St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 7th February 2025


We have had another busy week in P2/1!

On Monday, we used photographs from our walk last week to plot different places on a map. We had to work in teams to sort them. Then we drew our own pictures of the different places onto a map. Some of us even tried to spell the names of the different places.

In maths, we have continued our work on time and subtraction. We enjoyed playing ghost blasters on the smartboard to help us with our subtraction skills. We started to learn about counting in 2s and we used love heart beads and the pop its to practice.

In Literacy, we have been practising reading and spelling words using all the different sounds we know. We have also been reading short sentences and showing we know what they mean by picking the correct picture to match the sentence. For writing, we linked this with our topic work and wrote about places we found in Deans. The staff were very impressed with our writing and how we all tried to use the sounds we know to write the different words.

We took part in an Author’s Live event with Jackie Kay. She read us her new book ‘Coorie Doon’ and talked about different Scots words. She was very enthusiastic about Scots words and we loved listening to her.

On Thursday, we attended Mass at St. Peter’s Church. We showed very respectful behaviour throughout mass and listened well to Fr Clement. We were complimented again by members of the congregation for our excellent behaviour.

The staff have been changing our area and we got to spend Thursday afternoon with the P1 class trying out the new areas. We particularly enjoyed using the junk modelling area and the Osmos in the Technology area.

For Outdoor Learning this week we played a game where we worked in teams to find the correct words on the cones to match the picture Miss Stebbing showed us. Then we had to write the words with chalk in the big playground. Finally, we spent some time in the woodland.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Joseph – I enjoyed writing about Deans.

Zenith – I enjoyed playing at the colouring table.

Harrison – I enjoyed reading the reading books.

Dawid – I enjoyed playing in the ice cream shop.

Miles – I enjoyed playing with the chalk.

Congratulations to Hallie who is our Hot Chocolate winner this week. She always shows respectful behaviour and is a fantastic friend to others.

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