St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

April 19, 2024
by Mrs Roy

P7B weekly highlights

Dear parents,

P.E: We have been working on our fitness during our athletics lessons. On Wednesday we took part in the beep test and achieved a range of different levels. Mrs Roy was very impressed as we all pushed ourselves to keep going. Over the next few weeks we will be working on a range of different skills within athletics such as running, jumping and throwing.

Literacy: In writing we have been planning and writing our recounts about school camp or a past experience that we could remember and describe well. We have successfully planned our structure to include orientation and the sequence of events in a chronological order.

Maths: This week we have been working on co-ordinates and have a clear understanding of the x and y axis within 4 quadrants.

R.E: We have been preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation and learning about other world religions.

Art: We used a range of resources to draw a realistic toucan as part of our rainforest topic.

IDL: We have researched different aspects of the rainforest and created posters to display what we have been learning about.

Hot chocolate winner: Well done to Sophie-Leigh for working extremely hard this week!

Have a fantastic weekend, from Mrs Roy and P7B.


April 19, 2024
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 19/4/24

Dear parents and carers,

Primary 4 have had a busy but enjoyable week!

In literacy, we have been learning about contractions and how they are used to shorten words. We have also had fun identifying them in our class novel !

We have been identifying coins and learning strategies we can use to calculate change from £10.00.

During R.E lessons, we have been learning about other world religions and this our focus has been Hindu beliefs and traditions.

As the weather improves, we have  been trying to complete the daily mile each day! We are all feeling the benefit of this, in terms of concentration and energy levels !

Here are some of our learning highlights:

John/ Babafola- ” Optical illusion art was good fun!”

David/ Joe ” Revising numeracy for our SNASA was enjoyable.”

Pola/ Zosia/ Julia ” Learning about contractions and how they are used was interesting! ”

Kayla/ Suhan ” We enjoyed the reading comprehension passage based on Scotland .”

John/ Rebekah ” Learning about Hindu Gods was interesting.”

Congratulations to David S who was nominated for our hot chocolate winner this week.

Hope you have an enjoyable weekend.

Mrs Lea and Primary 4 A



April 19, 2024
by Miss Duddy

Primary 4b learning highlights 19th April

This week Primary 4b have had lots of fun and taken part in lots of revision. For maths, we have revisited addition and subtraction, as well as rounding, to refresh our memories and remind us of how to do different sums. We have also been looking at money and discussing different coins and notes. In our literacy, we have had a heavy focus on grammar, revising past learned grammar rules. Paying close attention to detail with capital letters and full stops, as well as identifying nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs etc. The children have been reading their books as well as reading facts about space and Scotland and then answering questions about them!

We spent some time finishing our research for Scottish landmarks and feeding back information and reporting to the class. We have started athletics in PE and this week we looked at controlling our speed and the difference between jogging for long distance and sprinting for short distance.

Our sacramental children are doing well in preparing for their communion and the non-sacramental children are having fun learning about other world religions with Mrs Lea.

Well done to this weeks Hot Chocolate winner Georgia!

Well done to this weeks Secret Student Flynn!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, Miss Duddy 🙂

April 19, 2024
by Mrs Ross

P5b 19.04.24

We were delighted to be the class who got to choose the music in the MUGA at break today. We were the tidiest and most well behaved class in the lunch hall this week.

We are excited to welcome a new person to our class on Monday. Sadly we found out a class mate has moved to a new school. We hope she makes lots of new friends and is very happy.

In numeracy we have been looking at fractions and decimals. For PE we are learning summer games and we are doing activity stations.

We are learning about different wood types and what wood is suitable for different purposes. This is so we can decide what wood we would use in our Eco school models.  We are now planning our presentations and practising what we want to say.

March 30, 2024
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 25th March

P3A have had an eventful Easter themed week with many RE lessons about Holy Week.  I hope the photographs below help to share some of the learning experiences the children had this week.

