St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 6A Learning Highlights 17/1/25


Dear Parents and Carers,

This week has been a particularly busy week for both P6 classes as they have been practising and rehearsing for our Burns’ Supper which will take place on Thursday 23rd January. We are all really looking forward to our Parents and carers coming to see our performance!

In topic we have been working in pairs to research Robert Burns and create amazing posters.

We have also been creating and designing programme covers, the best one from each class will appear on the actual programme!

In numeracy, our class has been investigating square numbers, square roots and products. We have all really enjoyed this!

Primary 6 have started their God’s Loving Plan programme and have participated in some interesting and beneficial discussions with each other. We are learning about how our body gradually changes throughout life.

Our class took part in the bleep test during our P.E lesson to improve our fitness levels.


Congratulations to Emily on being nominated our Hot Chocolate winner this week!

Have an amazing weekend!

Mrs Lea and Primary 6A

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