Hello families of P5B! I cannot believe we have reached mid term already! Here are our highlights for this week as recorded by the Yellow Table:
Ksawery and Alex have both loved having Fr Clement come to visit our class. Fr Clement knew that we had been learning about The Beatitudes so he read them from the Bible and spoke of each one in depth.
Anthony liked music with Mrs Callaghan.
Ronan and Vinayakarthik both report that PE with Mrs Lafferty was the best part of their week. Both boys amazed me with their endurance during the Bleep Test.
Moeez enjoyed Word Boost Corners.
Daniel has been enjoying his independent work on researching a Scottish town or city of his choice. The children will be presenting their findings via Powerpoint upon our return to school (pupil choice).
Michael said his time in P2/3 as a helper was a favourite experience of his week. Michael won ‘Best Teamwork’ award, along with his partner Aeryn-Leigh and got to choose his own reward. He picked this. Miss Mushet reports how well Michael helped out and both are looking forward to the experience again in the future.
Nathan reported that learning The Grid Method, one method to solve longer Times Tables sums, was the learning highlight of this week. Nathan proudly and confidently demonstrated to the class, under the visualiser, the different steps involved in this strategy.
My highlight was Fr Clement’s visit. The children listened very attentively and as always, it is a pleasure to have our school chaplain visit.
Congratulations to our hot chocolate award winner this week, Cohen.
A big thank you to Vinayakarthik who made the Pic Collage’s below to help you get a glimpse of some of the learning experiences your child had in school.
P5B said farewell to our classmate Ava this week. We will miss her and wish her well in her new school. We know she will be made very welcome there and it won’t be long before she makes lots of new friends.
I hope you all enjoy the mid-term break and I will see everyone on Tuesday 18th (Monday will be an In Service). There will be no homework issued for this first week.
Mrs Brown