St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

March 1, 2024
by Mrs Ross

01.03.2024 P5b

Primary 5b are please to finally be in March! We have been busy over the last few weeks getting used to Mrs Ross. We already miss Mrs Miller and hope she is feeling better soon.

P5 has a lot to do at this time of year. We are working in groups to research eco friendly ways to build and run a school. We are working to design an Eco-school model.

We have been learning to crochet with Mrs Ross and some of us are really patient and trying hard to not give up. It can take a lot of practice!

In literacy this week, we have been learning about and looking for homophones. Words that sound the same to say but have different spellings and meanings. Some people shared some of their finds on TEAMS. Layla and Ishani M, especially, found so many!

Today we heard about the plans for celebrating Book Week next week. Everyone is looking forward to it. We also talked about some of the Stations of the Cross in assembly.

On Monday we will have some visitors from the Climate Smarter team to talk to us about our eco school model project.

Great work everyone


From Mrs Ross

“Have a lovely weekend everyone and well done to everyone who has tried to put a message or comment on TEAMS this week. A well done to Matteo (our Reader Leader) for taking part in the assembly and a big congratulations to Alexa for being the Hot Choc at home winner. She joins Shelby and Paige who have also won over the last few weeks.”

March 1, 2024
by Mr McGurn

P7A Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Here’s an update from Lead Learner Myles on our learning from this week…

On Monday we did our weekly prayer service then spelling for our homework. After snack we did some Speed, Distance and Time for Maths. After lunch we did some reading then work on Evacuation in WWII. To finish off we all did Basketball for PE.

On Tuesday we worked on identifying language features in an information report on space telescopes and we answered questions on it. After snack we did some Maths. After lunch we did some reading then had music. After that we did HWB.

On Wednesday half the class went to St. Maragret’s for transition while the rest of us wrote our information report on Evacuation. After snack we did some more RLPS for Maths. After lunch we did some reading then more learning on Evacuation. Then we did Basketball.

On Thursday we did work in our reading groups for literacy. Then we listened to episode 3 of The Machine Gunners. After snack we did some probability for Maths. After lunch we did some reading then Spanish. Then we painted ‘The Scream’ for Art.

On Friday we did Stations of the Cross for RME. Then we did our St. Margaret’s transition then more RME. After snack we did Outdoor Learning then we had Fun Friday.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Signing off,



PS Elizabete won this week’s Over and Above award and took home the hot chocolate!


March 1, 2024
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 1/3/24

Dear Parents and Carers ,

Primary 4A have had an amazing week, full of exciting learning!

In Numeracy, we have been learning about division and sharing our strategies to solve calculations. some of us found it quite tricky but we still enjoyed it!

Our class have been learning about narrative writing and how to use the appropriate layout. We are all excited about completing our first imaginative story!

In P.E, we have continued to develop our handball skills and knowledge of basic rules.  We played a passing game where the team who managed to complete 10 passes with no interception got a point.  The first team to get 10 points was the winner!

During art, we have been working hard to finish our recycling robots which are now nearly complete!

Our class enjoyed our school assembly today where we learnt about stations of the cross and prepared for our Feast Day Mass next week. Kayla, along with other leader readers , gave us information about our World Book Week. There are lots of interesting activities and competitions.

Congratulations to Aiden on being our hot chocolate winner this week !

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Lea and P4A


March 1, 2024
by Miss MacGregor

P6A Friday 1st March

Hi P6A families,

Recent teacher highlights:

  • Starting to look at information reports for writing. We looked at an example and marked this then put it against the genre targets to get an idea of what to include and from this created our own. This weeks writing was all about our school.
  • Exploring and solving percentages of an amounts and using this knowledge to look at current sales and discounts online.

Pupil highlights:

  • Being able to make a whole that is big enough to fit 2-3 people in it from one piece of A4 paper – a fun STEM challenge.
  • Creating a fake information report poster about ‘the wild haggis’ after our Scotland learning.
  • Beginning our new topic, ecosystems. It has been very productive getting into groups and creating posters and PowerPoints about our chosen ecosystem. Later, each group will teach the rest of the class about their one.
  • Starting volleyball in PE.

Well done to Max for winning the hot chocolate this week. Max has gone over and above, particularly in maths.

Have a great weekend,

Miss MacGregor

March 1, 2024
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Weekly Highlights 1st March 2024

In Literacy P1 learned the consonant diagraph ‘th’ and worked so hard on word building and decoding word activities.  In writing they have been looking at information texts and independently wrote information about a toy car.

