St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

W/E 17/01/2025


Welcome families of P4A

This week P4A have been working hard throughout all of their tasks. For the new term, I have attached the term overview, highlighting all areas that we will cover in both P4A and P4B. You can find this on the post above.

Throughout the week pupils have explored a new topic of data analysis. Throughout data analysis, pupils have been learning how to interpret numerical data and create their own ways of displaying data.

In literacy, pupils have been exploring some Scots language. Here they have read some famous poems written by Robert Burns and have translated some of the everyday words we know into Scots. Pupils have created sentences, substituting the English words for Scots and are gaining a solid understanding of this.

Building Thinking Classrooms is continuing to be utilised in order to boost pupil’s problem solving abilities. It too, boosts communication, team work and allows pupils to challenge themselves. This is becoming an integral part of our daily routine in class and pupils are excelling their skills.

Pupils really enjoyed the bread experiment that they carried out on Thursday with Mr Pentland and cannot wait to see what results come in the next few weeks! They are testing the importance of hygiene and are developing their understanding of why we should always ensure we have clean hands.

P4A have enjoyed lots of technology time this week as they have researched Scottish cities, landmarks and famous Scots. Pupils displayed their information that they gathered of our new IDL focus on PowerPoints. Some children volunteered to showcase their work to the class which was very informative! Well done.

On Wednesday, the weather was lovely so we spent our time for PE outside playing lots of games and having fun! We had some relay races, football and dance. Pupils took the lead and were able to show off their own talents and skills. They each took groups and held mini lessons in the playground. Well done Primary 4, this was a great lesson had by all.

Some pupil highlights of the week;

Hasika – “I enjoyed the Robert Burns work and reading the poems he wrote”

Vivien- “I loved taking my mini stretching/dance lesson with some of the class when we were outside for PE”

Jack- “I liked when we went out for football at the end of the day with Mr Pentland”

Ethan- “I liked making my own PowerPoint about the Loch Ness monster, I am really getting better with my technology skills”

Jiade- “I like our new work we did in maths. I liked making the bar charts”

Our new reading champion for the next two weeks is Zion. Well done for always reading amazingly Zion!

Our hot chocolate winner of the week goes to Jack. Keep up all of your hard work! Well done.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

Miss Maxwell

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