This week for our Celtic Croft Music Project, we learned about a cuddy. We sang a song and followed the movements to act it out. We then drew a picture to add to our croft display.
In Literacy, we have been learning about the ‘oo’ and ‘oa’ sounds. We have been trying to read words with these sounds and also to write them. This week we also started to do some dictation and we were able to listen carefully and write the words Miss Stebbing said.
In RE, we decorated our door stops and placed them on our class altar. We also learned about St Patrick and made some special hats to celebrate St Patrick’s Day.
In Topic, we have been learning all about plants. We learned what a plant needs to grow and we planted some sunflower seeds. Some of us were a bit disappointed when we returned from PE, 30 minutes after planting the seeds, to find the had not grown yet! We also learned about the parts of a plant and we drew and labelled a diagram. In writing, we were able to use our knowledge about planting a seed to write instructions for someone else to use.
As part of our Outdoor Learning Green Tree Award we looked at different viewpoint photographs and discussed which animal we thought would have that viewpoint. We painted pictures of sunflowers and pretended we had been shrunk to the size of an insect to get a different view of the flower. We thought it was very funny to put our mini me photos on our paintings.
We held our class joke competition and heard some very funny jokes. Well done to Elsie, who was our class winner and who confidently stood up in front on the whole school to tell her joke.
Some of our personal highlights this week are:
Vivaan – I enjoyed counting in 5s.
Martha – I enjoyed playing in the area.
Miles – I enjoyed drawing.
Freddie – I enjoyed about learning about how bugs grow.
Vihaan – I enjoyed learning in PE.
Danvith – I enjoyed planting the seeds.
Congratulations to Izhaan who is our Hot Chocolate winner this week. He has been very kind to a new pupil in our class and helped them to settle in with us. Also, congratulations to Zenith who is our Reading Champion for this fortnight. She has shown confidence in reading aloud with expression.