Good afternoon all primary 3 families, here are our highlights for this week!
Spelling this week has been focussed on the soft g sound and our common words. We have been doing lots of reading in class with Miss Duddy and Mrs Garvin and we are making great progress! We wrote a final draft of our information reports and what a great job everyone did! The children even self-assessed their work based on our targets.
Numeracy this week has been focussed on multiplication, we have been solving one and two-step word problems and finding the link between the 2 and 4 times tables. After much talking and investigating, we realised the 4 times table is DOUBLE the 2 times table. Some of us even made links between the 4 and 8 and the 3 and 6 table doing this method! Well Done! We have continued to learn about time, this week focussing on digital clocks, reading digital times and filling in our own digital clocks with the times shown.
This week our RE focus has been Lent and the liturgical calendar, a massive well done to everyone on Wednesday, you were all wonderful at mass and Miss Mushet gave me glowing feedback from those who stayed in school. We have been out walking every day this week to get to Rome before the end of lent and the children are very enthusiastic!
Well done to our Hot chocolate and reading champion winner this week!
I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Miss Duddy