St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

This week in P1


What a fantastic week we have had in P1, we have all been following our schools rules to be Ready, Respectful and Safe.

We learned our final initial sounds this week j and qu and enjoyed making a jellyfish craft and quail. We worked on bending our sounds together to make words and also read words than use these sounds.

Daniel – I liked the jelly and jam song.

In math this week we have been learning to tell the time to o’clock. We had lots of fun making an analogue clock and also playing the Stop the Clock game.

Alfie – I liked when Mrs Russell said a time and we had to put the time on our clock.

On Wednesday we learned about and celebrated Chinese New Year. We made a snake craft and also a Chinese lantern. We also made a red envelope and wrote some facts about Chinese New Year.

Cerys – I liked making a snake because it is year of the snake.

We have been learning about substances and which are safe and unsafe for us to touch or drink. We also learned about medicines and how to take medicine safely.

Our topic is ‘Our Local Area’ and we went for a walk to see what amenities around our school. We walked to Morrisons and bought some oranges, which are a special fruit at Chinese New Year.

Felix – Morrisons

Ava – The park

Arush – Houses

Ronak – Parking

We hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

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