St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

21st March P4A weekly update


Welcome families of P4a,


This week we have lots of things to share with you that we have been doing in school.


We have explored our new writing genre which is narrative. We have been working hard to create characters for our writing piece that we will complete next week. We have shown great retention of knowledge from our description writing which is supporting us a lot throughout this new style of writing.


Aadya said “ I am enjoying making my own cool characters”


In maths we have been continuing on with our multiplication and division. We have really been trying hard with our times tables which is helping us massively.


Zion said- “I like trying some challenging questions”

Tadiwa said “ The maths we are doing is making my brain work hard”


Pupils taking part in the sacrament of First Communion have their books home to complete homework number 3. Miss Maxwell has really enjoyed seeing the work in these that has been completed with loved ones at home.

Alicja said “I like doing my book at home with my mum”


We have completed our walk for Lent each day and it has been fantastic to have had lovely weather to do so.


On Thursday we went a walk around the surrounding areas of the school and to the woodlands. This was such great fun and we had an amazing time exploring as you will see in the photos below.


Caiden said “ I really liked playing in the Forrest and going a walk in the sun”

Our hot chocolate winner of the week goes to Laura for always trying her hardest in class. Well done!

Grace said “ I have had such a fun week and we have made so many memories”

This blog was created by Grace and Miss Maxwell.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Maxwell 😁❤️


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