Good afternoon everyone, we are going to do some art and topic today.
Art We are going to build on the one point perspective work that you produced last week and give you the opportunity to further develop your understanding of it. There are four examples of designs attached below, each of which uses perspective in a different ways and it is entirely up to you which one you choose to draw.
Topic Less than a year before the Battle of Culloden, the Jacobites gathered at Glen Finnan to start their march into England. They marched as far south as Derby before they retreated. Use the map to mark their route and name important places on the way and mark them on the “mild” sheet. If you want to know more, research what happened at each of the places shown along the way and mark this on the “hot” sheet. You can print the sheets or if this is not possible have a go at copying the map into your home learning journal. Have a great afternoon and we are looking forward to seeing the finished work on your profiles.
Mrs Lea and Mrs Morrison