Dear Readers,
We hope you are all very well!
This has been a very different week so our highlights will also be very different from what they usually are!
- The story of the life of our patron Saint, Saint John Ogilvie and the miracle that he performed in John Fagan, through the intercession of God. We were all amazed at the fact that St. John Ogilvie had risked everything for his faith and became big admirers of him. ♥ The whole of Monday was dedicated to our Patron saint and we even had Mass in school, which was lovely!
- Our trip to Dynamic Earth with P6A was amazing! We loved everything about it and have learned so much about the Earth, biodiversity, the different biomes and many other interesting things! The workshop on natural disasters and natural hazards was also great and reminded us of the difference between both. As we had learned a lot about earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and hurricanes we were quite good in the activities and even managed to teach the teacher some things we still remembered about the 2004 tsunami!
- Our badminton festival, which was a great opportunity for us to get to know and/or practise this fun sport! We really enjoyed all the different stations and many of us came wanting to join a badminton after school club!
- Music with Mrs Morrison, who was back with our class and feeling much better, thankfully!
- Spanish with Mrs Broadley who was also back and feeling better!
- Our spelling words this week were very different and directly linked to what was going to happen during the week. Let’s see how well we’ve done since we didn’t have much time to practise!
- Today we have had our spelling assessment, continued our Magical Shops and dedicated the rest of the school day to Pray and learn about Colombia, the country being helped by SCIAF WEE BOX’ s Lent appeal this year. We are very sorry for what Colombians go through every day and hope that our donations can help them to become more independent and live better lives.
- We congratulate the Flying Pancakes Table, who won this week. Although they had only 2 points at the beginning of the day, they worked really, really hard following the rules and tidying up beautifully! Well done to Matteo, Khael, Daniel, Ashley, Amelia, Alexa and Millie!
- The Hot Chocolate will be announced next week because we ran out of time today, sorry!
That’s all for now, we say goodbye wishing everyone a super happy weekend!
P6B and Mrs Valente