we have surveyed the wind speed in our own playground with the anemometers from our Science kit. The results were then analysed by us and we have concluded that the readings made in the middle of the playground, on the little hill, were the highest, which means that would be the best place to install a wind turbine in our school and use the wind energy for our own consumption. Who knows if we will manage to convince the authority to do it!😄

  • Our Enterprise work has been continuing and we are very excited to see how nice some of our products are! We are already very proud of them!😊
  • To celebrate Remembrance Day and its link to Article 38 of the Rights of the Children, we have made beautiful posters that were noticed by all who came into the classroom, including other teachers, because of how amazing they are!🖼😃
  • Finally, for our big Rights Respecting Schools Project all the classes of the school went litter picking, the little ones from the infants area in the playground and the middle and upper school around the school, in the community! We were truly proud of ourselves and, to make things even better, when P5s went litter picking they were seen by one of the members of the Carmondean Community Council who shared what they saw with all the other members. They were so thankful that the next day, on Friday, the school got an email with a Thank You letter and an Official Certificate to all the boys and girls of St John Ogilvie Primary school for their great work cleaning the community! We got even prouder!🏆🥇👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏😍

We say goodbye for now wishing everyone a great weekend!

P5A and Mrs Valente😘😘

November 10, 2023
by Mrs Meikle

P2/1 10th November

Wow! Another busy and fun filled week this week in P2/1. It was lovely to meet our families at parents night and to share all the great work we have all been doing.

This week we started our learning of Time. We worked so hard cutting up numbers and positioning them in the correct place on an analogue clock.

We also continued our learning of addition. P1 used the part part whole strategy for addition and P2 began to learn the strategy of compensation using ten frames and rekenreks.

In Literacy, P1 continued their learning of sounds focusing on k/ck and o. We have been working so hard to blend all our learned sounds together to make words. We all wrote a fantastic sentence by ourselves. P2 have focused on vowel digraphs ee and ea. They also wrote a fantastic description of their ideal new pet.

This week we went out into the playground and litter picked as parts of our learning on Rights. We had lots of fun.

For P.E this week we loved playing timed games to see which team was the fastest and started to practise our throw and catch skills using beanbags.

We finished the week learning all about the Hindu celebration Diwali. We enjoyed looking at lovely photos of Rangoli patterns and practised some of our own henna patterns on hand templates.

Well done to Alexander for receiving the Hot Chocolate Award and to the Purple group for winning table points.


November 10, 2023
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights. 10/11/23

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 4 have had another busy week!

We have been learning about Diwali , the festival of light. Our class made beautiful rangoli patterns. We have also been learning about Article 38 which states that children under the age of 15 should not go to war. Our class designed posters based on our learning and class discussions. We have also been  learning about the events which take place on Remembrance Sunday. We all designed poppies and used them to create a wreath which has brightened up our classroom window. Primary 4 have been thinking about how to prevent people dropping litter in our local area. We discussed suitable slogans and then designed amazing posters. During Outdoor Learning, we went on a litter picking walk  and it was great fun!  In Numeracy lessons, we enjoyed  learning our 7 times table and practised skip counting! We also developed our understanding of subtracting 3 and four digit numbers.

Here are a few of our learning highlights:

Suhanth-” Sharing my knowledge of Diwali was good fun!”

David S- “Designing our posters and going on a litter picking walk was interesting.”

Zosia and Pola- ” We enjoyed learning about article 38 and designing posters.!”

Izaan – ” I enjoyed learning about how to subtract 3 and 4 digit numbers using the written method.”

Congratulations to Lucas who was our hot chocolate winner this week.

Have a super weekend !

Mrs Lea and Primary 4

November 10, 2023
by Mrs Brand

Week Beginning 6th November – P2 Weekly Highlights

Hi Families of P2

The children have all worked very hard this week. We have learned to use ‘er’ and ‘est’ in the correct places within sentences and short texts. We used ten frames to add within 20 and did a super job learning half past times. To help look after our environment and keep our school clean, we went into the woodlands to collect all of the litter, using our brand new litter pickers.


Summer Rose – I liked the Friday assembly where we talked about our school values.

Aaron – I liked parents night.

Cameron – I liked learning ‘er’ and ‘est’ words.

Luca – I liked learning about half past times, on the I-pad.

Olga, Faye and Azmeer – We loved learning and singing the kindness song.

Owen – I liked the assembly practise.

Rose – I liked learning the hymn ‘Follow me’.