P2 have been working on ‘y’ endings they have also been looking at information texts and this week they wrote an information piece about puppies and kittens.

In Numeracy and Maths we have continued to work on our money skills.  We have played money games on the computer and can identify coins up to £2 and P2 looked at notes to £50 also.

This week for topic we looked at sharks and the different features they have.  We labelled a diagram of a shark.  We also looked at food chains and what a shark eats.

We learned about the life cycle of a fish and looked at a Puffer Fish and we made our own.  We spoke about keeping fish as pets and what they need to survive.  We also designed a fish tank with different fish.

In Health and Wellbeing we looked at medicines and the importance of storing them correctly and who should give us medicine.  We continued to work on our throwing and catching and cooperative games in Gym.

Today Primary 2 went to St Peters for Friday Morning Mass.  The children were Awesome Ogilvies and so well behaved.

Weekly Highlights:

I liked writing – Martyna and Hameedah

I liked when we made our Puffer Fish – Victoria, Connor and Daniel

I liked writing words and making sentences Ellie

I like my teachers  – Leighton

I liked helping to tidy up – Umaez

I liked reading – Alexander

Well done to Umaez our Hot Chocolate winner this week and the Red Table our winning table.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

February 25, 2024
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 20/2/24

Dear Parents and Carers ,

Although it has been a short week, it has been a busy one with lots of exciting learning!

In literacy, we have been working hard to finish our information reports based on our recycling topic. We are all very proud of our work! We have also been learning about the difference between fact and opinion, we worked with  partners to put  “Fact” and “Opinion” example cards under the correct headings.

In art, we have been making robots using lots of different recycled materials. They look amazing !

Our class have been learning how to play handball during physical education and we are  working hard to improve our skills.

In numeracy, we have been practising our tables in preparation for learning about the links between division and multiplication next week.

Congratulations to Kayla who was nominated as our hot chocolate winner this week .

Have a super weekend!

Mrs Lea and Primary 4A

February 24, 2024
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 19th February 2024

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Red table:

Jack enjoyed football with Miss White and scored a penalty!  Well done Jack!

Tvisha and Caiden both said the best part of their week was learning about the 4 Times Tables.  The children are improving at counting by 4s from memory and have especially enjoyed the song with the tune from ‘I’m Still Standing’ found here:

Hafsah has liked the start of our new ‘Conservation of Wildlife’ topic.  We learned that some animals are in danger of becoming extinct and that means they are ‘endangered’.  Through the WWF website, we discovered the top ten endangered animals.  This week we researched two, mountain gorillas and African forest elephants and wrote information reports about them.  Hafsah enjoyed the videos we watched were we took notes to inform our reports.   These can be found here: and

Grace loved listening to a story called ‘The Singing Mermaid’ as we cooled down with our water bottle after PE.

Tadwia has continued to enjoy the heroes of Troy lessons during music with Mrs Morrison.

Deveena loves our new ‘Word of the Day’ resource.  We practise saying the word and discuss its meaning during our snack.  She loved Friday’s word,  ‘impeccable’.

Zion continues to enjoy lessons about Lent.  The children were reminded what their Lenten promise was and are working hard to sacrifice this as they remembered Jesus’ time in the desert.

Jiade loved benchball.  For the remainder of the term, P3A will be developing their bat and ball skills during PE.

My highlight was our visit to St Peter’s Church on Friday.  The children were very respectful and were amazing ambassadors for our school.  Mrs McLaughlin was very impressed that the children knew the words to the Our Father so well and could say the prayer reverently, conveying the meaning in their slow pace.

Congratulations to Laura, our hot chocolate award winner this week!

Lead Learners were Ollie and Caleb.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Caleb: “I liked learning about mountain gorillas.”

Ollie: “Me too!


Mrs Brown

February 23, 2024
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 19.02.24

Dear Readers,

We hope you have had a great holiday and a good week back.

