Dear Readers,
We hope you are all very well and have kept safe from last week’s storm.
The highlights of the week were:
- Reading Comprehension about Robert Burns’ life and career, to deepen even more our understanding of this great symbol of Scotland.
- Reading, acting out, understanding and having a go at translating the poem A dug, a dug, which we enjoyed very much.
- Through God’s Loving Plan, learning about the male and female reproductive systems and the physical and psychological changes boys and girls experience throughout puberty. We have had the opportunity to ask questions about, discuss and even act out different scenarios to explore the psychological changes and the ‘rollercoaster’ of emotions that our hormones force us to go through during this period of our lives, in order to prepare us to face them in a better way.
- Regarding our Rights, we have focussed on Articles 24 and 33, and on how they say children are entitled to protection from the harmful use of drugs. We have explored good drugs, including the ones which help our bodies in case of disease, vaccines and inhalers, and the bad ones, the ones that can harm us. A distinction was also made between legal and illegal drugs and we realised that, although legal, drugs like tobacco and alcohol are also very bad. Another important aspect of our work had to do with the need to keep children away from all kinds of drugs and medicines and it was very reassuring to hear many of us telling about the locked medicine cupboards in our homes.
- We continue working on division and as our times tables practice is essential for this everyone would benefit from working on them until they are experts!
- As today is the first day of the new West Lothian Sumdog Competition, we have been given some time to play Sumdog and try to beat P7A, who actually came to challenge us! We have tried very hard and will continue to do so until the very last day, Thursday the 6th, when we expect to get at least a decent result.
- Many congratulations to Markuss, our Hot Chocolate of the Week, who, this week, has managed to actively and enthusiastically participate in all the activities of the class! Well done! Keep up the great work!
- Congratulations also to Twinnie, who is our Reader Leader of the Fortnight because of how much she has been improving her reading skills!
- Finally, congratulations to the Crusty Crabs for being, once again, the Table of the Week!
Good luck to all the other tables for the coming weeks!
That’s all for now, we say goodbye wishing everyone a super weekend!
P6B and Mrs Valente