Hi families of P4A!
We have had a lovely week this week and we can’t wait to share with you the highlights.
The favourite day of the week was Friday, we had a day dedicated to Chinese New Year. During the day we made our own dragon masks and fortune cookies. We listened to authentic Chinese music and explored the culture.
Ethan said “I loved everything about today and Chinese New Year is very special to me. It was nice to celebrate with my friends”.
On Thursday, P4A explored their new writing genre which is information reports. They have looked closely at the genre and all the relevant points that they need to meet in each piece of writing. They brainstormed ideas on their tables with their peers and showed some perfect examples of animals that they can use for their reports.
Zion said “I liked writing down my ideas on the tables it was very fun”
Linda also said: “It was so fun writing down our work on the tables and I think my first animal I would like to do a report on is a narwhal”.
P4A have begun looking at the sacrament of First Communion which lots of children in the class are due to make in May. P4A as a whole class are looking at ways that they can support all of those who are making the sacrament.
P4A worked very hard to create a news report based on the storm that we had last weekend. They used technology in a variety of ways to generate their news report. Well done P4A you were all so creative!
Pupils enjoyed doing some drama on Thursday about the importance of internet safety. This is something that we have looked at a lot over the past two weeks. It was great to see the knowledge that the pupils have of the rules of using the internet and ways to keep safe.
Skyler “I loved doing drama, it was so fun to do it with my friends”
Our hot chocolate winner of the week goes to Tadiwa. Well done!
Our new reading champion for the next two weeks is Chahiti! Well done.
Have a fantastic weekend P4A.
Miss Maxwell