Primary 4A have had a busy and enjoyable week.
Numeracy- We have been looking at fact families and learning about the links between multiplication and division. The children have also explored the inverse strategy and how it can be useful when dividing.
Literacy- We enjoyed learning about powerful adjectives and how they can be used to improve sentences in our writing. We have also been learning about the difference between fact and opinion !
Topic- P4 designed their own recycling logo as part of their recycling topic and had some super discussions about whether some every day items were suitable for recycling.
Art- We studied Paul Klee and created our own amazing pictures in his style.
Health and Wellbeing – The children discussed the meaning of the word ” personality” and how it is important to recognise and celebrate our differences. We created our own personality swirls.
Hot Chocolate Award- Congratulations to John Richards on being our hot chocolate winner this week.
Have a lovely weekend !
Mrs Lea