Good morning Primary 2,
I hope you’re all well today. Here are my mild, spicy and hot activity grids. If you would like to try them, choose whichever one is challenging for you.
Have a good day everyone. Keep smiling and stay safe!
Mrs Dickie
30.4.20 daily tasks mild 30.4.20 daily tasks spicy 30.4.20 daily tasks hot
Here are the resources to print off, but remember, if you can’t print them off, you can write the words and sentences in your jotter or on a piece of paper.
Mild: Jelly and Bean CVC medial o
Spicy: Jelly and Bean ai
Hot: Jelly and Bean oo
Here are the web links you’ll need:
All groups can log into Rapid Reader here. Follow the instructions given to you by Mrs Callaghan & Mrs Devlin. These were posted on the blog on Tuesday 28th April.