St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P6B – 1st post of 2025!


Dear Readers,

We hope you have all had amazing holidays and start by wishing you a very Happy New Year!😃🎉

This term, we will be trying to have our boys and girls writing the blog or at least taking notes of the things that mattered the most during the week. That has already happened this week and as our Blog monitors until the end of January are Jude and Millie, they were the ones to write down most of what you will read. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that this has been an exceptional week since we have spent most of the time working on the organisation of our Burns Supper and therefore didn’t follow our weekly timetable. So, according to Jude and Millie, the Highlights of the week were:

  • Looking at the parts, poems and songs for our Burns Supper.
  • Practising daily with P6A in their classroom for our Burns Supper.
  • In PE we went to the hall and played dodgeball. (We split into teams of two, and if you got hit with the ball, you would have to stand on the bench till you catch the ball on the bench, you could join in again, though the ball had to been thrown by someone in your team.)
  • We learnt about the poem Address to The Haggis, by Robert Burns, have translated it into English and have studied what it meant.
  • We have also been working together with P6A in Music 🎵🎵🎵🎵 to learn our four songs for the Burns Supper.
  • We have particularly enjoyed rewriting the Toast to the lassies and the Toast to the laddies and can’t wait for all of you to listen to them!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • Because we could not be reciting a poem that we don’t understand, we have also learned about the poem To a Mouse, by Robert Burns, and got extremely surprised at what it actually meant and also at the way the author was directly talking to the mouse!
  • Since we have been so busy with all things related to Robert Burns and our Burns Supper, we have only had the chance to read two chapters of the Elsewhere Emporium, which wasn’t very good!
  • Some of us felt really confident about reciting Burns’ poems so we have had many people auditioning to recite a whole poem, all by themselves. It was great to see how much effort was put into that by so many boys and girls!
  • Our intensive research on Robert Burns’ life, to help us try and understand better his work and the reasons behind it.
  • We finished the week practising all together in the Upper Area and we are more and more looking forward for all of you to come and see us!

It’s all for now! We finish this post wishing everyone a happy new week when it comes!😃

P6B and Mrs Valente😘😘

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