St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 6A Learning Highlights 7/2/25


Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had a very busy week and many of us were  ready for a half term break! We continued to learn more about Scottish poetry and even wrote our own verses to ” Katie Bairdie ! ” Our class enjoyed learning about Hinduism during our Other World Religions lesson. We finally finished our posters for the Rights Respecting Schools display in the hall. They look fabulous and we are all very proud of our work based on Article 33, ( protecting young children from harmful drugs.) Congratulations to Julia on winning gold medals in the Scottish Open for Taekwondo! Well done! We are all very proud of you !

Here are some our learning highlights:

Ailsa and Emily ” We really enjoyed working with a partner to create our own verses to the Katie Bairdie poem.”

Ben and Sam ” Developing our knowledge of division was interesting .”

Ishaan ” I enjoyed sharing my knowledge of Hinduism with the class.”

Pixie and Sofia ” Putting the final touches to our posters was good fun! ”

Ameya and Julia ” Learning about how to use brackets correctly in writing was interesting! ”

Ailsa ” I really enjoyed trying to better my score in the bleep test during P.E ! ”

Congratulations to Ameya who was nominated our Hot Chocolate winner this week!


Have a super weekend

Mrs Lea and Primary 6A




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