Hello families of P5B!
This is our 2nd post of the week. I hope you enjoyed the pictures from our school trip to Bannockburn on Tuesday. Here are our highlights this week as recorded by the Red table:
Cohen has been enjoying maths this week. He especially liked the lessons when we multiplied 4 digit numbers by 1 digit. We discussed the importance of layout so that the correct answers would be placed in the correct place value column, otherwise we will get the wrong answer.
Olek reports also enjoying maths. For World Logic Day (we had to celebrate it the following day due to our trip) we did some Sudoku puzzles. We started off with 4 by 4 ones until the children grasped the idea then progressed to 6 by 6 and some children challenged themselves with 9 by 9! Impressive work everyone!
Rowan, who is a lover of all things to do with the Scottish Wars of Independence, said that the trip to Bannockburn was his highlight. His favourite part? Sitting at the back of the bus!
Kacper liked the step by step instructional drawing of the polar bears that the class did. This linked to our Free Writing Friday story about a polar bear which will in turn link to a near future information report we will examine about one. They look amazing!
Scott recounts how the best part of his week was completing the Bleep Test with Mrs Lafferty. He was proud of his results.
Moeez liked the French lesson with Miss Smith were they continued with their learning of greetings.
Matthias’ highlight was our lesson about Robert Burns. We learned about his life, what inspired his poems and we examined one in detail called, ‘To a Mouse’. A big thank you to our P6 helpers Matteo and Jude for helping us with this. These boy confidently explained the meaning of the poem. Afterwards we went to the woods to find inspiration in nature for poems we will write next week. Matthias thought that the ‘True or False’ warm-up game about Burn’s life to be very enjoyable. Some children took it in turns to read out statements and the class had to stand in the ‘True’ or ‘False’ side of the room. We were DELIGHTED to hear that he wrote a poem about the Battle of Bannockburn!
My highlight was our RE lesson continuing on from last week about our conscience and asking for forgiveness. We listened to the Bible story about Creation and Adam and Eve. The children were astounded to learn that their actions in the Garden of Eden, when they ate the apple, led to sin and suffering entering the perfect world that God created for us. We discussed being accountable for our sins (as Adam tried to blame Eve) and how we are forgiven through the death of Jesus on the cross. We discussed again about examining our conscience and asking for forgiveness and asking God to help us try again to be better friends, better Christians, better sons and daughters…….This is the good news, that we will be forgiven and God remembers those sins no more. We can start again, try again. This was a very memorable and special lesson.
Congratulations to our hot chocolate award winner Vinayakarthik and Cohen, our Reading Champ!