St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

December 9, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 4th December

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Yellow table:

Vivien and Laura loved wearing their PJs to school!

Diana enjoyed icing biscuits with Miss White.  The children ate them with their snack.

Angel said the best part of his week was our writing lesson were we wrote a descriptive piece called ‘My Teacher’.   He wrote a fantastic piece about Mrs Craig, his old P2 teacher. He was a Star Writer!

Olivia loved the reindeer pictures.  They were all so individual and will look amazing on the wall!

Ollie liked the Christmas movie, ‘Boss Baby’s Christmas’.  The class had a vote between two choices and this movie won.  Caleb conducted the survey of votes and did a super job!

Aadya enjoyed her delicious Christmas lunch.  She chose mac and cheese.  A big thank you to all the dinner ladies!

Hasika said the highlight of her week was the Scottish country dancing.  ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’ will be one of our Christmas party songs.

Linda loved listening to the story of The Paralysed Man from the Bible.

My highlight, like Hasika, was the Scottish country dancing.  The children worked hard to learn the sequence of movements and it all came today beautifully.

Congratulations to Abeeha, our hot chocolate award winner this week!



Mrs Brown

December 8, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 8th December 2023

This week has been a very busy week for Primary 1. We have been doing lots of practices for our Nativity performance and we even got to try on our costumes. We are looking forward to going into the hall to practise on the stage in there.

In literacy, we read the story of Sneezy the Snowman who kept melting. We completed some writing to say what a snowman should not do and we had lots of great ideas. We are trying hard to use all the sounds we know and to find the common words we need. We also made some snowmen pictures that look like the snowmen are looking up into the sky.

In maths, we have been learning about the number bonds for 10. We have been doing lots of different activities to help us learn these important facts.

In RE, we lit the first candle on our Advent wreath and we have been taking turns to open the Advent calendar. On Friday, we took part in the Blessing of the Crib with Fr Clement.

On Wednesday, we had our Christmas lunch and it was delicious!

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Tyler T – I loved my Christmas lunch.

Joseph – I liked playing with the blocks.

Sophia – I liked making the snowmen.

Bella – I liked drawing.

Peyton – I liked playing with the marble run.

Rudhvick – I liked reading the Christmas books.

Miss Stebbing – I enjoyed seeing everyone dressed up in their costumes and practising their songs on the stage.

Congratulations to Maja who is our Hot Chocolate Winner this week.

December 8, 2023
by Mrs Brand

Week Beginning 4/12/23 – P2 Weekly Highlights

Hello Families of P2

We have had a very busy and fun week in class, learning lots of new things and transforming part of our classroom into Santa’s Workshop!

We worked on subtraction within 20 in numeracy and learned about more than/less than and equals to. We wrote excellent descriptive stories and learned new sounds, ee and ea, in literacy.

We listened to the story ‘Paper Dolls’ and used our problem solving and creative skills to make our own sets of paper dolls. We had great fun taking our dolls on adventures around our classroom, after we made them.

The most exciting part of our week was making and playing in our Santa’s Workshop – we all love it!

We even made our very own Santa Sleigh, big enough to sit in and carry lots of presents.



Luca – I liked playing in Santa’s workshop. I was the oldest Elf. I liked making and wrapping the presents.

Enso – I liked painting the Santa Sleigh.

Lillian, Vasilisa and Summer Rose – We liked being baby Elves in Santa’s Workshop.

Cameron – I liked making and delivering gifts in Santa’s Workshop.

Olga – I liked making the sign for Santa’s Sleigh.


Huge Congratulations to Layla, our hot chocolate winner!


Have a lovely weekend!





December 8, 2023
by Mrs Roy

P7B Weekly highlights 8.12.23

Dear parents,

Here are the highlights from our week in P7B

We have been continuing to work hard on learning our lines and songs for the P7 production and had rehearsals on Monday and Friday of this week – the stage is now up and we are getting close to being ready and showing ourselves as effective contributors and confident individuals. We are bringing our costumes into school. If you haven’t already brought this in, then please do so as soon as possible.

On Wednesday afternoon, a group of pupils worked on 3rd Level Algebra with a St Margaret’s Maths teacher who reported the group as successful learners.

On Wednesday we enjoyed our Christmas lunch and wearing our Christmas jumpers.

