Dear Readers,
Welcome to our weekly post. We hope you have all had a good week.
These were the highlights of our week in Primary 6B:
- The work with decimal numbers by ordering them and also by learning how to add them. Some of us were a bit stressed out but ended up enjoying it a lot!
- Our weekly spelling words and spelling assessment, with more words from the Elsewhere Emporium which are super interesting and that we would very much like to start using in our writing.
- Continuing our Biodiversity work.
- Learning about St. Joseph’s day and the story of his life. We have reflected on his immense kindness for accepting what God asked of him and for being such a kind and caring father on Earth for Jesus.
- Finishing off our Prayer People after writing our own prayers and who they were for. They look so lovely!
- Our first ever Voice Box Joke Competition which was beyond fun! Very well done to our Ishani M for her joke and the way she acted it out because it was amazing!
- Going to Mass today and reflecting on the story of Joseph ( the one from the Old Testament) and his colourful jacket, which, as Father Clement said, shows us that even the ones who have been abandoned feeling left out can turn out to be extremely important.
- Starting our Sumdog Competition! This is extremely important and we would like to ask parents and carers to please let all children go to Sumdog until the 27th of March! This is the national contest so children from the four nations are competing and being very good already!
- Our novel, the Otherwhere Emporium, is getting more and more interesting and we just want to know what’s going to happen next!
- We would like to congratulate our Hot Chocolate of last week for always being on task and ready to learn, well done Mr. Srihaun! You have been a star!
- Congratulations also to our Hot Chocolate of this week, our recently arrived Mr. Shiv, who has had an amazing week and has been setting a great example of how to follow our school rules of Ready, Respectful and Safe! Well done and once again welcome to our Class and to our School!
- Well done also to the children of the Scary Seas Table for winning the weekly prize! Super tidy and organised! Congratulations Zac, Renna, Mariam, Ishani S, Layla, Ishani M, Lyon and Aiden!
- Congratulations also to Jonah, Jude and Zac for representing the school in a very competitive Football tournament which took place in Inveralmond High School today. We’re super proud of you!
- Finally, many congratulations to Maeve for being the Reader of the Fortnite for the 2nd time in Primary 6! She’s always looking forward for a tiny bit of time to keep reading her interesting books! Well done!
- We would like to thank everyone who has brought their food donation to the Food Bank today for their generosity! ♥♥♥
That’s all for today, we say goodbye wishing you all a happy weekend with many opportunities to be with your loved ones doing nice things.
P6B and Mrs Valente