Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we have experienced lots of different learning activities. It has been a fun week!
We have continued to do our Big Lent Walk each day trying hard to work as a team! Today, many of us wore an Easter themed hat to school and brought in food items, which will be donated to the local food bank. Our class have been learning about the Holy Doors which will be opened in Rome and we made mini doorstops which we have placed on our altar. Here are some of our learning highlights:
Ailsa and Julia ” We really enjoyed starting to design our Biomes PowerPoint.”
Liam and Sam ” The badminton festival at Deans High School was amazing! ”
Ignacy and Damian ” We enjoyed making the doorstops for our altar.”
Liam and Lily” We enjoyed learning about St Joseph and why it is important to remember him.”
Pixie and Zofia” We enjoyed working in small group with Mrs Lea, to learn more about decimals.”
Congratulations to Ena , who is our reading champion for the next two weeks.
Congratulations to Mia, who was nominated our hot chocolate award for amazing work throughout the week.
Have a super weekend !
Mrs Lea and Primary 6A