This week we have been doing lots of learning with our robots. We worked in teams to order the robots in height order and then sorted them according to different criteria. On Tuesday, when we arrived at school, we found the robots playing in the area! We wrote a sentence about what they were doing on some special robot writing paper. Our buddies came down for a visit to see our robots and we confidently explained how we made them. Then we were able to take our robots home which was very exciting.
We have continued our work on God’s Loving Plan this week and talked about Mary the mother of Jesus and our own mum. We also learned about the parts of the body and labelled a picture correctly. We attended Mass at St Peter’s on Wednesday with P1, P5B and P7B. We showed respectful behaviour and the staff were extremely proud of us.
In Literacy, we have been learning the sounds ‘w’ and ‘j’. We were very excited to have a green sound. We have been using our sounds to spell words and to read and match the words and pictures. We have been reading books in Scots and enjoyed ‘The Tale of the Wee Mowdie’ and also ‘There was a Wee Lassie Who Swallowed a Midgie’. We have enjoyed watching Wee TV and joined in with the Shooglie Wooglie, a game about body parts in Scots and we listened to the story of the 3 wee pigs which was very funny!
We started our new topic all about our local area. We learned about what country we lived in and we are all able to correctly identify Scotland on a map.