The highlight of our week was our fundraiser to conclude our learning about ‘Conservation of Wildlife’.  The children had previously voted for adopting a hawksbill turtle, one of the endangered animals they learned about this term.   The children sorted their coins and placed them on the corresponding turtle picture.  Through discussion, we decided to group the 1ps, 2ps and 5ps into tens to make it easier to find the total.  Thank you to our fantastic P7 helpers who supported the children to count the coins.  We made a whooping £39.07!  We look forward to our cuddly toy, certificate and updates throughout the year on the valuable work of the WWF, made possible through schemes such as adopting an animal.  We are glad to play a small part in taking care of God’s creatures.  We also know that being responsible citizens by recycling our rubbish and reusing paper can contribute to less plastic in the oceans and less trees (animal habitats) being cut down.  These small actions can help conserve our wildlife too.

I hope you all have a lovely Easter holiday.  I cannot believe we are going to be entering into our final term upon our return!

Mrs Brown

week with

March 28, 2024
by Mrs Meikle

P2/1 Highlights

Another great week in P2/1.

We have all loved learning about the Easter Story and making our families and friends Easter cards. P1 visited their buddies to deliver them a card and chocolate treat. P2 wrote some great sentences about if they were the Easter bunny.

We also enjoyed learning about Ramadan and Eid al Fitr. We made our friends a card wishing them Eid Mubarak.

We had a special treat this afternoon, watching ‘Finding Dory’ in the hall to finish our Under the Sea topic.

We hope all our families have a safe holiday from school and we look forward to seeing them again for our final term in P2/1.


March 27, 2024
by Mrs McKissack

EGGcellent Easter News

We were very EGGcited at our Easter assembly today as we had lots of good news to share.

Book Week
The winners of our Guess the Book competition were Hameedah from P2, Damian from P5 and Nikola from P6.  Mrs Timmins was the staff winner.  They were rewarded with some books and an Easter treat.  Thank you to Miss Stebbing and the Reader Leaders for organising this event.

PFA Easter Compeitions
We were very excited to learn the winners of the Easter competition run by the PFA.  In the Infant ‘Name the Bunny’ event, the winner chosen by drawing a name from the hat was Tyler T from P1 who won a lovely squishy bunny and some Easter treats.  He named the bunny Adam!
In the upper ‘Guess the Number of Eggs’ event, there were 5 correct guesses of 35 eggs.  The winners chosen by drawing the names out were Jessica in P6 and Joshua in P7.
A huge thank you to the PFA for organising this event to raise funds for the school.  A total of almost £250 was made.

House Winners
The winning house for this term, by a very small margin, was St Margaret’s House, who will enjoy a movie treat tomorrow morning.  Congratulations to everyone in St Margaret’s.

Easter Egg donation
Rab’s Bar in Deans very kindly donated an Easter Egg for every child in our school and ELC (as well as all of the other schools in the area).  These have been sent home with the children today (with advice not to eat this until they have your permission).  We are very grateful for this generous donation and the thought to provide this lovely treat for all of our children.

March 24, 2024
by Mrs Meikle

P2/1 highlights 22nd March

Another great week in P2/1, lots of fantastic learning and we have been super proud of how hard everyone has worked.

In Math, we have been learning about length. P2 made their own metre tape and used it to measure things around the classroom to sort them into things that were less than a metre, about a metre and more than a metre. P1 used loose parts such as shells, cubes and lids to measure the size of things around the classroom. We also continued our learning on money by making amounts.

Ellie – I liked measuring crocodiles.

In Literacy, P1 learned the vowel digraph ‘ee’. They enjoyed drawing a lovely spring picture, making a sheep out of cotton wool.  P2 concentrated on words that have the ‘ear’ sound, they had to identify pictures that used the ear sound and colour them in.

P2 had lots of fun using the Ipads to research Sea Turtles. They then used all the information they found out to write an Information Report.

Hameedah – I liked researching on the Ipads.

For topic, we learned all about Sea Turtles. We made a craft Sea Turtle and also learned about the life cycle of a Sea Turtle. Here are some of the facts we learned about them:

Martyna – Sea Turtle eggs look like ping pong balls.

Alex – Sea Turtles have a hard shell.

JJ – Green Turtles can hold their breathe for 5 hours.

Khaleesi – Sea Turtles have no ears.

