Dear Readers,
We hope you are all well.
The highlights of this week were:
- Continuing our research on Robert Burns, his family and work.
- In Maths, we have worked hard on division and although some of us are still finding it a bit difficult, we are getting better at it.
- We have started God’s Loving Plan and we have been exploring how God has a plan for each of us and how growing up and changing in many ways is part of that plan. It has been very enjoyable to see how much the majority of us have been contributing to various discussions regarding the various sub themes of God’s Loving Plan.
- Creating the cover and back cover for the Programme of our Burns Supper!
- Practising the songs for our Burns Supper!
- Practising for our Burns Supper!
- In PE, we have done the Bleep tests and fitness tests and ended up being so, so, so, so very tired after both!
- Fortunately, we have also managed to read our novel, the Elsewhere Emporium, which is getting more and more interesting by the minute!
- To finish the week we went to St. Peter’s Church and attended Mass, during which Father Clement asked everyone to be good friends to one another. It was a beautiful message and we discussed it in class after coming back to school.♥
- We would like to congratulate the first 2 Hot Chocolates of 2025, one form last week and the other one from this week, Miss Layla and Miss Leah!
Well done girls. you have been kind, caring and doing your job of keeping the classroom tidy brilliantly!
- Well done also to the Cheese table, the 1st ones to follow instructions and keep their working space nice and tidy!
That’s all for now! We wish everyone a great weekend and expect to see you all in our Burns Supper, on Thursday!
P6B and Mrs Valente