St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P5B Week Beginning 17th March 2025


Hello P5B Families!

Here are the learning highlights from your lovely children.  This week we have the Yellow table reporting:

Daniel loved the outdoor learning session with the therapy dog, Jax and his owner, Rob.  Rob did an informative lesson about how long it takes for rubbish to decompose.  The children had to guess first and stand behind the number of years they thought.  The purpose of this was for the children to realise how their decisions to recycle, positively affect the future of our planet.

Anthony enjoyed our St Patrick’s Day celebrations!  These included: drama, Irish dancing, Irish Corners and the best part……green mint choc-chip ice-cream!

Moeez and Ksawery have said they especially liked our Climate Smart learning this week when we made floating wind turbines and our very own batteries!  Ask you child how batteries link with frog legs?!?!?!??

Michael said the highlight of his week was telling a joke in the hall in front of the whole school.  Michael was our overall class winner and did a marvellous job of competing against fellow students.  We were so proud of him making it to the Finals.

Vinayakarthik liked PE with Mrs Lafferty where they played ‘Capture the Flag’.

Alex has loved maths this week.  We continued dividing 4 digit numbers with remainders and making links with quarters.

Nathan continues to enjoy the Big Lent Walk.

Rowan was interested in the learning about Word Down Syndrome Day which was today, 21st March.  The children had questions about how someone is born this way and listened to how they can care for our Down Syndrome friends and how we are all unique.  I also shared about how my little sister has special needs and the help and support she needs.  This lead to the children sharing what they need help with themselves.  It was a beautiful, inclusive lesson.

My highlight was this Down Syndrome lesson also.

Congratulations to our hot chocolate award winner, Rowan and our Reading Champ, Amelia!  Also, a big thank you to Nicolas who put together the photos below.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.  I believe we are going to have some bright, warmer days.

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