St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 31st January 2025


This week we have been learning all about the Chinese New Year celebrations. We look at China on Google Earth and we loved seeing the Great Wall of China and all the different buildings. For Word Boost, we have been reading the book ‘Dragons in the City’ to learn about all the different customs of Chinese New Year. We watched a video about the story of the Chinese Zodiac and enjoyed retelling the story using the puppets. Ask us what animal represents the year we were born. We have created a Chinese Restaurant role play area and we have enjoyed using chopsticks and cooking lots of food. We made our own dragons and some special red envelopes. We wrote a sentence using because to say if we like the lion dancer or the dragon puppet the best.

In literacy, we have been learning the sounds ‘qu’ and ‘y’. We have been reading in our reading groups and showing confidence in discussing the text.

In maths, we have continued our work on time and we have been focussing on digital times. We made our own analogue clocks and played some games on the Smartboard. We kept trying to beat the best time and Joseph managed to get 18 seconds!

In RE, we talked about how the Bible is a special book and how we must be respectful when holding it.

We have continued our work on our Local Area topic and talked about different types of houses. We enjoyed comparing our local area to Beijing in China when looking at the two places on Google Earth.

On Friday, we went a walk around the local area with the P1s. We had to direct the staff to go left, right or straight ahead and we discussed the different buildings we saw on our walk. We went into Morrison’s to buy some prawn crackers but they did not have any left so we bought some oranges instead as they are a lucky fruit for Chinese New Year. One of the staff in Morrisons was so impressed with our behaviour they gave us some mini donuts to have as a snack back at school.

Here are some of our learning highlights this week:

Dawid – I enjoyed playing the time game.

Vivian – I am proud of my writing.

Miles – I enjoyed playing in the Chinese kitchen.

Vihaan – I enjoyed trying to make a dragon.

Zenith – I enjoyed making my envelope.

Hallie – I enjoyed writing about the dragon.

Congratulations to Elsie who is our Reading Champion for this fortnight. She has been trying very hard during our group reading sessions. Also, congratulations to Vihaan who is our hot chocolate winner for trying to concentrate well on his tasks this week.


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