We had a fantastic experience at Hopetoun House on Thursday for our class trip. We got to learn lots about the Victorian era in which Scrooge was set. We took part in a quill penning session, played Victorian street games and had a tour with role play of the ballroom and stables.

On Friday our class led the advent service and lit the second candle which represents peace. We then joined Father Clement in the hall for the blessing of the crib.

Our over and above winner this week goes to Jude, well done!

Have a great weekend from Mrs Roy and P7B

December 8, 2023
by Mrs Meikle

This week in P2/1

We have had another great week in P2/1. Lots of great learning from all the children.

This week we decorated our class Christmas tree and started to open our advent calendar. We are all excited to get a chocolate coin.

We have also been practicing games and dances for our upcoming Christmas parties. P2 have learned a dance to the Grand Old Duke of York song. The P1 children have been practicing hard for their Nativity performances next week. We got to try on our costumes and are all very excited to show our families our fantastic show.

This week P2 were writing a descriptive piece about a remote control car. They are learning to use the Descriptive Bubble to describe things. P1 listened to the story of Jack Frost and wrote a fantastic sentence describing Jack Frost. The whole class made a brilliant craft of Jack Frost.

In Maths, P1 and P2 have continued their learning of addition strategies looking this week at addition using number lines. P2 have also been learning about double numbers.

We were all very excited to make a Santa’s Workshop role play area. Well done to Connor whose sign design won the P2 creative challenge.

Well done to Jeremy who is our Hot Chocolate winner this week.

December 8, 2023
by Mrs Miller

Primary 5B Weekly Blog 8th December 2023

On Monday we practised our Spelling and continued to develop a wider range of connectives in our sentences. We also practised our party dances with both Primary 5 classes. In the afternoon we had a small advent service and created our own advent wreaths to take home. Then we continued making our Christmas Gifts.




On Tuesday, we discussed Article 2 and 23, What are Visible disabilities – Invisible disabilities (mental/emotional) How can we help people to feel included in our school? We discussed how we help to make children feel included in our school that have different types of disabilities.

In our math lessons, this week, we practised buying and selling goods. We had a rehearsal for our Christmas Enterprise Show on the 15th of December. Our singing was beautiful and we are getting more excited to perform for our families. In the afternoon we completed our Hydropower Challenges. Some of us managed to create electrical charge from our makeshift turbines.

On Wednesday we designed invitations to our Christmas Enterprise Show which we brought home to share with our family and friends. In Science we looked at ways to build and store electricity we created a simple battery which lit up our LED bulbs and created good electrical charges for us to record on our Digimeters.




On Thursday we read in our reading groups and developed our comprehension. Then we had more rehearsals for our show and continued to make our products. We only have a week to go and we need to finish them soon.

On Friday we took part in the P4 Advent Service, led by P4B, it was very prayerful and the singing was lovely. We then joined in the Blessing of the Crib on Teams (the whole school doesn’t fit into our hall).

We completed some of our Science worksheets for the advantages and disadvantages of Renewalble Energy. Another very busy week in P5B.  We hope everyone has a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone next Friday.



December 8, 2023
by Mr McGurn

P7A Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Here’s an update on this week in Primary 7A at St. John Ogilvie:

We continue to work hard on learning our lines and songs for the P7 production and had rehearsals on Monday and Friday of this week – the stage is now up and we are getting close to being ready and showing ourselves as effective contributors and confident individuals.

On Wednesday the second group went for a visit to St. Margaret’s Academy as part of the transition programme and the pupil reviews on return were all very positive. Later that afternoon, a group of pupils also worked on 3rd Level Algebra with a SMA Maths teacher who reported the group as successful learners.

Wednesday was also our Christmas lunch and everyone had a nice time and we watched A Muppet’s Christmas Carol to let our lunch settle and since our production is based on the Dickens’ classic.

Thursday was our trip to Hopetoun House which was a marvellous experience, we learned lots about the Victorian era in which Scrooge was set. There were many, many compliments from the staff on the behaviour and attitude of our group and the y proved to also be responsible citizens by taking our snack and lunch rubbish home as Hopetoun have a strict recycling policy.


On Friday P7B led our Area Advent Service in the Upper area and we were blessed to have Father Clement come into the school for the Blessing of the Crib. It was a lovely service even with all the technical issues.

Our Over & Above winner this week was Emily who takes home the hot chocolate and Natalia was this fortnight’s Reading Champion who took home a nice certificate.

