St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

September 27, 2024
by Mrs Meikle

This week in P1

We have had a great week of learning in P1.

We learned a new sound, this week it was the ‘p’ sound. It is a pink sound because we use our lips and its a quiet sound. We enjoyed lots of different activities to help us to learn the sound.

Tiara – I made spotty pants

Ava – We had popcorn.

Guhan Kumar -I made a pig.

Lena – I cut out a penguin.

For writing, we wrote fantastic sentences about what we could see at the farm.

Antosh – I can see the cat.

Arush – I can see the swan.

In math we worked on writing our numbers 9 and 10. We also looked at ten frames and how to make numbers and thinking about adding on 1 more. We started to look at part part whole strategy for addition.

Dawid – I love numbers.

Daniel – I have always wondered why 10 is made up of 2 numbers.

We have started to learn about jobs. We looked at some shops and played a game to see if we could guess the job. Our focus this week was on being an Optician.

Cerys – They check your eyes.

William – They give you glasses.

We hope everyone has a great weekend and we look forward to a new week of learning next week.


September 27, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 27th September 2024

This week we have been learning all about different jobs. We talked about why people have jobs and played a game where we had to guess the occupation from the description. We then matched up the jobs with the places where they work. During RE time, we talked about how we all have different talents and skills and then talked about the skills needed for different jobs. On Friday, we were very excited to welcome Mrs Drummond to our class to talk about her job.

In maths, we have been using ten frames and rekenreks to try to subitise to identify the number. We then made the numbers on a ten frame. We taught Mrs Callaghan how to use the rekenreks to use only one push to show the number. We then read the book ‘The Perfect Fit’ and made pictures using the shape tiles.

In literacy, we have been learning the sound ‘p’. We have been practising listening for the sound and identifying if it is at the beginning or end of the word. We have a pizza shop in our classroom and we have enjoyed taking orders to make everyone their favourite pizza. The most exciting part of learning this sound was making popcorn. We listened for it popping and then we got to taste it.

Here are some of our personal highlights this week:

Zac – I enjoyed playing with the connecting straws.

Amariah – I enjoyed learning about the letter ‘p’.

Martha – I enjoyed playing at the pizza shop.

Muhammad – I enjoyed playing with the shapes.

Joseph – I enjoyed writing my sentence.

Miss Stebbing – I was very proud of everyone making different pictures with the shape tiles. There were some very creative examples.

Well done to Hallie who is our Reading Champion and to Miles who is our Hot Chocolate Winner.


September 27, 2024
by Miss Maxwell

P4A! Week ending 27th September 2024

Hello to all of our P4A families!

We have had a super busy week!

Firstly, we wish to thank all of our adults that came to watch our assembly on Scottish Inventors. We loved having all of you there with us and we feel very proud of our amazing performance, as you will be too.

We have practiced lots for our assembly and STILL managed to get lots of great work done in this time.

This week we completed some more Building Thinking Classrooms work again. This helps boost our problem solving skills and is a whole different way of completing our maths. We all worked hard in our groups to solve the problem this week.


P4A also have been working hard with their spelling and reading tasks in class. We all began new books this week and we are all enjoying reading the new stories in our reading groups, individually and with Miss Maxwell.


Alicja enjoyed free writing Friday this week. She said that “it is so fun and I can write new stories”

Rory enjoyed the assembly this week, as I am sure many of us in P4 will agree. He said “I loved having our families there”.


Deveena enjoyed doing the building thinking classrooms task. She said “I liked when we all worked together to find the answer”.


Ethan said that “I really enjoyed doing the class competition on Sumdog, it was so fun”.


Well done again to P4A and P4B for their amazing assembly this week!. Keep up all of your hard work.


Hot chocolate winner of the week goes to Alicja. She has worked so hard this week and really shown a great example to all of her class mates.


Our reading champion of the week is Ethan. Ethan always shows great confidence in his reading and is keen to read out in class! Keep up the great work!.

Miss Maxwell 🙂

Here is some pictures of our busy P4As this week working hard!

September 27, 2024
by Miss Smith

Week Beginning 23/9/24 P5A Learning Highlights P5A

Ella – I enjoyed doing the first climate smart lesson because I like learning about the different types of energy we use is fun.

Ema – I really enjoyed maths this week and speaking to others in the class.

Julia – I enjoyed doing the climate smart WAT activity because it was challenging and I was learning new things.

Asim – I liked P.E and I really like dodge ball.

Kyle – I enjoyed reading  a Spiderman book in ERIC with Ruari and Nathan.

Lucas O – I enjoyed creating our questions before, during and after questions about a therapy cat.

Babafola – I enjoyed school this week and I have not enjoyed it for a long time.

Congratulations to Hot Chocolate Winner this week: Without a doubt, hot chocolate winner this week is John. You have consistently been an outstanding pupil this week in primary five.


September 27, 2024
by Mrs Ross

P4B 27.09.2024

What a busy week in P4B.

For PE we were dancing in the hall with Mr P (E), it was fun! (CF)

We shared our learning about Scottish Inventors at our assembly on Wednesday. It was good. (ID) Mrs Ross thinks we were absolutely brilliant!

As part of our writing we followed instructions to make paper areoplanes. (EB) We tested them out in a competition. Elvin came first, with Amariah-Grace, Aaron and Aarav were runner ups.

We started using TEAMS for our homework and lots of people managed to get their task and complete it.

September 27, 2024
by Miss MacGregor

P7B Weekly Blog – Friday 27th Sept.

Hello P7B families, 

It’s Fatima M and Veerica, this week’s bloggers! 


