Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Good Morning P4! I hope you all had a relaxing Easter break with your families and you are all safe and well.
Here are some tasks for you to work through this morning:
Mental Challenge
My answer is 47. What could my questions be?
List 8 questions (Using +, -, x and /)
Today, we are going to look at Rhyme. A rhyme is when words have a same or similar ending sound, such as boat, moat, throat and coat. When you are trying to figure out if two words rhyme, say it to yourself to see if they sound the same.
-Read the poem ‘Children of the World Today’. What two things do you notice about the poem? Write a list of rhyming word pairs.
-Draw 4 ‘rhyming trees’ each with 5 branches. Using the words home, work, play and eat can you fill each branch with a rhyming word. Try and do this yourself, however if you struggle to think of your own, use Google to look up some ideas. You will use these rhyming trees tomorrow for your writing task, so keep them somewhere safe.
This term we are going to be learning about Money. Today I want us to think about the use of decimal points when talking about pounds. Look at the Money PPT and complete the ‘Convert Pence to Pound’ sheet. You can complete this in a jotter or on paper.
Children of the World Today Rhyming Tree
Remember if you would like me to see your work and to provide feedback, you will need to upload it onto your Personal Learning Blog.