St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

This week in P1


We have has a fun week this week in P1, there has been lots going on.

Our highlight of the week was making our robots. Everyone had the chance to build a robot any size or shape that they liked. They did such an amazing job on them.

Continuing with the theme of robots, we learned about what an algorithm is and came up with our own set of commands to direct an animal to a specific place.

We wrote about a our bedtime routine, well done to our Star Writers – Alfie, Ronak, Emilio and Franek who used their sounds and knowledge of sentences so well to make super sentences.

In math this week we continued our learning on subtraction by counting out objects to find our starting number and then taking a number of objects away to find out the total that were left.

Today we celebrated 100 days of school! We were all very excited to arrive into school to a banner and streamers over the door. We started the day colouring in and cutting out our own ‘100 days smarter’ hat to wear and then had so much fun counting 100 cheerios to make a 100 day necklace. We are super proud of all our P1’s and so to celebrate 100 days, we had a 100 day snack.

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