Good afternoon P4.
Well done for the great work this morning. Remember if you would like to share your work with me and receive feedback, please upload onto your Personal Learning Blog.
This afternoon’s tasks are:
Our tongue plays a major role in how we taste things. Today, we are going to look at the tongue and how it works.
- Sort these foods into the different categories, you can draw or write each food under the appropriate heading.
The Sense of Taste and the Tongue - Choose one food from each list that you have within your house and do a taste test. (If you do not have something, please do not worry)
The senses of smell and taste are directly related because they both use the same types of receptors. If one’s sense of smell is not functional, then the sense of taste will also not function because of the relationship of the receptors.
- Split a sheet of paper in two. On one side draw and label 5 foods you love the smell of. On the other side draw and label 5 foods you really dislike the smell of.
Go on a walk, sit in your garden or sit beside a window and have a sound hunt. Listen to all the different sounds you can hear. Draw 10 different sounds.