This week’s highlights include: 

  • Our online chat with the Head of Houses from St Margarets Academy in which we asked some questions to Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Munro, 


  • Our weekly visit from St Margarets Academy’s math teachers in which we did math relay races, 


  • We also did some autumn tree art where we painted a tree trunk then added autumn coloured leaves with cotton buds, 


  • In our writing, we researched an animal of our choice. We then started an information report on that animal,  


  • We had a look at our interests and thought of a career path that would suit our skills, 


  • We also continued to prepare for our Mock Court in December. The lawyers and witnesses got together to find flaws in the opponent’s story. 


That’s all for this week, hope you enjoyed it! 

Tune in next Friday for more info! 


September 23, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 20th September 2024

It has been a short but busy week in P2/1.

We have been learning all about the sound ‘s’. We know how to write the sound correctly and we can find words beginning with the sound. We enjoyed using the little writing tablets to practise our letter formation.

In maths, we have been making different repeating patterns. We made our very own snakes with a repeating pattern body. We coloured them in very carefully.

This week we have continued our work on Fairtrade and we used our sense of taste to see which Fairtrade chocolate we liked the best. We made a graph to show the results with P1 and P2. White chocolate was the winner overall but milk chocolate was our class favourite. We then practised our scissor skills by cutting out Fairtrade products to put in our shopping basket.

Well done to Niamh who is our Hot Chocolate winner this week.

September 20, 2024
by Mrs Russell

P1 Weekly Learning Highlights 20th September 2024

It was lovely having everyone back together after our long September holiday weekend.  We hope you all had a lovely time.

In Literacy we looked at the sound ‘s’ we worked on formation and distinguishing the m, c and s sound by sorting. We developed our talking and listening skills by sharing our news with the class.  We introduced the common word ‘see’, we will use this next week in our talking sentences and writing.

In maths we looked at the number 8 working on forming it correctly.  We also worked on 10 frames – making amounts and adding one more. We continued to work on our mental maths and counting.

For our Senses topic this week we focused on the sense of taste and linked it to Fairtrade as it was Fairtrade Fortnight.  We tasted different types of Fairtrade chocolate then voted in class for our favourite.  We then added our class results to an area wall display. We looked at the story of chocolate and then completed a shopping basket activity.  The children had to choose 5 Fairtrade products to put in their basket. 

Weekly Highlights:

Tiara ‘I liked learning about Fairtrade’

Alfie ‘I liked gym’

Emma ‘I liked helping to tidy’

Daniel ‘I liked cutting out the snake’

Myra ‘ I liked writing’

Well done to Guhan Kumar our Hot Chocolate winner this week.

September 20, 2024
by Miss Smith

P5a Week Beginning 16/9/24

Pupil Highlights:

Ruari – I enjoyed going to play football for our choose time because it was fun playing with my pals.

Joe – My highlight which was last week was being able to have a shot on Miss Smith’s scooter because it was particularly fast. The skill I had to use was balance confidence.

Julia: I enjoyed creating angles by drawing straight lines within circles to then use different colours to show which angles were obtuse, straight or acute.

Zosia: I enjoyed making Alexander III fact files and learning about John Balliol.

Lucas O : I enjoyed Miss Smith’s scooter because I was first scared but once I tried it I enjoyed it.

Ella: I enjoyed doing the word boost acting with my friends because it was exciting and I felt nervous at the time but I still performed it.

Paige: I really liked doing the fitness routine with Miss Smith outside in the sun. I did squat jumps and balanced on the wheel.

Congratulations to previous Hot Chocolate Winners: Julia , for her consistent, outstanding attitude and work in class, Kyle for his tremendously hard work ethic and fantastic respect to his peers, and David S who can work effortlessly well with anyone in the class, and his commitment to working hard for every piece of work.

This week’s hot chocolate winner:  Rebekah. Congratulations to Rebekah who is always a thoughtful, gentle and respectful pupil.  Her excellent independent work this week includes self assessing her writing and helping Miss Smith out with the dinner tickets in the hall. You saved the day Rebekah!


September 20, 2024
by Miss Duddy

Primary 3 Learning Highlights 20/9/24

Good afternoon all Primary 3 families, it has been a short (but sweet) week in Primary 3.

This weeks numeracy and maths has been great fun, from exploring skip counting in 4s (and some even taking on the challenge of doing it in 8s!), to creating our own tiling pattern out of 2D shapes, there have been lots of opportunities for thinking, problem solving and challenges.

In our literacy this week, we revisited our ‘a’ sound spelling pattern, using a-e, ai and ay. The children used active strategies to consolidate their learning. We also re visited the story of ‘The Obvious Elephant’ and played a fun word boost game, where the teacher gave a clue to someone about a word, and they had to figure out what word it was related to. We also played a game where we threw a beanbag back and forth – this one was a hit!

In other areas of the curriculum, we celebrated Fairtrade fortnight by creating some beautiful artwork. We drew chalk drawings of Fairtrade symbols and Fairtrade products, and painted lovely pictures of the symbol.

For our RE this week, we learned about God creating us in his image and what this means. We also learned about the three things that make us up as people, our mind, body and soul. We now know that our soul is what makes us who we are, and this is what connects with God, and goes to be with him in heaven.

AbdulHameed’s highlight of the week this week has been painting the Fairtrade logo! He enjoyed using the paints and also loved the chalk drawings.

Victoria enjoyed doing Word boost this week, she loved the beanbag game we played to revise all of our words.

Rose and Aaron loved creating their 2D tiling and they both thought it was so fun!

Faye enjoyed painting and enjoyed getting creative when making Fairtrade symbols.

Well done to our hot chocolate winner today Aaron!

Well done to this weeks secret student Katie!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Miss Duddy

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