Dear Readers!
We hope you are all well and super proud of P6B!
We won the West Lothian Sumdog Challenge and managed to end 1st Overall! So,so proud! Team work did make the dream work! Thank you very much to all the ones who have put all your effort into this! It’s really special! ♥
Here you can see our beautiful certificate:
We were also the daily winners every single day but as each class can only get that prize once, here is our certificate for one of the 6 days that we won!
This was obviously the most important thing from our week but here are the other highlights:
- Our Spelling work and spelling assessment on Friday with the words from the Elsewhere Emporium, which is almost finishing and super exciting, as always!
- Our division sums of 3 and 4 digits that we have spent the whole week practising and have been enjoying more and more!
- Adding more verses with words in Scots to the traditional song Katie Bairdie. We have enjoyed so much this activity that some of us have decided to do more than the double of what they had been asked to do! And they are really funny!
- This week we have had our first session of the Pope Francis Faith Award and some of the children are already gathering evidence, it’s simply amazing!
- We have looked up and read the Scripture about the Beatitudes according to Matthew and the discussion around them was extremely positive and took us to problems in different countries, including Syria and North Korea.
- Our posters for the Rights Respecting wall of the school have been finished and some of the best ones have been displayed. Although we would have liked many more to be displayed we had to share the display with P6A so only a few of each class could fit in.
- We would like to congratulate our Hot Chocolate of the week, Maeve, for being an excellent example of good behaviour, listening and respectfulness! Well done, Maeve!
- Congratulations also to the Cheese table, who have had an amazing week being independent, quick to follow instructions and always neat and tidy! Well done to Szymon, Mariam and Ishani M!
We say goodbye for now wishing all a very good February break with lots of happy moments spent together!
P6B and Mrs Valente