St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 14th March 2025


This week we have been learning all about snails. We wrote information reports about them and learned lots of new facts. We made our very own snails using card and they even move when we touch them. We also learned about the lifecycle of a snail and ordered the pictures correctly.

In Literacy, we have been learning the ee and ai sounds. We used the magnetic boards to build lots of words and we enjoyed using a game on the Smartboard to help us develop our understanding.

In Maths, we have been learning all about capacity. We visited the monster milkshake cafe and had to choose the correct milkshake for each monster. We then used the sand and water tray to practise using the correct vocabulary.

On Monday, it was our school feast day and we learned about St John Ogilvie before going to mass in the afternoon with the rest of the school. We even got a piece of cake to celebrate! We also attended mass at St Peter’s Church on Wednesday with P1. When we got back Mrs McKissack gave us Headteacher Award stickers as someone in the Church had sent her a message to compliment us on our respectful behaviour.

We have set up a Vet Surgery Role Play area in our classroom which has been very popular.

As we couldn’t go up to the woodland this week. We learned about the lifecycle of a butterfly and made a picture of this using different pasta shapes. We then made symmetrical butterflies using paint.

Here are some of our personal highlights for this week:

Harmony – I enjoyed playing in the sand.

Vivaan – I enjoyed doing RE when we read the book about Noah.

Zac – I enjoyed playing in the vets.

Izhaan – I enjoyed colouring pictures.

Tyler – I enjoyed playing with the blocks.

Harrison – I enjoyed measuring in the water.

Congratulations to Elsie who is our Hot Chocolate Winner this week. She has been a super friend and has shown a great attitude towards her learning.

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