St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

May 3, 2024
by Mrs Ross

Primary 5B 03,05.24

Wow, P5 have had an amazing week. We finished our Eco school models and had the chance to present them and our learning to some visitors from Heriot Watt University. They were very impressed. 2 groups have been chosen to represent P5 at a showcase event at the university at the end of May. ( Details will follow soon) From P5b the Science Experts are the chosen team with the Energy Experts as 3rd overall out of P5. But Mrs Ross said its a shame that there couldn’t be joint ist place because everyone did so well and each group has different styles of presentation.

We are still working with fractions, decimals and percentages and trying hard to be quicker with our times tables to help us.

Here is a link to some online games that could help –

times tables multiplication and division

We are also exploring the wonderful world of adjectives and looking at lots of exciting and different ways to describe things.

Several members of the Parish were able to compliment us this morning at Church because of our outstandingly great behaviour and the very respectful way we took part in the service.

We had a short assembly to learn about some special people and how we can Pray in May.

Shelby recieved our Hot Choc at home this week for her continued enthusiasm and positive approach to things.

Hopefully everyone has a wonderful long weekend.

Stay safe and be kind!

May 3, 2024
by Mrs Lea

Primary4A Learning Highlights 3/5/24

Primary 4 have had a great week!

Prmary 4A have completed our SNSA assessments and we are all very proud of ourselves!  In numeracy we developed our knowledge of fractions , In number talks we enjoyed finding fractions of amounts and explaining our strategies to the class. Some children have been preparing for their First Communion and have been working hard with Mrs Callaghan and Miss Duddy to ensure everyone knows exactly what they are doing!  Here are some of our learning highlights:

Ella- ” I really enjoyed doing the daily mile each day!”

Julia/ David- ” Learning more about fractions was interesting.”

John/ Rebekah- ” We enjoyed learning about the Olympic Games!”

Joe/ Kyle- ” Learning about Bible stories and their message was interesting.”

Pola / Babafola -” We loved learning about alliteration and making up our own examples.”

John/ Lucas/ Olivier- ”  Completing the Olympic Games design challenge was good fun! ”

Congratulations to Suhan who was nominated as our hot chocolate winner this week. Well done to Lucas who is our reading champion for the next two weeks.

I hope you have a super weekend.

Mrs Lea and Primary 4A



May 3, 2024
by Miss Duddy

P4b Learning Highlights 3rd May 2024

This week Primary 4 have done lots of great learning. We have finished all of our assessments and the children are very relieved to have finished them. This week we have revised money and time in maths and numeracy and went back over addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

We have had the opportunity to carry out lots of research about the Olympics, looking at what years the Olympics were in and what country/city hosted that year. We also talked about equality for health and well-being, focussing on the fact females were not always allowed to compete in the Olympics or any professional sporting competition. We highlighted famous female athletes and will be looking at this more closely next week.


Our Hot Chocolate winner this week is Jayden!

Our Secret Student this week is Ella!

Our Reading Champion is Rowan!



April 29, 2024
by Miss Duddy

P4b weekly highlights 26th April

This week has been a week of revision for p4b for our SNSA’s. We have been revisiting all of the grammar and maths we have learned throughout the year.

Alongside this, we have done 2 of our 3 SNSA’s and next week we will be doing our maths one. We have been having fun as well in PE where we have been focussing on athletics for our new block. This week we did relay races inside and outside when it was nice and sunny. We have introduced our new topic as Olympics and have conducted research, as well as looked at the history of the Olympics. Today we looked through previous years of Team GB kits and the children designed their own based on the ones they seen.


This weeks Hot Chocolate winner is Ellie-May!

This weeks Secret Student is Nicolas!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and have lots of time to relax and have fun!

Miss Duddy

April 27, 2024
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 22.04.24

Dear Readers,

We hope you are all very well.

This has been a very different week, with most of its time dedicated to Science and to our Climate Smarter Projects. We have planned, answered to questions about all of our choices for the Eco-school models and also researched many different things to make sure that it all makes sense together. Our models are almost ready as well as our posters and we’re looking forward for Tuesday, when the Climate Smarter judges will come to admire our models. The chosen one will get to go to the big Heriot-Watt show case on the 22nd of May and to proudly represent St. John Ogilvie! 🥰Wow! What an honour!

This week we have also had the opportunity to work on our new spelling words, as well as our division. To celebrate Earth Day🌎, on the 20th of April, we have created Acrostic poems with the words EARTH DAY, that we would like to show off outside of our classroom! As we have had a cold but sunny week, we went outside for the daily mile, which was very nice.😊 We continue our Human Football practice and have managed to stop our Science for a bit on Thursday just because of how much we enjoy it!

That’s all for this week, thank you for reading us!😀

P5A and Mrs Valente 😘😘

April 26, 2024
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 22nd April

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Blue table:

Chahiti has been enjoying making her tote bag.  She is making it out of an old pink t-shirt.  Thank you to all who donated items for this Earth Day project!  Each day a few children will make it with Mrs Brown’s help during ‘Choosing our own Learning’ time in the afternoons.  Hopefully it won’t be long until all who has made one has finished.  We have had some super ideas as to how these tote bags will be used.  They will be some children’s swimming bags, gymnastics bags, Judo bags and some are making it for their parents to use!

Ethan has enjoyed listening to the personal talks this week.  Those who opted for this activity have delivered most interesting talks.  The children have been working hard on making eye contact and projecting their voice when speaking in front of an audience.  If your child still wishes to deliver a personal talk then it is not too late!  They only need to let me know.

Rory said the highlight of his week was football with Miss Whyte who very generously bought trophies for the children!  They were awarded to those who demonstrated good teamwork and passes in the game.

Alicaj enjoyed observing some white roses each day to see if they changed colour!  The children have been learning about the role of the stem.  We set up some water containing coloured food dye and have watched as the petals received this water and turned it a different colour!  The stem acted a bit like a straw!

My highlight was our lessons on how we can reduce our carbon footprint!  The children were very passionate about this subject and are hoping to educate their parents on how we can all take better care of God’s beautiful world for future generations by acting now!

Congratulations to Jiade, our hot chocolate award winner this week!

Lead Learners were Alicaj and Grace.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Alicaj – “I liked playing Rounders in the PE hall.”

Grace – “I liked writing the Earth Day poems.”

Maths homework next week will be sent home on paper.  It links a health lesson on the importance of sleep with our learning about Time.  The following week it will be National Screen Free Week.  All homework for P3A will be paper versions that week in light of this.



Mrs Brown

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