Pupil Comments:

Joshua says, ‘I went on the roof at Hopetoun House and the other group didn’t get to.’

Aoife says, ‘I liked the Blessing of the Crib service with Father Clement.’


Have a great weekend,

Mr McGurn and P7A

December 2, 2023
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 27.11.23

Dear Readers,

We hope you are all well.

The highlights of our learning this week were the following:

  • Our now very well known spelling/Rights Respecting words universal, inherent, inalienable, indivisible and unconditional, their meanings and their importance to describe what children’s rights are.
  • Our addition and subtraction work with money.
  • Understanding the story of the life of St Andrew and why he has been chosen to be, together with St. Margaret of Scotland, one of the patron saints of Scotland.
  • Hydropower and its great potential as a renewable energy source.
  • Practising our Scottish Dances and also our beautiful singing.
  • The beginning of Advent with our 1st Advent Service in the Middle Area.

We wish you a very good weekend,

P5A and Mrs Valente😘

December 1, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 27th November

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Red table:

Grace liked learning about Advent and making a paper plate wreathe.  The children learned the meaning behind each of the coloured candles and will watch them being lit each Sunday at mass during Advent.

Abeeha enjoyed taking part in the House Groups this morning where the children worked with others from their House throughout the school to make a postcard that showed how they receive their rights at St John Ogilvie.

Tvisha loved the maths warm up game ‘Counting Cowboys’.  This week as Mrs Brown surprised the children by filling the pistols with water!  You could hear the screams of excitement all over the school!

Tadiwa continued to enjoy bench ball during PE.

Caiden has been enjoying making the art that went up on the school’s door design Christmas competition.  We made a winter woods.  Watch this space!  #P3Atowin!

Jiade said the highlight of his week was practising the dances for our Christmas party!  His favourite was ‘Chu Chu Ua’

Zion liked learning about St Andrew and eating the shortbread and drinking iron bru that Mrs McKissack kindly bought for the children.  They also learned a song that Mrs Brown’s choir sang last week with some old scots language called ‘Coorie in’.  There was much giggling about the word ‘bahookie’ (meaning ‘your bottom’).

My highlight was the singing.  Beautiful!

Congratulations to Caiden, our hot chocolate award winner this week and to Laura, our Reading Champion!

I cannot believe that we are now into December!  3 more weeks of school until we celebrate the birth of Christ and a certain man in a red coat visits!



Mrs Brown

December 1, 2023
by Mrs Russell

Learning Highlights P2/1 1st December 2023

This week we have been learning the sounds ‘u’ and ‘d’ and ‘igh’ and ‘y’ P1 have been using the magnetic letters to make lots of words and also matching the word to the correct pictures.

In writing, P1 wrote the sentence The cat sat on the Mat and drew a detailed picture.   P2 have been working hard on Descriptive writing and learning what information we need to add to tell our audience about a toy.  We have been learning about verbs, nouns and adjectives.

In maths, we have been working on our addition skills and quick recall of numbers within 10.  P2 have been working on missing addends and more than/less than.

In RE, we learned about St Andrew. He was one of Jesus’ friends and he was a fisherman. P2 told the P1 information about St Andrew that they learned for their assembly.  We celebrated St Andrew’s Day by making tartan pictures and having shortbread and Irn Bru. It was delicious! We also learned about Advent and we are making an Advent Wreath for our class.

This week P1 practised on the stage for the first time for our Nativity.  We are working really hard and our teachers are very proud of us.

This week we had class visits to St Peter’s Church for Friday morning mass.  P2 went on Wednesday and P1 went today (Friday). Fr Clement said we were very welcome and sang us a little song about Jesus.  Some of the ladies at mass said we were very well behaved.

We also decorated our classroom door for Christmas.  We all worked really hard as a class to produce it and it has turned out amazing.  All doors in the school have been decorated and we will all vote for the winning door.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Amelia– I liked making crafts

Rhain – I liked the shortbread.

Ahmed – I liked playing with the Lego.

Leighton – I liked practising on the stage.

Mrs Russell – I was very proud of everyone and their good behaviour at Church.

Well done to Alexander who is our Reading Champion and to Amelia who is our Hot Chocolate winner this week.  Congratulations to the Purple Table our winning table this week.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone stay safe and wrap up warm when out and about.


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