St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

March 8, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 8th March 2024

This week we have been taking part in our school book week. We have been doing lots of activities based on the book ‘Horton Hears A Who’. We went up to the woodland to look for small things with the magnifying glasses and had some fun trying to find a Who! We also did lots of work on rhyming words and made a graph of our favourite characters. As part of our learning in RE, we made compliment flowers and we made our friends smile. We took part in the infant area Book Battle, where we had to vote each day for our favourite book.

On Wednesday, we went to St Peter’s to take part in morning Mass. Everyone commented on how respectful we were and Mrs McKissack gave us all a special sticker.

On World Book Day, we took part in a live read and draw along with Raahat Kaduji. We concentrated so well and produced some excellent illustrations. In the afternoon, the bell kept ringing and we had to Drop Everything and Read. We thought it was really fun!

On Friday, we celebrated the Feast Day of St John Ogilvie. We went to Mass in the hall and we were once again very respectful. After break we had a special treat and we got to watch Horton Hears a Who on the big screen with our buddies.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Tyler F – I enjoyed choosing my own learning.

Maja – I enjoyed making cards.

Leah – I enjoyed Outdoor Learning.

Joseph – I enjoyed playing with the ping pong balls.

Alfie – I enjoyed doing the Book Battle.

Peyton – I enjoyed playing with the sharks.

Congratulations to Bella who is our Reading Champion this week and to Joseph who won our Hot Chocolate Award.

March 8, 2024
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 8/3/24

Dear Parents ad Carers,

We have had a busy week participating in lot’s of fun activities for World Book Week!Β  All our activities throughout the week have been based on the book entitled Horton Hears A Who ! Here are a few of our learning highlights!

John- ” I really enjoyed designing our own Who Ville during art ! ”

Kayla- ” Drop Everything And ReadΒ  was really good fun ! ”

Kyle- ” I enjoyedΒ  watching the Horton Hears A Who film on Friday! ”

Ella – ” Answering questions based on the Horton Hears A Who story was interesting!”

Pola and Rebekah- ” Designing book marks for P6A was exciting!”

David- ” I enjoyed designing wanted posters for the Who’s.”

We all enjoyed celebrating St John Ogilvie Feast Day ! Our class attended Mass in the hall and afterwards we enjoyed some delicious cake as a special treat!

Congratulations to Isabel on being our hot chocolate winner this week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Lea and Primary 4A






March 7, 2024
by Maria Brown

P3A Visit Edinburgh Zoo

P3A had a FANTASTIC school trip to the zoo today as part of our learning about endangered animals.Β  I hope you enjoy the photos that have captured the fun we had.

Thank you to Vivien, Laura, Diana and Lina who helped me compose the pic collages on the bus journey home.

March 1, 2024
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 26.02.24

Dear Readers,

We hope you have all had a good week and are getting ready for your weekend.

In P5A we have been super busy, as always.These are the highlights of our week:

  • Super learning about decimal numbers and fractions. The whole class are completely addicted to fractions and are always asking for more and more work! It’s amazing!
  • Excellent note taking skills. As children are now much more used to taking notes from clips and texts, we have learned all about the BBC Microbit, which we are going to use for our Climate Smarter program, and they have taken notes which they then used to write their Information reports on the next day. So proud!😊
  • Learning about inference in a picture or a text and answering to many inferential questions about pictures. The children have given some very good answers to most of them and could always explain why they have given those answers.
  • Free Writing Friday is one of the weekly favourites, especially when followed by some boys and girls kindly sharing their stories. Today’s stories were hilarious and the whole class laughed and laughed!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • Learning more about wood and why it is the most environmentally friendly building material.🌳🌳🌳🌳
  • Looking at the pictures of the winning models of last year’s Climate Smarter challenge and starting to think about the features we would like our own models to have.
  • Our New Spelling Words and spelling assessment which have had great scores!
  • Learning about the differences in the narratives of Matthew, Mark and Luke when describing the Temptation of Jesus in the Bible. The children were very surprised at how much information Matthew and Luke had as opposed to Mark, who briefly writes about it without any detail.
  • We would like to congratulate Ben, our Hot Chocolate of the week for an absolutely remarkable week during which he has set an amazing example on how to follow the school rules! Well done, Ben!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ₯‡ Ben realised that when he puts his mind to being amazing, he is amazing!
  • Congratulations again to our Cursed Child Table for their victory! Well done! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘βœ¨πŸ† Hopefully next week others will follow their example and take the cup!
  • Finally, many congratulations to our Kindness Champions: Ailsa πŸ‘πŸ₯‡, Sophia πŸ‘πŸ₯ˆ and AaronπŸ‘πŸ₯‰, always ready to help and assist you in any need!

We say goodbye for now hoping you have enjoyed our post,

P5A and Mrs Valente 😘😘

March 1, 2024
by Mrs McKissack

Book Week 2024

Next week we will be celebrating Book Week together as a learning community.


Please see the Sway link below for some information about the activities we will be taking part in:


March 1, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 1st March 2024

We have been learning all about sharks this week during Topic. We learned lots of facts and we labelled a diagram to show the parts of a shark. We used our cutting skills to make our very own sharks.

This week we have been learning the sound β€˜th’. This is a cheeky sound and we have to remember to stick our tongues out. We have been reading words with this sound and trying the write words too. In writing, we wrote an information report about sharks and we had to remember to use the words have, can and are.

