This week has been a really fun one for primary 3!
We have been working hard on our spelling and word boost, as well as revising how to use exclamation marks, question marks and full stops. We have spent lots of time revising our spelling pattern this week which was adding ‘un’ and ‘dis’ to the starts of words to change their meaning.
We have been focussing on finishing off our subtraction by looking at the column or chimney method. Everyone did great at this and worked through our work stations brilliantly. Our beyond number focus is now time, this week we looked at the minute hand and identified ‘o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to’ we then made posters explaining what they meant to help us in the future when we are telling the time.
We have again had a focus on teamwork and how important it is, this week we did a lifeboat and a hula hoop drop challenge and everyone did amazing. There was lots of incredible teamwork on display and we had a great time out in the muga doing it.
We have been creating a fact file, all about West Lothian, and this week, as a class, we wrote an introduction to West Lothian and what is on offer to come here to see. We created it using everyone’s input on amazing adjectives we could use, as well as making our sentences better and more exciting with exclamation marks.
We have been helping the upper school, who collaborated and wrote some short stories, by designing front covers for them. A lot of hard work and time has went into them and we can’t wait to see what they will look like when they’re done.
Well done to everyone of a fab week, you’ve all worked so hard and have had lots of fun!
well done to all prize winners this week.
Have a lovely week off and I will see you all in 10 days!!
Miss Duddy