Although this was a shorter week, we still managed to do lots of interesting things and our highlights were the following:

  • Celebrating World Social Justice week, which links to Rights number 26 and 27. We have learned what the United Nations are, their role in the world and the role of the Security Council. There are five countries permanently in the Security Council and ten which are elected for two year periods in an attempt to give all the countries the opportunity to experience taking part in its decisions. The class didn’t agree with the fact that there are five permanent countries which always get to be there and decided that it was unfair regarding the other countries. Also, after a big class discussion, we have concluded that unfortunately, given the fact that there are currently at least two big wars happening in the world, the Security Council is not being successful, since its role is to promote peace and social justice.
  • Reading Comprehension about thunderstorms, what causes them and how we can prevent being in danger during one. This task was a bit tricky to the class and so we are going to continue working in our reading and understanding skills, as well as our predicting skills. Before reading the texts, or reading a chapter of our novel, we have been practising our prediction skills by trying to make educated guesses about what the text/chapter might be talking about. For example, if it is called Thunderstorms, what will it tell us about them? Why they appear? What are their consequences and so on. As this is not always easy, we are trying to get better at it every week.
  • Our Writing lesson was about John Muir so, after having learned even more facts about him, we have written independently our Information Reports about his life. It was very enjoyable to see how well most of us knew how to structure an Information Report and how to organise our ideas.
  • In Maths, we have continued working with decimal numbers and have practised putting them in the correct order from the smallest to the largest and identifying what each digit represents in a decimal number.
  • We have also used our knowledge on decimal numbers to measure the diameter of our trees in the woodlands. This was linked to our Science work in the Climate Smarter Project.
  • Learning about Lent and what it represents. We have thought about what we would give up for Lent, not only regarding food but also things we very much enjoy doing and that are not really needed. Praying more and Giving to Charity are also particularly important so we have thought about doing this as well.
  • Going litter picking in the community – We all enjoyed the opportunity to once again help the environment but were very much shocked at the huge amount of rubbish collected in such a small area right beside the school! We have collected more than 30kg of rubbish in around 30 minutes! People do need to get better and stop littering!
  • Free writing Friday – We were super enthusiastic and have asked Mrs Valente to share almost all our stories at the end! Super creativity!

We particularly congratulate Jemima, our Hot Chocolate of the Week, for her hard work and positive attitude throughout the week! Well done, Jemima!👏👏👏🥇

We would also like to congratulate the Cursed Child Table for always following our rules! Well done, Cursed Child Table!!!!👏👏👏👏👏👏🏆

That’s all for now, we say goodbye wishing you all a lovely weekend!

P5A and Mrs Valente😘😘

February 23, 2024
by Miss Duddy

P4b learning highlights 23rd February

This week Primary 4b have had lots of fun.

Our maths has been based around multiplication squares and we have had a close look at how to use these to help us with multiplication and division. These will be helpful for the pupils when they start division next week.

In our literacy this week, Primary 4 have planned and written their information reports which we have been working on for a few weeks. The children were allowed to choose their own topic to write an information report on and they had to know lots of information about it.

In our RE this week we have been talking about lent and what lent is/why we make Lenten promises, the children had the chance to all write down their own Lenten promises and make up new ones, and we made a lovely tree on the wall outside the classroom to display them.

The children have had fun beginning to play handball in PE and we have even had the chance to watch the game being played by professionals in the 2016 Rio Olympics. This gave the children some motivation to try really hard and improve their throwing. They were super by the end of the day on Thursday!

We have started to create PowerPoints with a partner to showcase how much we know about recycling and to help improve our skills making PowerPoints.

Well done to this weeks Hot Chocolate winner Aaeryn-Leigh!

Well done to this weeks Secret Student winner Michael!

Well done to this weeks Reading Champion Olek!

I hope you all have a great weekend,

Miss Duddy and p4b

February 23, 2024
by Mrs Brand

Weekly Highlights – WB 19/2/24

Hi families of P2

The children have all had a fabulous first week back. We have had lots of super learning experiences and lots of fun!

It literacy we wrote information reports and developed our comprehension skills, by showing our understanding of a poem. The poem is called ‘The Shore’. We created our very own beach within the classroom, making a beach and an ocean. We had lots of fun exploring a huge collection of shells.

In Maths we continued working on inverse operations and learned about tally marks in data handling .

We started our new topic this week, ‘under the sea’. The children learned all about the five oceans of the world.

We got some very good news today and an exciting reward! P2 were picked as the best class in the school for following all of the rules in the lunch hall! As a reward we got to have a disco in the MUGA at break time and chose all of our own music! The children absolutely loved this!

Weekly Highlights

Rose – I liked writing Information Reports

Aarav and Summer – I liked learning about sea horses.

Cameron – I liked learning about the Oceans of  the World.

Lillian, Rose, Vasilisa and Olga – We loved dancing in the MUGA.

Huge Congratulations to Samuel, our hot chocolate winner and Tiya our reading champion!

Have a lovely weekend!





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