St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

W/E 7th February 2025


Welcome families of P4A


This week P4A have many highlights that they wish to share with you.


Throughout this week we have been focusing on our Scotland topic, division in maths and Information reports in literacy.


P4A chose their first animal for their information reports which was an Cheetah.  Over the course of the week they researched facts, looked at images and completed their first information report. They showed fantastic research skills and creativity with their drawings.


Aadya said: “I love cheetahs so this was fun to research. It is very sad that they are endangered”


P4A have also been working on division and multiplication. P4A have shown they are improving their times table skills and should keep up their hard work at home.


Vivien “ I liked doing our maths assessment this week and doing division”


The lovely weather on Thursday afternoon allowed P4A to go outside at the end of the day for some games. The pupils love being outside and they had a great time in the sun.


Chahiti “I liked playing hot potato with the ball with my friends and Miss Maxwell, it was so nice”


On Friday, P4A used the netbooks for their technology time. Here they made powerpoints about something they learned throughout the week.


Ethan “ I enjoyed making my powerpoint about division and other maths symbols. This is so that people know their maths symbols”


Throughout HWB this week P4A explored the human heart. They learned all of the functions of the heart and how we must keep it healthy as best we can.

Hasika “ I liked the facts about the heart, we learned that the heart beats 100,000 beats a day which is so cool”


Our hot chocolate winner this week is Hasika. Well done for all of your hard work!


Have an amazing week off P4A!


Stay safe and enjoy yourselves.


Miss Maxwell 🙂

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