Huge Congratulations to Eve, our hot chocolate winner!

Have a lovely weekend!

November 10, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 6th November

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Blue and Red tables:

Alicja liked PE this week where we continued to practise the 3 passes needed for bench ball.  We also practised having the ball travel from one side of the hall to another, with our partner, using these passes and not moving our feet when we held the ball.

Caleb and Caiden both report that playing football with Miss White was the highlight of their week.  The children could not get outside for football the last number of Thursdays due to the weather.

Ethan loved litter picking this week.  We walked around the local community picking up litter.  We co-operated well with our partner as one person had the picker and one had the bag.  They swapped regularly especially as the bag continued to get heavier.  Great job P3A!

Chahiti has been enjoying learning about boats from the past, present and having a think about boats in the future.  We saw one design online we were impressed with.  We thought it looked like a fish and thought the design allowed for it to go underwater and above the water too!  We then used tinfoil to make our own boat.  We manipulated the foil.  It had to hold the weight of 5 cubes and float for 10 seconds. We had a few that sunk.  We then thought about why it might of sunk and how we could of designed it differently.

Zion liked learning about germs with Mrs Callaghan.  We know to sneeze and cough into our elbow if a tissue is not available.  The children then practised washing their hands for 20 seconds (the length of time it takes to sing ‘Happy Birthday’).  We then rubbed bread onto different surfaces in our classroom to investigate which one had the most germs.  We choose: clean hands, a table surface, the carpet, a device and a pencil.  We will watch with interest over the coming weeks!  Watch this space!

Jiade enjoyed going to the Book Fair.  The children took home a slip with 3 titles of books they wanted.  They hoped Santa might bring them or indeed, as a treat, they might get 1 ordered.

Tadwia and Deveena both said the learning highlight of this week was listening to the Parable of ‘The Lost Son’.  We learned that Jesus used stories with a message.  We listened to ‘The Lost Coin’, ‘The Lost Sheep’ and ‘The Lost Son’.  The children were overjoyed to hear that the angels rejoice in Heaven when one sinner returns to God and repents.

Jack loved sharing his maths jotter with his family last night during Parent Consultations.  He was very proud of how he managed to put each digit in the small squares.  Well done Jack!

My highlight was our RE lesson on November being a month when we especially pray for those who have died.  The children went around in a circle and shared who they would like to pray for.  We had a lovely flickering candle on the Smartboard and music playing.  It was a reverent, special time.

Congratulations to Riley, our hot chocolate award winner this week!



Mrs Brown

November 10, 2023
by Mrs Roy

P7B weekly update 10.11.23

Dear parents,

Here are some highlights of our week:

Literacy: We have been enjoying our new class novel ‘Millions’ together we read the book and answered questions to show our understanding.

Numeracy: We had a visit from the math teachers in St Margaret’s and enjoyed taking part in the primary math challenge. We worked as part of a team and enjoyed the challenge!

Art: We created some firework art using a mix of resources including paint and pastels.

Music: We have been learning our new songs for our Christmas show.

Rights respecting: We have been creating posters about litter picking to help improve our community.

To end the week we visited St Peter’s Church and took part in the Mass.

Our hot chocolate winner this week is Aeryn! Well done Aeryn, keep working hard!

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Roy and P7B

November 10, 2023
by Miss Duddy

p4b learning highlights 10th November

This week Primary 4 have had an exciting week.

We had lots of fun this week, working out word problems in maths for our chimney sums. We started to look at the law of commutativity for our addition. The word problems were challenging but the children enjoy a challenge.

For our literacy this week, we have been looking at the ‘igh’ spelling pattern. We did some fun activities relating to the spelling pattern. We also continued reading and our Voldemort reading group showed their comprehension by beginning to make up questions for each other. We will continue this next week.

PE this week was some fitness videos on Tuesday and basketball games on Thursday. We have been talking about how we can be more like saints and do things which will help us be more kind, caring, helpful etc.

We learned a lot about remembrance day which is coming up this weekend. The children made poppies and leaves from the outline of their hands, and we made a lovely wreath of poppies with it.

Today, we had a talk about Diwali and started to create lanterns to celebrate the festival of lights. Primary 4 had fun starting to colour in the nice patterns and will be turning them into lanterns on Monday.

We made our no litter campaign posters for the competition this week and had fun coming up with lots of slogans.

Well done to our hot chocolate winner Michael!

Well done to our secret student winner David!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and happy Diwali to those who celebrate,

Miss Duddy!

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