Abdul Hameed – There are 7 types of Sea Turtles.

Victoria – They eat green algae.

For H&WB this week we had  a visit from Mrs Lafferty and her baby girl Ayla. She taught us how to feed a baby and what babies need. Here are some of the things we learned:

Khaleesi – Babies need a nap.

Edwards – Babies have milk.

Daniel – When babies get teeth they can start to eat things like baby porridge.

Rose – Babies wear a nappy and we need to change their nappies.

We hope everyone has a great weekend!


March 23, 2024
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 18.03.24

Dear Readers,

We hope you are all doing very well.

The highlights of this week were:

  • Our lessons with the Microbits during which we have learned how to use them, have programmed them on the laptops in MakeCode and have seen the Microbits doing what we wanted them to do! It was very exciting and all the boys and girls were super enthusiastic! We have made love hearts with the LEDs on the Microbit, have made our names appear in the LEDs and have used them to turn on a little lamp! We are now big Microbit fans and are looking forward to our next lessons!
  • We’ve continued studying the Narrative through our Spiderwick Chronicles, which are absolutely addictive! When Mrs Valente says it’s time to stop, nobody wants to stop and all beg for more! P5A are loving the Spiderwick Chronicles! We have already learned about the importance of the setting’s description, the characters and the narrator and have done lots of work on each of these.
  • We have had our New and always tricky Spelling Words and our Weekly Spelling Assessment, another one of our class’ favourites.
  • Our Maths continued with multiplication sums of 1 by up to 5 digits and most boys and girls enjoy multiplication a lot by now! Well done!
  • We have learned all about the requirements for our Eco School Models which will hopefully be started next week!
  • The boys and girls went back to their Lenten promises and shared with the class how successful they were being at them. Also regarding sacrifice and self-control, we have asked one of the girls in our class, who follows the Muslim faith, to share with us her experience of fasting during Ramadan. The class have prepared several questions to which she kindly agreed to answer in order to make us all more aware of what she is going through. It was very interesting and a brilliant example of how people from different religions and beliefs can learn so much from one another.❤❤
  • We would like to congratulate John for being the Hot Chocolate of last week!!!!!! Well done, John!!!! 👏👏👏🥇Always behaving and being kind to others!
  • We would also like to congratulate Mia for being the Hot Chocolate of this week! It was lovely to see her positive attitude and great work throughout the week! well done, Mia!👏👏👏🥇
  • After counting our kindness notes, we were super happy to see that most people had at least a couple of notes, which means our class is getting kinder by the day! Our Kindness Champions are: 1st 🥇👏❤- Ailsa, 2nd🥈👏👏❤ – Aaron and 3rd🥉👏👏❤ – Emily & Sophia! Super well done!!!!!Keep spreading the kindness!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
  • Finally, many congratulations to our Table of the week, The Cursed Child! Well done! Super good work! Always tidy, organised and ( most of the times🤣) behaving!

That’s all for this week. Have a wonderful weekend!😀

P5A and Mrs Valente 😘😘

March 22, 2024
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 21/3/24

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 4A have had a busy week!

In literacy, we competed a shared writing example as part of our imaginative writing. The story is very good with lot’s of interesting adjectives and ideas. Everybody enjoyed making their contributions to the writing . We also explored the power of the word “YET” and created posters .

We continued to develop our division strategies and skills in our numeracy lessons.

Our class attended a sports festival on Thursday which was good fun and had lots of different activities for us to experience, although the weather was wet and cold !

Here are some of our learning highlights:

Suhanth-” I enjoyed creating our posters based on the power of the word “yet”!”

David S and Aiden- ” The sports festival was good fun! ”

Julia- ” Developing our knowledge of division was interesting ! ”

Chiji and Kyle ” I enjoyed learning about badgers in the reading comprehension activities.”

Isabel- ” The Easter story was interesting and I enjoyed the cross activity afterwards.”

Ollie- ” Creating our shared writing example was good fun! ”

Congratulations to Julia who was our hot chocolate winner this week, for amazing behaviour and effort!

Well done to Zosia, who is our reading champion for the next two weeks!


Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Lea and Primary 4A


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