August 24, 2024
by Maria Brown
Hello families of P5B!
The children have had a super 2nd week back at school. I cannot believe 2 weeks have passed already! Here are our highlights this week as recorded by the Red table:
Cohen has enjoying building pathways using the marble run and playing chess.
Kacper said the best part of his week has been dancing to Go Noodle. The Line Leader each week gets to choose the daily GoNoodle dance. This serves as a short brain break for the children as well as improving their fitness levels.
Matthias loved dodgeball at PE this week.
Rowan’s highlight has been playing checkers. P5 have some strategic thinkers in the class!
Aaeryn-Leigh, along with the whole class, have been enjoying a chapter a day of our class novel ‘The Midnight Gang.’ This week it was our author, David Walliams’ birthday, so we learned about his life and answered some questions afterwards. An interesting piece of information was that he was born David Williams but changed his surname as there was already a famous actor with his name. He has also raised 3 million pounds for Sports Relief through swimming The Thames and The English Channel. The children like Mrs Brown doing all the different voices!
Jayden has being enjoying our Daily Wake Up activities. These activities have a mixture of Literacy and Numeracy tasks to get the children’s brains warmed up after the summer holidays. Jayden has been particularly enjoying the ‘Number Corner’. After going through the various calculations, we discuss the most effective strategies for finding the answer.
My highlight has been making a classroom charter with the children. We had a revision session on their Rights and our school values of being Ready, Respectful and Safe. Collaboratively, we wrote a classroom statement and bullet pointed what actions we as a class were going to take to action this agreement, then everyone signed the contract. If you were at the Meet the Teacher event, you may have noticed it on our window.
Meet the Teacher
At this event, I gave out a print out of the slides and a ‘Tell me about your child’ page for you to return filled in. If you did not receive these, then please remind your child to take them home or phone to office to request them. I look forward to reading what you have written about your child to get to know them a bit better.
Homework will begin week beginning 2nd September. Your child will bring login details home and a reminder guide about how to access Teams from different devices.
I hope you are enjoying your weekend!