In maths, we have been playing lots of games to practise paying for things with different coins. Miss Stebbing was very impressed with the confidence of some people who were able to make amounts by using their number bonds.

For Outdoor Learning, we spent some time at the Outdoor Classroom. We also measured the length of the longest shark using a piece of string. It was very long!

In RE, we coloured in a picture about the creation story.

On Friday, we had an assembly where the Reader Leaders told us all about our School Book Week and World Book Day celebrations. Mrs McKissack then talked to us about the Stations of the Cross and we were very respectful when we were saying the prayers.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:


Dawid – I enjoyed playing outside.

Eliza – I enjoyed reading Stick Man.

Daisy – I enjoyed making the sharks.

Maja – I enjoyed playing with the under the sea toys.

Ollie – I enjoyed playing with the plus plus pieces.

Zuraib – I enjoyed playing outside.

Miss Stebbing – I was very impressed with how confidently everyone recalled facts about sharks.

Congratulations to Dawid who is this week’s Hot Chocolate winner.





March 1, 2024
by Mrs Ross

01.03.2024 P5b

Primary 5b are please to finally be in March! We have been busy over the last few weeks getting used to Mrs Ross. We already miss Mrs Miller and hope she is feeling better soon.

P5 has a lot to do at this time of year. We are working in groups to research eco friendly ways to build and run a school. We are working to design an Eco-school model.

We have been learning to crochet with Mrs Ross and some of us are really patient and trying hard to not give up. It can take a lot of practice!

In literacy this week, we have been learning about and looking for homophones. Words that sound the same to say but have different spellings and meanings. Some people shared some of their finds on TEAMS. Layla and Ishani M, especially, found so many!

Today we heard about the plans for celebrating Book Week next week. Everyone is looking forward to it. We also talked about some of the Stations of the Cross in assembly.

On Monday we will have some visitors from the Climate Smarter team to talk to us about our eco school model project.

Great work everyone


From Mrs Ross

“Have a lovely weekend everyone and well done to everyone who has tried to put a message or comment on TEAMS this week. A well done to Matteo (our Reader Leader) for taking part in the assembly and a big congratulations to Alexa for being the Hot Choc at home winner. She joins Shelby and Paige who have also won over the last few weeks.”

March 1, 2024
by Mr McGurn

P7A Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Here’s an update from Lead Learner Myles on our learning from this week…

On Monday we did our weekly prayer service then spelling for our homework. After snack we did some Speed, Distance and Time for Maths. After lunch we did some reading then work on Evacuation in WWII. To finish off we all did Basketball for PE.

On Tuesday we worked on identifying language features in an information report on space telescopes and we answered questions on it. After snack we did some Maths. After lunch we did some reading then had music. After that we did HWB.

On Wednesday half the class went to St. Maragret’s for transition while the rest of us wrote our information report on Evacuation. After snack we did some more RLPS for Maths. After lunch we did some reading then more learning on Evacuation. Then we did Basketball.

On Thursday we did work in our reading groups for literacy. Then we listened to episode 3 of The Machine Gunners. After snack we did some probability for Maths. After lunch we did some reading then Spanish. Then we painted ‘The Scream’ for Art.

On Friday we did Stations of the Cross for RME. Then we did our St. Margaret’s transition then more RME. After snack we did Outdoor Learning then we had Fun Friday.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Signing off,



PS Elizabete won this week’s Over and Above award and took home the hot chocolate!


March 1, 2024
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 1/3/24

Dear Parents and Carers ,

Primary 4A have had an amazing week, full of exciting learning!

In Numeracy, we have been learning about division and sharing our strategies to solve calculations. some of us found it quite tricky but we still enjoyed it!

Our class have been learning about narrative writing and how to use the appropriate layout. We are all excited about completing our first imaginative story!

In P.E, we have continued to develop our handball skills and knowledge of basic rules.Β  We played a passing game where the team who managed to complete 10 passes with no interception got a point.Β  The first team to get 10 points was the winner!

During art, we have been working hard to finish our recycling robots which are now nearly complete!

Our class enjoyed our school assembly today where we learnt about stations of the cross and prepared for our Feast Day Mass next week. Kayla, along with other leader readers , gave us information about our World Book Week. There are lots of interesting activities and competitions.

Congratulations to Aiden on being our hot chocolate winner this week !

Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Lea and P4A


March 1, 2024
by Miss MacGregor

P6A Friday 1st March

Hi P6A families,

Recent teacher highlights:

  • Starting to look at information reports for writing. We looked at an example and marked this then put it against the genre targets to get an idea of what to include and from this created our own. This weeks writing was all about our school.
  • Exploring and solving percentages of an amounts and using this knowledge to look at current sales and discounts online.

Pupil highlights:

  • Being able to make a whole that is big enough to fit 2-3 people in it from one piece of A4 paper – a fun STEM challenge.
  • Creating a fake information report poster about ‘the wild haggis’ after our Scotland learning.
  • Beginning our new topic, ecosystems. It has been very productive getting into groups and creating posters and PowerPoints about our chosen ecosystem. Later, each group will teach the rest of the class about their one.
  • Starting volleyball in PE.

Well done to Max for winning the hot chocolate this week. Max has gone over and above, particularly in maths.

Have a great weekend,

Miss MacGregor

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